UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election –Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit

One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
Those have already been looked at and debunked.

Get over it.
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They have disgraced their oaths to the office with this madness, and will embarrass themselves once again with this childish behavior.

I still don't understand what Ted Cruz intends to accomplish. As he said of the disputed multiple electors from 1877

Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.

Ted Cruz wants ...

Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

Congress can't accept EC votes not voted on the date set for the electors to vote on December 14th, no more than states can accept votes by the people from a special election held after election day in November.

Congress can give the thumbs up or thumbs down to votes by the electoral college. But they can't accept votes not received by the January 6th deadline.
The world's foremost TDS expert Tiny Tony Fauci said there is a new strain of TDS called TDS 1.6.21. And TDS 1.6.21 is obviously gonna be popping off like crazy January 6! :laugh:

You are a prime example of it. You are verey stupid which proves you have TDS.
So do the Democrats Too Dumb to Steal. You have been caught.
This coming from the guy who just admitted he doesn't know because he had to ask why. Lol! Folks this is funny as shit. He got caught in his own pile of lying crap.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.

BNo there are not you lying weasel. The machine count and the hand count confirmj the count was correct.
It was doing that over and over? We are talking about a video. What a stupid thing to say.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No they don't dumb ass because you can't see what's under that table. You are a pos fucking liar.
The ballots being recounted is clearly visible. Why was only one table covered in that room? It is obvious fraud to anyone but a complete moron or one dishonest lying son of a bitch.

So are you a moron?

You are the moron.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.

But one unsubstantiated, anonymous complaint was credible?

How so?
Did you not read my post at all?

"Dozens of credible accusations by real people".

Not one.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Lol!! You've been told it shows something it doesn't. You're gullible enough to believe it.

This is more than usually appropriate:

Don't be stupider than you have to be.
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They have disgraced their oaths to the office with this madness, and will embarrass themselves once again with this childish behavior.

I still don't understand what Ted Cruz intends to accomplish. As he said of the disputed multiple electors from 1877

Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.

Ted Cruz wants ...

Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

Congress can't accept EC votes not voted on the date set for the electors to vote on December 14th, no more than states can accept votes by the people from a special election held after election day in November.

Congress can give the thumbs up or thumbs down to votes by the electoral college. But they can't accept votes not received by the January 6th deadline.
He doesn't know what he wants to accomplish himself. He's throwing spaghetti up against the wall pretending he can wiggle around with some Constitutional babble to make it sound real.

Cruz is there for the showing. Politically he is making a calculated risk for a future presidential run.

The problem Cruz and the rest of them have, is the fact that there is nothing being disputed other than the magical thinking of voter fraud. They are showing up to this gun fight essentially with no bullets. They're going to be the laughing stock when this is over. And they don't seem to care.
They have disgraced their oaths to the office with this madness, and will embarrass themselves once again with this childish behavior.

I still don't understand what Ted Cruz intends to accomplish. As he said of the disputed multiple electors from 1877

Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.

Ted Cruz wants ...

Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

Congress can't accept EC votes not voted on the date set for the electors to vote on December 14th, no more than states can accept votes by the people from a special election held after election day in November.

Congress can give the thumbs up or thumbs down to votes by the electoral college. But they can't accept votes not received by the January 6th deadline.
what are they trying to accomplish?

"Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden's victory have objected to their own wins on the same day on the same ballots using the same election systems."
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Dude, you can't be that stupid. You got caught with your pants down lying about what's under the table, when you yourself do not know. Stop making an absolute idiot out of yourself. You have boxed yourself in, courtesy of your own words.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump, and liberals lost their fucking minds. They accepted that it must be true, and they accepted it for no other reason than they hated Trump.
Boy oh boy, you got that one wrong. The whistleblower wasn't anonymous to the invesigators, and there was the transcript of the call, the records of OMB, testimony by ambassadors, president's staff involved. I didn't accept it for no reason. Watched the whole thing and read about it, read both arguments here. He was guilty of abuse of power, made the US look like thugs, and should have had his ass kicked to the curb. No reason, indeed.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Dude, you can't be that stupid. You got caught with your pants down lying about what's under the table, when you yourself do not know. Stop making an absolute idiot out of yourself. You have boxed yourself in, courtesy of your own words.
He can't. That would mean admitting tRump lost.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Lol!! You've been told it shows something it doesn't. You're gullible enough to believe it.

This is more than usually appropriate:

Don't be stupider than you have to be.
He can't help it. Stupid is, as stupid does. He doesn't understand that he's already made the argument against himself.
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Dude, you can't be that stupid. You got caught with your pants down lying about what's under the table, when you yourself do not know. Stop making an absolute idiot out of yourself. You have boxed yourself in, courtesy of your own words.
He can't. That would mean admitting tRump lost.
Yep! But boy howdy, has he made a complete fool of himself doing it.
The problem Cruz and the rest of them have, is the fact that there is nothing being disputed other than the magical thinking of voter fraud. They are showing up to this gun fight essentially with no bullets. They're going to be the laughing stock when this is over. And they don't seem to care.
3 U.S.C. 15 tells congress how to count the votes. They open the certificates sent to them from the December 14th EC vote, one by one in alphabetical order starting with "A"

After reading and entering them in the ledger, they call for objections, whereupon they debate for 2 hours and vote thumbs up or thumbs down on accepting the electors.

That's it. There is no mechanism for adding EC votes to the pile after the fact. And no mechanism to make changes to the votes already there, other than to reject them.
what are they trying to accomplish?

"Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden's victory have objected to their own wins on the same day on the same ballots using the same election systems."
Wow! You really don't understand, do you. Crazy stupid.
Other than cheating, that's the only thing you can accomplish right? You certainly haven't proven voter fraud, so what's left on your plate?
One anonymous accusation was made about Trump,
Dozens of credible accusations by real people (not crazy drunks and their "afterdavids" who know the dead people voted because they saw them leaving) and were backed up by real witnesses and recordings.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing as far as this election goes. There are no credible accusations of it either.

Nothing, nada, nope, nyet.
There are videos of people re scanning the same ballots, many times. There are videos of ballots hidden under the only table covered in the whole room. It is right in front of your eyes and you deny it. You are seriously addled.
You are a liar who cannot prove that. Disgusting ass lying pos.
The videos prove it, you stupid bag of shit.
No, they don't.
Then you do not believe what anyone can see? You have serious problems. Maybe politics is too stressful for you.
Dude, you can't be that stupid. You got caught with your pants down lying about what's under the table, when you yourself do not know. Stop making an absolute idiot out of yourself. You have boxed yourself in, courtesy of your own words.
He can't. That would mean admitting tRump lost.
Yep! But boy howdy, has he made a complete fool of himself doing it.
The videos prove fraud. The end.

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