UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election –Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit

Fuck off with that bullshit. They showed the results and ran the tests needed. Your pathetic refusal to believe the truth is astounding. Well not really. Try again loser.
Sure, buddy. Sure they did. And you know this because they crossed their hearts and hope to die if they should tell a lie?
Fuck off until you get something proven in court, otherwise you're just a bunch of internet cranks whining like a bunch of pissants.

The biggest losers are the idiots like you who can't even behave like adults and admit it.
No, you can fuck off and die you lying piece of shit. They showed this with the actual machines retard. Believe the forensics EXPERTS who ran these tests or a lying crybaby like you? No contest loser. Losers are assholes like you who refuse to see the truth. People who act like you don’t get to tell people how to act you whiny proven liar. Now slink off loser.
No, you can fuck off and die you lying piece of shit. They showed this with the actual machines retard. Believe the forensics EXPERTS who ran these tests or a lying crybaby like you? No contest loser. Losers are assholes like you who refuse to see the truth. People who act like you don’t get to tell people how to act you whiny proven liar. Now slink off loser.
They didn’t show shit but you’re too stupid to know the difference. A bunch of Trump worshiping hacks lied to you to soothe your snowflake ego because Trump losing is just too much for you weak losers to handle. You call them experts but they’re just a bunch of lying dumbasses who are as stupid as you to believe this bullshit. I mean, honestly, they’re feeding you bullshit and you just smile and ask for more.

None of this shit is “proven” anywhere other than the brain dead right wing media, because the second it goes anywhere else than that (like say a court of law), it just does a miserable death because the rest of us aren’t complete idiots like yourself.

You’re a joke. People laugh at you because they can’t believe you’re this stupid to believe this horseshit.

Biden won. He will be inaugurated in a few weeks. Trump can’t do shit about it and you’re going to spend the next four years wailing like the stupid child you are.
No, you can fuck off and die you lying piece of shit. They showed this with the actual machines retard. Believe the forensics EXPERTS who ran these tests or a lying crybaby like you? No contest loser. Losers are assholes like you who refuse to see the truth. People who act like you don’t get to tell people how to act you whiny proven liar. Now slink off loser.
They didn’t show shit but you’re too stupid to know the difference. A bunch of Trump worshiping hacks lied to you to soothe your snowflake ego because Trump losing is just too much for you weak losers to handle. You call them experts but they’re just a bunch of lying dumbasses who are as stupid as you to believe this bullshit. I mean, honestly, they’re feeding you bullshit and you just smile and ask for more.

None of this shit is “proven” anywhere other than the brain dead right wing media, because the second it goes anywhere else than that (like say a court of law), it just does a miserable death because the rest of us aren’t complete idiots like yourself.

You’re a joke. People laugh at you because they can’t believe you’re this stupid to believe this horseshit.

Biden won. He will be inaugurated in a few weeks. Trump can’t do shit about it and you’re going to spend the next four years wailing like the stupid child you are.
Listen to these assholes who whined and cried for 4 years about Hillary losing and Trump winning bleating about sore losers.

We're going to spend the next four years behaving exactly like you did for the last for years?

I'm glad you at least understand what petulant children you have been.
I'm afraid you are incorrect. It is you who doesn't know what a fascist is.

He knows what a fascist is.

And now we know you don't know any more than he does.

Aren't you the moron who claimed that the ancient Egyptians were black? You said that black people were responsible for all the great ancient technical achievements? It's hard for me to remember all the idiotic claims you made, they were so plentiful
Listen to these assholes who whined and cried for 4 years about Hillary losing and Trump winning bleating about sore losers.
Clinton conceded. You idiots are making are just embarrassing yourselves by clinging to this idiotic conspiracy theories.

I mean, the audio from this Trump call is just pathetic.
"A pile of ashes?" Is that a threat?
Inaugurate Donald for a 2nd term and find out the hard way.
The thugs will find out Trump won't tolerate rampant destruction. He will put down the riots. After all he won't have to worry about being re-elected.

Trump is the one encouraging the riots! He is toast after that phone call. I want to see how many of the seditiousCongress people now back out of their blind commitment.
When are you kids gonna realize gateway pundit is not news. It's for entertainment purposes only.
Kind of like the stunt coming up this week :laugh:
It's far more credible than the propaganda that you consume.
Please vote here! POLL: Who is going to be President of the United States this January 21?
Notice that no Republicans have cast a vote in your poll.
I know. Why don't you have the balls to?
We have no intention of dignifying your sleazy idiotic poll.
lol. that's basically what scotus said to texas and trump.
Our Trumpster friend is running like a scared little bunny.

I thought they were so confident!
You'd think they'd be getting used to having their asses handed to them by now.
In their world, they're told they're "winning".

