UPDATE- New Clinton email count: 305 documents with potentially Classified Information


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Man, she is clueless. Where is her NDA? She must be a Chinese favorite.

The FBI had best come back with charges or indeed its an obvious cover up

More than 300 of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — or 5.1 percent of those processed so far — have been flagged for potential secret information, the State Department reported to a federal court Monday as the political furor continued to grow for the Democratic presidential candidate and her aides.

A top senator has demanded that Mrs. Clinton’s attorney detail the steps he used to protect classified information in her emails, which he kept on a flash drive at his office. ABC News reported this weekend that the Colorado company that helped run her server said there may be a full backup server, which might have many of the messages she said she deleted.

New Hillary Clinton email count 305 documents referred with potentially classified information - Washington Times
Man, she is clueless. Where is her NDA? She must be a Chinese favorite.

The FBI had best come back with charges or indeed its an obvious cover up

More than 300 of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — or 5.1 percent of those processed so far — have been flagged for potential secret information, the State Department reported to a federal court Monday as the political furor continued to grow for the Democratic presidential candidate and her aides.

A top senator has demanded that Mrs. Clinton’s attorney detail the steps he used to protect classified information in her emails, which he kept on a flash drive at his office. ABC News reported this weekend that the Colorado company that helped run her server said there may be a full backup server, which might have many of the messages she said she deleted.

New Hillary Clinton email count 305 documents referred with potentially classified information - Washington Times
So far there's another 17,000 missing.
Maybe finally after decades of the Clinton's behaving like Bonnie and Clyde they are going to end up in prison.
They should have gone to prison after their Whitewater crime spree.
Man, she is clueless. Where is her NDA? She must be a Chinese favorite.

The FBI had best come back with charges or indeed its an obvious cover up

More than 300 of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — or 5.1 percent of those processed so far — have been flagged for potential secret information, the State Department reported to a federal court Monday as the political furor continued to grow for the Democratic presidential candidate and her aides.

A top senator has demanded that Mrs. Clinton’s attorney detail the steps he used to protect classified information in her emails, which he kept on a flash drive at his office. ABC News reported this weekend that the Colorado company that helped run her server said there may be a full backup server, which might have many of the messages she said she deleted.

New Hillary Clinton email count 305 documents referred with potentially classified information - Washington Times
So far there's another 17,000 missing.
Maybe finally after decades of the Clinton's behaving like Bonnie and Clyde they are going to end up in prison.
They should have gone to prison after their Whitewater crime spree.

They may not be missing any more.

IT firm hired by Hillary Clinton It s highly likely there s a backup of emails she deleted - Yahoo Finance
The woman is a small time crook and hustler. Always has been.
It was 'Hillariarious' (just made it up) to watch the fucking Clinton Foundation donation money literally dry up the day Hillary left office.
When the backroom boys at the DNC start floating trial balloons with Gore, the old pervert Biden and 'Pocahontas' on them you know Hillary's letter withdrawing from the race for 'health reasons' is not far away.
She can't leave it too long though.
The DNC needs time to set up Pocahontas's tepee.
Why don't they just ask the Russians or the Chinese?
What do people think Putin reads in bed before going to sleep? He finished 'The Smallest Book In The World' a long time ago. That would be 'The Fighting Valor Of John Kerry In Vietnam'.
There is a theory that Big Ears is behind the derailing of Cankle's campaign. Could be right...and an effort to get the statist fool owned 100% by the .01%....Biden....to run.
There is a theory that Big Ears is behind the derailing of Cankle's campaign. Could be right...and an effort to get the statist fool owned 100% by the .01%....Biden....to run.
A vicious war has been raging within the Democratic party for decades.
BOBO is a 'West Coast Dem' with all the 'West Coast Hollywood types. The East Coast Dems are Hillary's gang. You got your Wall Street types.
The fun part is Hillary and her gang KNOW BOBO and his West Coast gang are making daily behind the scene skirmishes against Hillary.
BOBO has been fortunate b/c Hillary is such a personal fuck-up she's basically blowing up her own candidacy.
Yes Biden will 'have to' step in and open all the doors and windows to let the stink of the Hillary campaign go away.
My bet is Biden and a negro woman as his running mate. And Trump and Carly as his running mate.
Trump is doing to the GOP to clear the air what Biden will do to the Dems once Hillary is gone for good.
I've already picked out the cigar I'll torch to accompany a Tito's on the rocks w/olives should Hillary's presidnetial aspirations bubble burst for a second and final time. Schadenfreude on steroids!

Great irony that would be. The lying bitch gets taken down because she's a lying bitch.

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