US Ambassador to Germany wants to empower European Conservatives

No, you did that yesterday and now you're projecting like a fucking child!

You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic! Now go piss up that rope again, fool! I'm not playing your fucking infantile games!

You said, "I'm seeing that a few under educated folks posting on this thread must have been educated in Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma or home schooled in prison." hence no intelligent person would think your post has any credibility. You come off like some crazy person. :cuckoo:
You come off like some crazy person.
No, and again you shoveled that shit yesterday and now you're projecting like a fucking child once more, you petulant fuck!

You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday and yet again today now, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic, let alone comprehend what is clearly written! Now go piss up that rope again, fool! I'm not playing your fucking infantile games! Get the help you so dearly need, ass wipe!

All I have to do is quote you, "you're projecting like a fucking petulant fuck!...ass whoopin...troll...twisted masochist...too fucking stupid...go piss up that rope again...fucking infantile games...ass wipe!" your posts say a lot more about you than me, reflect on that.
All I have to do is quote you, "you're projecting like a fucking petulant fuck!...ass whoopin...troll...twisted masochist...too fucking stupid...go piss up that rope again...fucking infantile games...ass wipe!" your posts say a lot more about you than me, reflect on that.
And yet again you go to out of context snip-its from my posts as if that confusion makes a statement. Next Monday, I want all of your lunch money your mommy gives you for the week, you twisted fuck. You keep pissing up that rope and making a fool of yourself! Ya hearaa?

What does your insane ranting and rage have to do with the thread topic?
I noted your off topic horse shit here;
You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic!
Then again here you ignorant fuck;
You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday and yet again today now, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic, let alone comprehend what is clearly written!
Which better describes you;
1. Dumber than a stump or;
2.Stupid as a box of rocks.

Don't try to lay that off topic shit on me you fucking IDIOT! That would be YOU from the get-go!

Keep trolling me and you'll get even more ad hominem heaped on your dumb ass!! You really are a fucking glutton for it! Now go do your rope trick again, but no hands this and try to stay dry this time!
Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

Jesus h Christ are you dumb?

And I'm a Nazi to, right ?
Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

Jesus h Christ are you dumb?

And I'm a Nazi to, right ?

No, you’re just a dumb white movement asshole.
Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.


"Funny?" What for heavens sake is funny when the USA sends an extremist to Germany as an ambassador? What for heavens sake knows this man about our real country?

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Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. And we have much more political colors. We are a consensus democracy - you are country which is much more dissent than consensus. Your ambassador is in the eyes of the very most Germans of all political directions either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.
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Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. Your ambassador is either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.

I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"
Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. Your ambassador is either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.

I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador Richard Grenell will have an easy job in Germany, because no one needs him here.
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Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. Your ambassador is either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.

I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.

Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.
Another question: What to do with ambassador Richard Grenell? This man disqualified himself for his job in Germany. He is the worst ambassador the United States ever had sent to Germany. Besides that he has absolutely no idea about diplomatic behavior the greatest problem is that Mr. Grenell supports Nazi-like "conservatives" in Europe and your State Department backs him up. This man gives a motivation to extremists in the name of the USA.

Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. Your ambassador is either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.

I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.

Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.

So you sent intentionally an offending ambassador to Germany? Is this a declaration of war?

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I have the feeling you don't understand what the real problem is: Your ambassador makes propaganda for Nazi-like political streams in Europe. In other words: He supports terrorism in the name of the USA.

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Anyone who doesn't agree with Liberal ideology is a Nazi according to Liberals.

"Liberals" in Germany are areligious right wing Capitalists for example. The words "liberal", "conservative", "social" and "socialistic" have a totally different background in Germany. Your ambassador is either a Nazi or he knows not what he is speaking about or both.
I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.
Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.

So you sent intentionally an offending ambassador to Germany? Is this a declaration of war?

No country in Europe has the right to question anything the US does seeing how that area has drawn the world into conflict to many times the days of the European empires ended after WWII.

I have the feeling you don't understand what the real problem is: Your ambassador makes propaganda for Nazi-like political streams in Europe. In other words: He supports terrorism in the name of the USA.

There goes that Nazi thing again and please tell me what terrorist acts and what the fuck does 9/11 have to do with it.
There is a book called "In the Garden of the Beasts" about FDR's ambassador to Germany before the War. The short version is that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler or the Nazis. All he wanted was reparations for WW1. Even when FDR was informed of atrocities committed against Jews and public assaults of Americans he didn't respond. FDR's foreign policy was a joke and it's no wonder he was surprised at Pearl Harbor
I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.
Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.

