Upcoming Anniversary: October 1st Will Mark 18 Years Of No Global Warming…

The chart that drives the AWG cult mad as it based on real science:


Now watch them denounce real science to promote their religious dogma.
no warming for 18 years, even the IPCC stated that at least. Yet the whack00 k00ks on here can't even read that correctly. Leaves me to believe they just don't read at all. Glory to God in the Highest and peace and good will to all Deniers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.

It must really suck to be a Warmer these days, given the gnashing of teeth over factual evidence that contradicts your religion.
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.

It must really suck to be a Warmer these days, given the gnashing of teeth over factual evidence that contradicts your religion.

the Earth is just a big fat stinking DENIER!!!!!!!
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.
what the f are you talkin about you scumbag? Again nothing worthy to discuss. Can you say scumbag?.

or is it just more :poop::poop::poop:
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.

Why is Planet Earth a DENIER!!!!!!!!!?
Despite the lack of global warming, the Warners will never drop the issue. That's the nature of Big Government Agendas & Bureaucracy. They never reach their goals By Design...the funding must flow.....

So you understand what a conspiracy cult loon you look like, right?

If you've chased away all your friends with your lunacy and now have nobody around to break bad news to you, consider this to be your intervention. Normal people consider you to be a cult moron.

Pity the poor deniers, reduced to nothing but mewling about the great global socialist conspiracy. Anyone with guts and honesty fled from that cult long ago.The only ones left in in the denier cult are the sheep who simply wouldn't know how to survive without the herd.
what the f are you talkin about you scumbag? Again nothing worthy to discuss. Can you say scumbag?.

Mamooth has several canister of CO2 strapped to a vest and will walk into a crowed place and yell "AGW AKBARRRRR" and release the deadly gas


Little things like facts don’t bother the Goracle and his disciples.


According to the datasets used last year, October 1st will mark the 18th year of “no significant warming trend in surface average temperature,” says Patrick Michaels, director of the Cato Institute’s Center for the Study of Science.
And even if the current 18-year trend were to end, it would still take nearly 25 years for average global temperature figures to reflect the change, said Michaels, who has a Ph.D. in ecological climatology and spent three decades as a research professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia.
Sooner or later, even Al Gore and the numerous scientists, academics and politicians who agree with him that “Earth has a fever” will have to admit that their climate models predicting catastrophic global warming were off by a long shot, said Michaels, who was also a contributing editor to the United Nations’ second Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
“It has to be admitted eventually that too much warming was forecast too fast. That just has to happen. You can’t go on and on and on,” he told CNSNews.com.
Keep reading…

Upcoming Anniversary October 1st Will Mark 18 Years Of No Global Warming 8230 Weasel Zippers

In other news, no rain over a period of months is NOT a drought, the permafrost is NOT melting, glaciers are not receding, and numerous species are not migrating to latitudes and altitudes where they previously have not been seen.

Stay tuned for CNSNews.com next issue when they explain that vaccinations are a liberal


Little things like facts don’t bother the Goracle and his disciples.


According to the datasets used last year, October 1st will mark the 18th year of “no significant warming trend in surface average temperature,” says Patrick Michaels, director of the Cato Institute’s Center for the Study of Science.
And even if the current 18-year trend were to end, it would still take nearly 25 years for average global temperature figures to reflect the change, said Michaels, who has a Ph.D. in ecological climatology and spent three decades as a research professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia.
Sooner or later, even Al Gore and the numerous scientists, academics and politicians who agree with him that “Earth has a fever” will have to admit that their climate models predicting catastrophic global warming were off by a long shot, said Michaels, who was also a contributing editor to the United Nations’ second Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
“It has to be admitted eventually that too much warming was forecast too fast. That just has to happen. You can’t go on and on and on,” he told CNSNews.com.
Keep reading…

Upcoming Anniversary October 1st Will Mark 18 Years Of No Global Warming 8230 Weasel Zippers

Stay tuned for the next issue of CNSNews.com when you'll read how prolonged periods of no rain is NOT a drought, the permafrost is NOT melting, glaciers are NOT receding, and plant and animal species are NOT migrating to higher altitudes and latitudes where they've previously never been seen.

Also in the next issue, see the evidence that vaccinations are a unBiblical liberal plot to infect your children with virulent forms of fatal illnesses in an effort to make you dependent on Obamacare.
Pity the poor cultists, all under the impression that repeating a crazy lie will magically it true.

Deniers, you're going to wake up tomorrow, and you'll still be irrelevant cult morons. You'll scream on a message board, and it won't change a thing. And so it will go for the rest of your lives. Sucks to be you, eh?

The tragedy is that it didn't have to happen. I warned you all about the lives of humiliation you'd be setting yourselves up for if you joined the cult, but did you listen? Nooooooo. You kooks never listen. You need the structure and emotional support of the cult too badly. I just hope that those warm fuzzies you get from the affirmations of your fellow cultists will make up for the rest of the world pointing at you and laughing.
Now that is just too special. I love it when a warmer is finally overwhelmed!!!!

Pity the poor cultists, all under the impression that repeating a crazy lie will magically it true.

Deniers, you're going to wake up tomorrow, and you'll still be irrelevant cult morons. You'll scream on a message board, and it won't change a thing. And so it will go for the rest of your lives. Sucks to be you, eh?

The tragedy is that it didn't have to happen. I warned you all about the lives of humiliation you'd be setting yourselves up for if you joined the cult, but did you listen? Nooooooo. You kooks never listen. You need the structure and emotional support of the cult too badly. I just hope that those warm fuzzies you get from the affirmations of your fellow cultists will make up for the rest of the world pointing at you and laughing.

You are so confused. AGW is the cult...so the only rational interpretation is that you are engaging in rather unattractive Self Pity.
The biggest "denier"


AGW Cult members have soldiered on with their fear based propaganda through 18 straight years of failure- but that's still not enough!!!

I really wish they'd make a death pact- where they'd all agree to drink some Kool-aid (ala Jonestown) if the planet doesn't cooperate by 2015. It's the right thing to do. Walk the walk bitches!!
The biggest "denier"


AGW Cult members have soldiered on with their fear based propaganda through 18 straight years of failure- but that's still not enough!!!

I really wish they'd make a death pact- where they'd all agree to drink some Kool-aid (ala Jonestown) if the planet doesn't cooperate by 2015. It's the right thing to do. Walk the walk bitches!!

But only because that will lower Earth's carbon footprint
The biggest "denier"


AGW Cult members have soldiered on with their fear based propaganda through 18 straight years of failure- but that's still not enough!!!

I really wish they'd make a death pact- where they'd all agree to drink some Kool-aid (ala Jonestown) if the planet doesn't cooperate by 2015. It's the right thing to do. Walk the walk bitches!!

Or at a minimum, they should forgo all the trappings of an advanced technology based society, and go back to living like cavemen.
Now that is just too special. I love it when a warmer is finally overwhelmed!!!!

And jc proudly announces his cult's strategy. Don't even pretend to care about the science ... just try to dogpile people! The cult commands!

Sadly for the cultists, they don't become competitive until they have at least 10:1 odds in their favor. Think of jackals trying pull down a lion.
There's no Global Warming, er, just as predicted by the 100% Accurate Retroactive AGWCult Models!

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