US AG Garland Intends To Prosecute Russian War Criminals From War In Ukraine


What business does the United States Attorney General have visiting the Ukraine or any other country to talk about politics?

This trip had better have been on his dime and not the US taxpayer.


Not in his job description.

He is there to enforce Federal laws, and he has refused to do his job. Now he wants to try to grab some headlines on the Ukraine disaster.

He is a pathetic human being.

Both Garland & Mayorkas need to be impeached pronto after the mid-terms.
Mayorkas for violating a Federal judge's upholding of the 'remain in Mexico' policy!!
Ukraine does not fall under U.S. Federal jurisdiction unless we made it a state and I missed it!

Adios, stupid!!
Thats right they don't, but nobody is talking about DOJ bringing any cases in Ukraine, what is discussed is good will co-operation between DOJ and their Ukranian counterparts.
What is presumptious about our DOJ assisting Ukraine on matters of justice?
Presumptuous to think he can be of help or it is the time to offer it, not knowing the course or outcome of the war against Russian aggression inside that country. He needs to concentrate. He is getting little done of cleaning up the mess here.
Thats right they don't, but nobody is talking about DOJ bringing any cases in Ukraine, what is discussed is good will co-operation between DOJ and their Ukranian counterparts.

You're so full of shit that you must have an IV running into your arm from your septic tank!
Why is US AG Garland / US DOJ going after Russian War Criminals In Ukraine?

Garland's Job and jurisdiction is pretty easy, even for a stupid sack of liberal shit like him.

Globalism, anyone?

Remember when DEMOCRATS use to declare the US is not the world's police force?

Democrats hate the police, want to defund them, but as Ametica burns suddenly they want to BE the world's police force?!

You've made a terrible mistake of taking tripe publication like Gateway pudit seriously.

Nowhere does Garland suggest that US court system will be used for that. All he said is that they will assist Uraine on matters of justice. I guess he means legal framework development, international court matters etc.
Our own Gov't is a bigger threat to Americans than Russia. Don’t you agree?
Our own Gov't is a bigger threat to Americans than Russia. Don’t you agree?
What the f? Our government is a critical component of our economy, society and security.

If you like Russian government and how it runs it's country so much, then why aren't you packing your shit to go live there. You can proudly wave Russian flag there at all the millitary parades, instead of shitting on ours.
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Remember when Mueller indicted some Russians in the mythical hacking investigation? Same eventual result. Some meaningless publicity for the Dept., some tax dollars wasted, and nobody ever, ever appears in court.
Remember when Mueller indicted some Russians in the mythical hacking investigation? Same eventual result.
No it's not same, those Russians commited crime in United States, not Ukraine, so DOJ had clear jurisdiction.
What the f? Our government is a critical component of our economy, society and security.

If you like Russian government and how it runs it's country so much, then why aren't you packing your shit to go live there. You can proudly wave Russian flag there at all the millitary parades, instead of shitting on ours.
You funny boy Tony.
You've made a terrible mistake of taking tripe publication like Gateway pudit seriously.

Nowhere does Garland suggest that US court system will be used for that. All he said is that they will assist Uraine on matters of justice. I guess he means legal framework development, international court matters etc.
Oh, good, the USDOJ is only going to set up the legal framework, develop the legal strategies, navigate the legal waters around world court matters, and so on. That's a relief. At first I was under the impression the USDOJ was going to get involved in a foreign legal matter that's none of our business and over which the DOJ has no jurisdiction. That means the US Court system won't be used! I guess. Anyway, yippee!

It certainly doesn't make sense for an American Dept of Justice official to be assisting in matters of "justice" between Ukraine and Russia. Smells more like "vengeance" to me--especially given the Jan 6 unarmed protesters still rotting in solitary confinement not to mention Julian Assange. There isn't a dime's worth of justice in this whole rotting The only way Garlands trip and offer make any sense is if this isn't really a war between the Ukraine and Russia, but a war between Western Christians and the Khazar Jews.
Thats right they don't, but nobody is talking about DOJ bringing any cases in Ukraine, what is discussed is good will co-operation between DOJ and their Ukranian counterparts.
I'm sure the Russians are fully capable of prosecuting the Ukrainian war criminals without our help. It should take them about 24 hours to prosecute, convict, sentence, and execute by hanging the vile Zelensky for his Trotsky-level blood lust.
I would love to give Garland a flip-phone, a compass, and a pair of handcuffs, drop him off in Russian-controlled Ukraine, and tell him to 'Go get 'em!'

Unfortunately the Russiabsxm woukd probably welcome him with open arms and ask how Hillary, Obama, and he f*ed up their Russian Collusion Scandal so badly....

Whatever you say mr. Sock.
I guess I should put "Ukrainian" in quotes, as the real criminals--both there and here in the States, are the Khazars whose blood lust and primitive hatreds have been fueling this whole imbroglio. What the fuck is wrong with you people, anyway?

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