Urban Clash: Spidey-Drink for TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a bureaucracy-idealism tale inspired by Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) storyboards, the super-villain known as 'Clash' (Clayton Cole), and the urban-hysteria film The Siege.

I bet President Trump hates this sort of stuff (maybe)...



Clayton Cole escaped from juvenile-hall and wanted to create more mayhem amidst all the nuclear-war media-hysteria involving U.S. President Trump and North Korea. Clayton had his usual creepy sonic-psychic appropriate costume on and therefore continued to refer to himself as the menacing super-villain 'the Clash.' Clash wanted to lure his heroic rival Spider-Man into a terrible trap at the United Nations building in NYC, so he called Peter Parker (the Daily Bugle photojournalist whom only Clayton/Clash knew was actually Spider-Man). Clash picked up the phone and was about to make his diabolical call to the Bugle to find Parker/Spider-Man, however, something very odd happened...

CLASH: Is this the Bugle office?
MIRROR-CLASH: No, Clayton, I'm you (your dark half!).
CLASH: What? Who is this? How did you know my name?
MIRROR-CLASH: Think, Clash! You picked up the phone to make mischief.
CLASH: Oh, I see, and I suppose the Devil was on the other line...
MIRROR-CLASH: Not the Devil, Clash...the AntiChrist (number 666)!
CLASH: Listen, I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm annoyed.
MIRROR-CLASH: I have a challenge for you.
CLASH: That sounds ironically more interesting than this phone-call.
MIRROR-CLASH: Draw a '666 caricature' of yourself and send it to the Bugle.
MIRROR-CLASH: After sending it in, tell the Bugle that Peter Parker made the drawing.
MIRROR-CLASH: Tell the Bugle that Spider-Man will show up at the UN to tackle you!
MIRROR-CLASH: When Parker/Spider-Man shows up to fight you, tell him I sent you...

Clash hung up and wondered if he had simply imagined the entire phone-call to his 'evil alter-ego' claiming to be a 'messenger/vessel of the AntiChrist.' Nevertheless, Clash wondered if such a 'hallucination' could ironically mask a diabolical trick for Spider-Man (and NYC!), so Clayton/Clash made a silly stick-figure '666 caricature' drawing of himself and sent it to the Bugle with an attached note that read, "From Peter Parker --- Spider-Man will fight Clash at the UN soon, and we want the press to be there to cover the madness!"

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) showed up at the UN and found Clash (Clayton Cole) there waiting for him there (in NYC!). Spidey asked Clash what that ridiculous '666 Clash caricature' meant why he was offended/dared to meet Clash at the UN to fight. Clash explained that he had a 'conversation' with his own evil alter-ego (apparently an emissary of the AntiChrist) who insisted that Spider-Man should challenge a 'spirit-world motivated Clash' to defend the UN. Spider-Man was confused but realized Clayton/Clash was truly demonically possessed.

SPIDER-MAN: Are you an 'adversary' of the United Nations, Clayton?
CLASH: I possess sonic powers superior to your web-slinging 'cowboy-antics.'
SPIDER-MAN: Why are you terrorizing New Yorkers?
CLASH: My evil alter-ego revealed to me the general 'fun' of 'trumping' TrumpUSA!
SPIDER-MAN: Playing the 'martyr' while creating mayhem shows real insanity, Clash.
CLASH: You're soooo idealistic, Spidey; I wonder if your girlfriend uses a smartphone.
SPIDER-MAN: I doubt my girlfriend's 'endorsement' of Samsung warrants terrorism.
CLASH: Do you know we're here in front of the UN in NYC?
CLASH: There are African tribes still engaging in the ritual of genital mutilation!
SPIDER-MAN: That's a bad initiation-custom being investigated by human-rights groups.
CLASH: Do you really think that international organizations are capable of ending nuclear war?
SPIDER-MAN: Commerce and consumerism will not stifle humanity's interest in peace.
CLASH: What about the Gulf War? That was purely about petroleum, Peter!
SPIDER-MAN: The Daily Bugle reported on that war; listen, Clayton --- terrorism is not a cure.
CLASH: Well, my mirror alter-ego wanted me to send you the message, "Beware of vanity!"
SPIDER-MAN: Great. Once I send you back to juvenile-hall, you can draw pictures of monsters.
CLASH: Well, I almost want to get arrested so I can get busy drawing...for you, Peter.
SPIDER-MAN: Suddenly, I realize why terrorists are 'demonized' by conservative Republicans.



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