So you sent intentionally an offending ambassador to Germany? Is this a declaration of war?

No country in Europe has the right to question anything the US does seeing how that area has drawn the world into conflict to many times the days of the European empires ended after WWII.

A) A European Empire never existed
B) The USA sold East Europe to the Soviet empire in World War 2.
C) Why sounds pathos always silly - but extremely silly when US-Americans try to be pathetic?

European Empires as in countries in Europe that were empires. Also Eastern Europe was Germany's fault if they hadn't draw the planet into another World War The Communist never would have invaded just more European Countries with delusions of old Empires.
I say again except I will replace Liberal with progressive so that people like yourself can understand "If you don't belive what I believe your a Nazi"

Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.
Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.

So you sent intentionally an offending ambassador to Germany? Is this a declaration of war?

No country in Europe has the right to question anything the US does seeing how that area has drawn the world into conflict to many times the days of the European empires ended after WWII.

Okay: We will not ask when and why you became the most funny nation in the world. But what to do with ambassador Grenell? We don't need a new court jester in the moment.

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You said, "I'm seeing that a few under educated folks posting on this thread must have been educated in Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma or home schooled in prison." hence no intelligent person would think your post has any credibility. You come off like some crazy person. :cuckoo:
You come off like some crazy person.
No, and again you shoveled that shit yesterday and now you're projecting like a fucking child once more, you petulant fuck!

You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday and yet again today now, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic, let alone comprehend what is clearly written! Now go piss up that rope again, fool! I'm not playing your fucking infantile games! Get the help you so dearly need, ass wipe!

All I have to do is quote you, "you're projecting like a fucking petulant fuck!...ass whoopin...troll...twisted masochist...too fucking stupid...go piss up that rope again...fucking infantile games...ass wipe!" your posts say a lot more about you than me, reflect on that.
All I have to do is quote you, "you're projecting like a fucking petulant fuck!...ass whoopin...troll...twisted masochist...too fucking stupid...go piss up that rope again...fucking infantile games...ass wipe!" your posts say a lot more about you than me, reflect on that.
And yet again you go to out of context snip-its from my posts as if that confusion makes a statement. Next Monday, I want all of your lunch money your mommy gives you for the week, you twisted fuck. You keep pissing up that rope and making a fool of yourself! Ya hearaa?

What does your insane ranting and rage have to do with the thread topic?
I noted your off topic horse shit here;
You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic!
Then again here you ignorant fuck;
You've proven with that single sentence that you're still smarting from the ass whoopin' I gave you yesterday and yet again today now, that you have to troll to beg for more pie in the face you twisted masochist and that you're too fucking stupid and undisciplined to stay on topic, let alone comprehend what is clearly written!
Which better describes you;
1. Dumber than a stump or;
2.Stupid as a box of rocks.

Don't try to lay that off topic shit on me you fucking IDIOT! That would be YOU from the get-go!

Keep trolling me and you'll get even more ad hominem heaped on your dumb ass!! You really are a fucking glutton for it! Now go do your rope trick again, but no hands this and try to stay dry this time!
Okay - I guess for the most people in the USA the reputation of the USA is not important any longer. Your ambassador will have an easy job in Germany because no one needs him here.
Certainly not from the hypocrites in Europe.

So you sent intentionally an offending ambassador to Germany? Is this a declaration of war?

No country in Europe has the right to question anything the US does seeing how that area has drawn the world into conflict to many times the days of the European empires ended after WWII.

Okay: We will not ask when and why you became the most funny nation in the world.

Right funny in that way that the US is the most powerful nation in history. We never started a war for dominance unlike every nation in Europe.

I have the feeling you don't understand what the real problem is: Your ambassador makes propaganda for Nazi-like political streams in Europe. In other words: He supports terrorism in the name of the USA.

There goes that Nazi thing again and please tell me what terrorist acts and what the fuck does 9/11 have to do with it.

"Grenell support Nazis all over Europe in the name of the USA!". Do you understand this very simple issue? So in reality the USA has no ambassador in Germany. The USA sent to us an extremist, who supports hate-ideologies. By the way - he speaks not even German - or does he? What for heavens sake is his qualification for this job?

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