US ammo situation

Since you don't have an answer I'll just assume you are another jerk that wants Putin to win.

What is wrong with Putin and Russa winning? The Cold War ended more than three decades ago. I see you failed to get the memo.

Since then we (the USA) invaded the sovereign nations of Iraq (twice), Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and others (off the books). Did you root for the governments of those nations to defeat us? Did Putin send billions in modern military hardware to be used against us during those conflicts. Your thinking on this matter is purely hypocritical.
Can't do anything without ammo

The millions of Ukraine worshippers believe that there is no price too high to pay for helping them to defeat Russia. Old Occupied and millions of other Ukraine sympathetic Americans would likely, willingly sign their own progeny up to go fight and die in the Ukraine—people like them are fanatical about the whole matter. They're the same group who were frothing at the mouth for two years over COVID. I for one am anxious to see what their next fanatical addiction will be when CNN issues them their next set of marching orders.
Globalism makes it much easier for an enemy to deny you key material needed in building weapons and ammo.
At the regular production rate of 93,000 rounds annually, the industrial base would never be able to replenish 155mm projectiles because of the number consumed in standard military training and maintenance operations, the CSIS report said. The base can surge to a rate of 240,000 rounds each year, but even then it would take five years before inventories of 155mm would be fully rebuilt. Here’s How Long It Will Take To Replenish US Weapons Stocks Sent To Ukraine |
Time to let reality intrude on the danger we are putting ourselves in
Small price to pay to make Zelen$ky a billionaire in the process
Of course we want the US Nazis eradicated .

And the corruption of the Biden Crime Family throughout Ukey Land removed .

70% of the globe despises US terrorism and they will not support this US and NATO aggression .
In the most clear-cut example of tyranny vs freedom since WW2 some republicans seem to not comprehend why we would stand in the way of yet another lousy empire builder in Europe.

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