Updated Review: 'Why I Lost' / 'Who I Blame':


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
James Comey
- The former FBI Director who protected her from Indictment / criminal charges

- That had her under multiple investigations for crimes she DID commit

Vladimir Putin

- Who wanted to purchase Uranium One, for which her influence in helping that happen was well financially compensated

'The Russians'

- Such as the KGB Bank who paid Bill extremely well, the Russians who gave her campaign manager thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks, and the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency for whom the brother of her Campaign Manager worked


- Who leaked her and the DNC's 'dirty little secrets' and scandals

'Low Information Voters'
- Like those CNN kept in the dark by 'doing everything they could to help Hillary win, to include refusing to report on her corruption, scandals, and crimes

'High Information Voters'

- Those who paid attention, did their own research, and knew all about her corruption, scandals, and crimes

The Electoral College
The pesky Constitutional process the US has sued for decades to elect US Presidents, which she, her campaign, and the DNC was unaware :p

Breitbart News and other conservative media

- That refused to push her and the DNC's fake news and propaganda

'THE Media' as a whole

- To include her own party's surrogates who obviously did not do enough to help her get elected

Steve Bannon
- The Conservative who hounded her and her campaign, who kept reminding everyone about the truth about Hillary

'Anti-American Forces'
- NOT the ones she paid to acquire a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm that has a history of working for the Russians, a report she illegally used against Trump in a US election....OTHER 'Anti-American Forces' :p


- Like the ones who said she would win in a 'landslide', which over-inflated her ego ... which burst on election night when she lost

Green Party candidate Jill Stein
Sten 'sucked' as a candidate and did not steal enough votes away from the GOP

President Barak Obama

- Despite protecting her from indictment and criminal charges, Barry did not do enough for her to help her win

White Women

- Many 'traitorous' white women did not vote for her, and being a woman should have been enough for her to take every female vote. ;p

Women who didn’t vote

- How could women stay home and refuse to vote for her (or either candidate...buy mainly HER)?

The New York Times
- They reported just enough of the truth to cost her the election...

Bernie Sanders

- After Bernie was screwed out of the nomination he made a big deal out of it and refused to order his followers to vote for her...

Bernie Sanders Supporters

- SOBs held a grudge....just because she and DWS rigged the primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, stacked the Super Delegates in Hillary's favor, and made it impossible for Bernie to won, all but eliminating their voice

Brexit leader Nigel Farage
- For pointing out Hillary was a Globalist and anti-Brexit Liberal

Misogyny or Sexism

- The 'Gender Card' - blaming others of being what the DNC was exposed as being when their personal e-mails were released to the public

- ...and how the Russians used it to dupe liberals into organizing events and marches, incite racial division and violence, and play both sides of the political field to cause massive division throughout the country

Campaign Finance
- Like how she 'bought' the DNC, after Barry left it $24 million in the red, and used money intended for other DNC candidates for her own campaign, and how she used campaign money to buy the Russian/Foreign Agent-generated dossier...

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
- Engaged in 'partisan politics' :p

- Because of Comey (a MAN), all men throughout the country manipulated and forced women - the 'weaker and more easily manipulated sex' - not to support Hillary

That ABOUT covers it so far...but the list continues to grow all the time.
** Notice how 'Hillary' is NOT one of her reasons for losing... :p

Hillary Clinton’s Blame List for Losing 2016 Election: 26 at Least

She should have stayed wandering around in the woods. I'm thinking the DNC agrees with that.
James Comey
- The former FBI Director who protected her from Indictment / criminal charges

- That had her under multiple investigations for crimes she DID commit

Vladimir Putin

- Who wanted to purchase Uranium One, for which her influence in helping that happen was well financially compensated

'The Russians'

- Such as the KGB Bank who paid Bill extremely well, the Russians who gave her campaign manager thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks, and the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency for whom the brother of her Campaign Manager worked


- Who leaked her and the DNC's 'dirty little secrets' and scandals

'Low Information Voters'
- Like those CNN kept in the dark by 'doing everything they could to help Hillary win, to include refusing to report on her corruption, scandals, and crimes

'High Information Voters'

- Those who paid attention, did their own research, and knew all about her corruption, scandals, and crimes

The Electoral College
The pesky Constitutional process the US has sued for decades to elect US Presidents, which she, her campaign, and the DNC was unaware :p

Breitbart News and other conservative media

- That refused to push her and the DNC's fake news and propaganda

'THE Media' as a whole

- To include her own party's surrogates who obviously did not do enough to help her get elected

Steve Bannon
- The Conservative who hounded her and her campaign, who kept reminding everyone about the truth about Hillary

'Anti-American Forces'
- NOT the ones she paid to acquire a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm that has a history of working for the Russians, a report she illegally used against Trump in a US election....OTHER 'Anti-American Forces' :p


- Like the ones who said she would win in a 'landslide', which over-inflated her ego ... which burst on election night when she lost

Green Party candidate Jill Stein
Sten 'sucked' as a candidate and did not steal enough votes away from the GOP

President Barak Obama

- Despite protecting her from indictment and criminal charges, Barry did not do enough for her to help her win

White Women

- Many 'traitorous' white women did not vote for her, and being a woman should have been enough for her to take every female vote. ;p

Women who didn’t vote

- How could women stay home and refuse to vote for her (or either candidate...buy mainly HER)?

The New York Times
- They reported just enough of the truth to cost her the election...

Bernie Sanders

- After Bernie was screwed out of the nomination he made a big deal out of it and refused to order his followers to vote for her...

Bernie Sanders Supporters

- SOBs held a grudge....just because she and DWS rigged the primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, stacked the Super Delegates in Hillary's favor, and made it impossible for Bernie to won, all but eliminating their voice

Brexit leader Nigel Farage
- For pointing out Hillary was a Globalist and anti-Brexit Liberal

Misogyny or Sexism

- The 'Gender Card' - blaming others of being what the DNC was exposed as being when their personal e-mails were released to the public

- ...and how the Russians used it to dupe liberals into organizing events and marches, incite racial division and violence, and play both sides of the political field to cause massive division throughout the country

Campaign Finance
- Like how she 'bought' the DNC, after Barry left it $24 million in the red, and used money intended for other DNC candidates for her own campaign, and how she used campaign money to buy the Russian/Foreign Agent-generated dossier...

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
- Engaged in 'partisan politics' :p

- Because of Comey (a MAN), all men throughout the country manipulated and forced women - the 'weaker and more easily manipulated sex' - not to support Hillary

That ABOUT covers it so far...but the list continues to grow all the time.
** Notice how 'Hillary' is NOT one of her reasons for losing... :p

Hillary Clinton’s Blame List for Losing 2016 Election: 26 at Least

Great humor is always rooted in truth.
what about that shot we saw when Hillarys eyes popped out of their sockets.,,that helped alot!

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