Up to 300 million expected at Rally to Restore Sanity

Btw,see how we're not viciously bashing Stewart and Colbert's rally like the hateful Democrat Wingnuts did with Beck's rally? I think it's great Stewart is having this rally. It's what America is all about. Both rallies are not political and that's why i still can't understand all that bitter hate that came from the Democrats when Beck had his rally. I hope everyone has a great time at Stewart's rally this weekend. Seriously,i mean it.

Not sure if I weighed in on his rally or not, I only saw a couple of clips but this is more my kind of event.

I hope they had fun at the Beck rally too. They don't seem like it tho. Sorry.
I wish nothing but a good time for all attending Stewart & Colbert's rally. I just wish the Democrat Wingnuts could have been as gracious and "Sane" when Beck had his rally. Have a great weekend all! Isn't America Awesome?
I wish nothing but a good time for all attending Stewart & Colbert's rally. I just wish the Democrat Wingnuts could have been as gracious and "Sane" when Beck had his rally. Have a great weekend all! Isn't America Awesome?

Your hate and bitterness is unwelcome.
I like Stewart and Colbert. So i'll take them at their word that this isn't a Politcal Rally. I really do hope everyone attending has an awesome time. :)
I like the signs. They had one that said Obama is worse than Charlie Chaplin.
America is the greatest country in the world
Country in the world
Country in the world
America is the greatest country in the world
Made for you and me...............

Loved Cobert and Stewart's Duet! :clap2:
I like Stewart and Colbert. So i'll take them at their word that this isn't a Politcal Rally. I really do hope everyone attending has an awesome time. :)

Why would anyone think fear was political?
I like Stewart and Colbert. So i'll take them at their word that this isn't a Politcal Rally. I really do hope everyone attending has an awesome time. :)

Why would anyone think fear was political?

Some are trying to make this political. The replies to this post will deteriorate very soon. I really do enjoy Stewart and Colbert's shows so i will take them at their word when they say this rally isn't about politics. Some are clearly trying to use it for some kind of political advantage. It's the underlying current i'm detecting so far. People should just have fun and enjoy the entertainment. It's not about politics.
I like Stewart and Colbert. So i'll take them at their word that this isn't a Politcal Rally. I really do hope everyone attending has an awesome time. :)

Why would anyone think fear was political?

Some are trying to make this political. The replies to this post will deteriorate very soon. I really do enjoy Stewart and Colbert's shows so i will take them at their word when they say this rally isn't about politics. Some are clearly trying to use it for some kind of political advantage. It's the underlying current i'm detecting so far. People should just have fun and enjoy the entertainment. It's not about politics.

Damn it!

I hate when I have to asmit you are right Libo. I just played the tape backwards and it says...

Hopey Changey forever.......Tea Baggers are Gay!
If this isn't a Political Rally,why are some here tring to gain some sort of politcal advantage out of it? Some are doing this and you know who you are. Stewart & Colbert have said all along that this isn't a Political Rally. So just have some fun and enjoy the entertainment.
If this isn't a Political Rally,why are some here tring to gain some sort of politcal advantage out of it? Some are doing this and you know who you are. Stewart & Colbert have said all along that this isn't a Political Rally. So just have some fun and enjoy the entertainment.

You have posted this same statement about 10 times already.

I think I need to check to see if you really are a spam-bot like people say.

Glad you are enjoying the show fyi!
If this isn't a Political Rally,why are some here tring to gain some sort of politcal advantage out of it? Some are doing this and you know who you are. Stewart & Colbert have said all along that this isn't a Political Rally. So just have some fun and enjoy the entertainment.

I think several people were trying before you killed this thread.
If this isn't a Political Rally,why are some here tring to gain some sort of politcal advantage out of it? Some are doing this and you know who you are. Stewart & Colbert have said all along that this isn't a Political Rally. So just have some fun and enjoy the entertainment.

I think several people were trying before you killed this thread.

Just post around him. It's not like he has anything to say he hasn't already said 10 times anyway. Broken Record Libbie, aka C. P. Libotroll....nothing if not predictable.
If this isn't a Political Rally,why are some here tring to gain some sort of politcal advantage out of it? Some are doing this and you know who you are. Stewart & Colbert have said all along that this isn't a Political Rally. So just have some fun and enjoy the entertainment.

I think several people were trying before you killed this thread.

Not that a great of a thread. lol! Play by Play cheerleading for a "Non Political Rally?" Kind of lame. I think there's a couple of other threads on the same subject anyway. So it's not too original ether. For a "Non-Political Rally" some of you guys sure are trying to squeeze some political mileage out of it no? Pretty disingenuous and desperate in my opinion. Have fun though. :)
Could be the largest gathering in history!

Stage set on National Mall for Stewart, Colbert rally - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- Comedy Central funnymen Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will hold a rally on the National Mall Saturday, putting a satirical spin on partisan politics three days before midterm elections.

Stewart and Colbert's "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" is scheduled to start at noon.

They announced the rally in September, less than three weeks after conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck hosted a much-publicized "Restoring Honor" rally on the National Mall, urging large crowds to "turn back to God" and return America to the values on which it was founded.

Since then, Stewart's rally has grabbed headlines -- many asking, could the man making a living off mocking politicians actually be stepping into political activism?

The comedian hasn't offered many specifics.

"This is for the people that are too busy, that have jobs and lives, and are tired of their reflection in the media as being a divided country and a country that's ideological and conflicted and fighting. This is for those people," Stewart told CNN's Larry King

partisan politics? Sure stewerts partisan to the democrats. After all he did have obama on his show three days ago.

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