Or something. Who knows at this point.
No one thinks we're winning. The whole country is losing.
you are definitely a loser. a loud, obnoxious, irredeemable, fucktarded, disgusting loser.
It warms my heart to know I annoy you so much.
He didn't say anything about you being annoying.

Personally I find you guys pretty amusing.
And fascinating to observe. Like a destructive bacteria.
I'm afraid you are incorrect. It is you who doesn't know what a fascist is.

He knows what a fascist is.

And now we know you don't know any more than he does.


You still can't answer, Comrade;

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
You have no point. There is nothing for me to refute. Your fantasies are not reality.

All you can do is lie Chang. You have no ability to debate anything.

You recite your mindless slogans and fling ad hom. When challenged and exposed, you fling more ad hom and then you run.

I understand, you're a mindless hack.
They didn’t show shit but you’re too stupid to know the difference.

So your final answer is "NUHN UHN?"


Fucking commies - as devoid of intellect as you are of integrity

A bunch of Trump worshiping hacks lied to you to soothe your snowflake ego because Trump losing is just too much for you weak losers to handle. You call them experts but they’re just a bunch of lying dumbasses who are as stupid as you to believe this bullshit. I mean, honestly, they’re feeding you bullshit and you just smile and ask for more.

None of this shit is “proven” anywhere other than the brain dead right wing media, because the second it goes anywhere else than that (like say a court of law), it just does a miserable death because the rest of us aren’t complete idiots like yourself.

You’re a joke. People laugh at you because they can’t believe you’re this stupid to believe this horseshit.

Biden won. He will be inaugurated in a few weeks. Trump can’t do shit about it and you’re going to spend the next four years wailing like the stupid child you are.

Wait, the hate sites have programmed you drones to bleat that the thousands who signed affidavits affirming election tampering by the CCP controlled democrats are "A bunch of Trump worshiping hacks" :lmao: :rofl:

And Comrade traitor, if they lied, you can get some of those Soros owned prosecutors to put them before Obama judges in Kangaroo courts..

But the only one lying here is you, and we all know it.
Aren't you the moron who claimed that the ancient Egyptians were black? You said that black people were responsible for all the great ancient technical achievements? It's hard for me to remember all the idiotic claims you made, they were so plentiful

Oh? Creepy Chang is another Commie who doesn't grasp "sub-Saharan."
Clinton conceded. You idiots are making are just embarrassing yourselves by clinging to this idiotic conspiracy theories.

I mean, the audio from this Trump call is just pathetic.

If hypocrisy were gold, you'd be a rich non-binary transitioning indeed.
I'm afraid you are incorrect. It is you who doesn't know what a fascist is.

He knows what a fascist is.

And now we know you don't know any more than he does.


You still can't answer, Comrade;

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Oh look, little man is bloviating again.

Now, be a good little fascist and show me where I promoted anything like that.
You have no point. There is nothing for me to refute. Your fantasies are not reality.

All you can do is lie Chang. You have no ability to debate anything.

You recite your mindless slogans and fling ad hom. When challenged and exposed, you fling more ad hom and then you run.

I understand, you're a mindless hack.
How do you suggest I "debate" your paranoid delusions? You fools repeat the same debunked lies and talking points over and over as if they are new or meaningful and expect us to respond as if they were.

Well they aren't, and unless and until you come up with something original I'm not going to bother with "debating" any of this shit. I am in fact going to continue to ridicule and poke fun at you for clearly demonstrating one of the best definitions of insanity for us all to see.

So you might as well get used to it.
No, you can fuck off and die you lying piece of shit. They showed this with the actual machines retard. Believe the forensics EXPERTS who ran these tests or a lying crybaby like you? No contest loser. Losers are assholes like you who refuse to see the truth. People who act like you don’t get to tell people how to act you whiny proven liar. Now slink off loser.
They didn’t show shit but you’re too stupid to know the difference. A bunch of Trump worshiping hacks lied to you to soothe your snowflake ego because Trump losing is just too much for you weak losers to handle. You call them experts but they’re just a bunch of lying dumbasses who are as stupid as you to believe this bullshit. I mean, honestly, they’re feeding you bullshit and you just smile and ask for more.

None of this shit is “proven” anywhere other than the brain dead right wing media, because the second it goes anywhere else than that (like say a court of law), it just does a miserable death because the rest of us aren’t complete idiots like yourself.

You’re a joke. People laugh at you because they can’t believe you’re this stupid to believe this horseshit.

Biden won. He will be inaugurated in a few weeks. Trump can’t do shit about it and you’re going to spend the next four years wailing like the stupid child you are.
Look you uneducated know nothing inbred asshole, you have been proven to be a liar. Sure, all the experts are lying and you’re right. Only in your drug addled mind. You are a joke. Destroyed and shown to be an idiot every time you open your lying mouth. Keep denying the truth you asshole. Slapping you with it is easy. You are an idiot. You are a liar. You are proven stupid. Period.

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