US and Yemen conduct massive drone strikes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Source: 'Massive' attack targets al Qaeda in Yemen -

Retaliation for the video of the al Qaeda convention I would think.

The predawn strikes targeted a mountain ridge in the southern province of Abyan, the official said. It's the same area where scores of followers of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula had gathered recently to hear from Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the head of the terrorist network's Yemeni branch and the global organization's "crown prince," the official said.
Actually, the article claims they are unsure whether drones were used and if they were, if they were from the US....DUH:eusa_whistle:
The U.S. government was highly embarrassed a week ago when a video emerged showing about 100 Al Qaeda fighters gathered for an open air meeting.

Thus conducting several drone strikes was paramount to restoring U.S. credibility to the war on terror in Yemen.

Basically, fire some guided missiles from drones at moving vehicles full of people.

Declare the dead occupants to be Al Qaeda fighters.

And the U.S war on terror is back on course and the American people can once again feel safe and secure in their beds at night. .. :cool:
The government says that the targets were Al Qaeda.
Maybe they were, maybe they weren't.
Given that the government lies about almost everything, y'all can believe what you want.
I'll remain skeptical.
Actually, the article claims they are unsure whether drones were used and if they were, if they were from the US....DUH:eusa_whistle:

You can bet that if they were from Yemen, some rw's will say "good", but if from the US, "bad".

Anyone else kills terrorists, "good", US kills terrorists, "bad".
Actually, the article claims they are unsure whether drones were used and if they were, if they were from the US....DUH:eusa_whistle:

You can bet that if they were from Yemen, some rw's will say "good", but if from the US, "bad".

Anyone else kills terrorists, "good", US kills terrorists, "bad".
Please do us all a favor and take your meds before posting.......... :cool:
The U.S. government was highly embarrassed a week ago when a video emerged showing about 100 Al Qaeda fighters gathered for an open air meeting.

Thus conducting several drone strikes was paramount to restoring U.S. credibility to the war on terror in Yemen.

Basically, fire some guided missiles from drones at moving vehicles full of people.

Declare the dead occupants to be Al Qaeda fighters.

And the U.S war on terror is back on course and the American people can once again feel safe and secure in their beds at night. .. :cool:

You didn't read the article. It said the offensive includes Yemenini soldiers on the ground, not just a few drone strikes.
From your article:

But other Yemeni officials, who asked to remain anonymous as they are not authorized to speak to the media, said there was growing frustration within the government about the lack of clarity and expressed concern that some of the information being reported by the military may be propaganda.

"I'm worried this is an attempt to convince Yemenis that the U.S. and Yemen have turned a corner and are in the process of destroying AQAP," one of those other officials said. "At this hour, the numbers of militants being reported as being killed keeps changing, and we still aren't sure if any civilians have been killed or wounded in these strikes."

"Yemenis are smart enough to doubt initial reports of this type," he added. "If this does turn out to be exaggeration, it will make the people here trust their government even less than they do and fuel growing anger over the drone program."
Anyone see an end to the war on terror?

How can it ever end?

We want to eliminate the enemy but how do we do that and maintain the rule of law and not have the effected country, and its people hate us?
They should take back Obama peace prize

he's anything but peaceful...just ask American citizen ranchers like Clive Bundy...they retaliated on him but good
They claim to have killed 30 militants, but remember that the administration automatically defines any adult males killed in a strike as "militants" whether they have any evidence to indicate it or not. They can't simply be taken at their word with so broad a definition.
Anyone see an end to the war on terror?

How can it ever end?

We want to eliminate the enemy but how do we do that and maintain the rule of law and not have the effected country, and its people hate us?

It won't.

Better to fight back with surgical strikes (drones) than with the all out wars the Repubs want.
Better to fight back with surgical strikes (drones) than with the all out wars the Repubs want.
Liberal Obamabot speak for; "Kill people at random and hope some of them are the enemy". ... :cool:

Why do some rw's seem to believe lying helps their cause? Its as though they don't know that the US, under the R Bush regime, killed hundreds of thousands at random even though we knew they were not the enemy.
Of course the "murder people at random from the sky" is much more humane.

And if they are innocent civilians.

No problem......cause our liberal God Obama is doing it. .. :cool:
Better to fight back with surgical strikes (drones) than with the all out wars the Repubs want.
Liberal Obamabot speak for; "Kill people at random and hope some of them are the enemy". ... :cool:

war is good as long as it's OUT OF SITE out of mind
notice how media doesn't hardly report causalities today like they did with a daily body count with Bush?

everything about the anti-war with the left is phony
Better to fight back with surgical strikes (drones) than with the all out wars the Repubs want.
Liberal Obamabot speak for; "Kill people at random and hope some of them are the enemy". ... :cool:

Why do some rw's seem to believe lying helps their cause? Its as though they don't know that the US, under the R Bush regime, killed hundreds of thousands at random even though we knew they were not the enemy.

Why do some "lw's" seem to believe the argument that "Bush did horrible things too" somehow exonerates the horrible things that Obama does?
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Anyone see an end to the war on terror?

How can it ever end?

We want to eliminate the enemy but how do we do that and maintain the rule of law and not have the effected country, and its people hate us?

It won't.

Better to fight back with surgical strikes (drones) than with the all out wars the Repubs want.

Yes, but Halliburton and DICK will not benefit from drone strikes. There is reason to the GOP madness.

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