US AG Garland Intends To Prosecute Russian War Criminals From War In Ukraine

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Let's go, stop that diarhea of the mouth for once and just source your claim.
As the chief officer of the Department of Justice, the attorney general enforces federal laws, provides legal counsel in federal cases, interprets the laws that govern executive departments, heads federal jails and penal institutions, and examines alleged violations of federal laws. In addition, the attorney general may be called upon to represent the United States in the Supreme Court in cases of exceptional importance. The attorney general serves in the Cabinet of the president of the United States.

The attorney general is in charge of supervising United States attorneys and marshals in their respective judicial districts. While attorneys are responsible for prosecuting offenses against the United States and prosecuting or defending in proceedings in which the United States requires representation, marshals issue orders and processes under the authority of the United States.
Post it.

Let's go, stop that diarhea of the mouth for once and just source your claim.
read post 57…with that said i am a little worried you are posting on a message board about US politics and govt and don’t know what the AG does
You sound completely out of your fucking mind, just heads up.
Maybe. Or maybe, to give you the benefit of the doubt, I am just more informed than you. For example, after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917 they razed thousands of churches or turned them into livestock enclosures and workshops and hunted down the clergy and slaughtered them--often with their wives and children. The rabbinate, however, remained untouched and the synagogues even began receiving state funding to run Yiddish-language schools. What does this suggest to you?
Maybe. Or maybe, to give you the benefit of the doubt, I am just more informed than you. For example, after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917 they razed thousands of churches or turned them into livestock enclosures and workshops and hunted down the clergy and slaughtered them--often with their wives and children. The rabbinate, however, remained untouched and the synagogues even began receiving state funding to run Yiddish-language schools. What does this suggest to you?
Yep, totally nuts.
Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing there are no plans to prosecute Israeli war crimes
You mean every action they've ever taken in self defense? That's what folks like yourself seem to mean when they say "war crimes". Their other favorite BS lie is that Israel is guilty of "genocide" in GAZA. Funny thing though, the population of Palestinian Arabs is higher than it's ever been and the worst health crisis they face is OBESITY. The Left has a habit of creating their own language and reality.
How about the SOB just do his job here of enforcing US law, protecting USSC Justices, prosecuting criminals, and catching / prosecuting domestic terrorists?!

"Merrick Garland is going to make sure the law is applied in Ukraine as hundreds of J-6 defendants rotting in the DC Gulag are denied their Constitutional right to a speedy trial."

Laughing......I could live on Republican tears alone.
How about the SOB just do his job here of enforcing US law, protecting USSC Justices, prosecuting criminals, and catching / prosecuting domestic terrorists?!

Any convictions yet?

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