US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This should drive Leftists up the wall. Anything to do with Israel is beyond their understanding.

The American base, officers in Israel say, will be an independent facility co-located at the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near the desert capital of Beersheba. Once completed, the base will house U.S. operational systems to identify and intercept a spectrum of aerial threats, along with barracks, recreational and other facilities required to support several dozen American air defenders.

A few dozens of soldiers of our American allies will be stationed here permanently. They are part of an American task force that will be stationed here,” said Israeli Air Force Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, the IDF‘s air defense commander.

More @ US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel
I am pissed we give them almost 4 billion a year, so the Jews are self reliant, NOT.
Shekel emerges as world's second-strongest currency

Read the above and tell us how really reliant on US dollars Israel is.

Then read the following articles:

Asset Test: How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel

Israel Gives Much More to the U.S. Economy Than You Imagined

And then wonder what in the world is an Iranian base is doing in Syria

Iran building base in Syria - claim

So, where would you have your money sent to? For what purpose?
Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon?

Take a pick and tell your congress people about it.

And should the US stop borrowing money from other countries?
Does any country live by not borrowing or loaning to anyone?

Isn't the USA self supporting even though it borrows money from other countries?

So is Israel :)

(but is Syria, Iran, Gaza, the PA, etc, where so much of the US and EU money goes to? How non dependent are they and what do they give the US and Europe back ? )
The antichrist betrays Israel in the end, after he garners their approval and best friends forever status..... :eek:
Having a US military base located within the terrorist state of Israel is a huge mistake.

America's butt buddy relationship with Israel is the cause of 95% of the problems we have in the Middle East. ...... :cool:
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Shekel emerges as world's second-strongest currency

Read the above and tell us how really reliant on US dollars Israel is.

Then read the following articles:

Asset Test: How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel

Israel Gives Much More to the U.S. Economy Than You Imagined

And then wonder what in the world is an Iranian base is doing in Syria

Iran building base in Syria - claim

So, where would you have your money sent to? For what purpose?
Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon?

Take a pick and tell your congress people about it.

And should the US stop borrowing money from other countries?
Does any country live by not borrowing or loaning to anyone?

Isn't the USA self supporting even though it borrows money from other countries?

So is Israel :)

(but is Syria, Iran, Gaza, the PA, etc, where so much of the US and EU money goes to? How non dependent are they and what do they give the US and Europe back ? )

It is no secret that Israel has one of the most advanced economies in the world. The “Startup Nation” is among the world’s top innovators and its work touches the lives of people around the globe in nearly every imaginable sector: Mobile and computing technology and services, healthcare, food and agriculture, scientific research and development, water, environmental protection, and defense. And as citizens of an advanced nation, Israelis are also users of these advanced technologies and their applications. This makes the Israeli market ripe for the kind of exports that create and sustain high-paying jobs in America.

Save it, Zog is alive and well in the US. Jews pretty much own Wall Street and Aipac is going strong. Most of the knowledge Jews got was from other countries, Alexandria Egypt, then Bagdad, the Germany and then the US.

Not only that the orthodox jews in NY are the baby boom and welfare capital of the US.

Most rich Jews send money to Israel as well, get it from the US citizens and send it to Israel.
Shekel emerges as world's second-strongest currency

Read the above and tell us how really reliant on US dollars Israel is.

Then read the following articles:

Asset Test: How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel

Israel Gives Much More to the U.S. Economy Than You Imagined

And then wonder what in the world is an Iranian base is doing in Syria

Iran building base in Syria - claim

So, where would you have your money sent to? For what purpose?
Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon?

Take a pick and tell your congress people about it.

And should the US stop borrowing money from other countries?
Does any country live by not borrowing or loaning to anyone?

Isn't the USA self supporting even though it borrows money from other countries?

So is Israel :)

(but is Syria, Iran, Gaza, the PA, etc, where so much of the US and EU money goes to? How non dependent are they and what do they give the US and Europe back ? )

It is no secret that Israel has one of the most advanced economies in the world. The “Startup Nation” is among the world’s top innovators and its work touches the lives of people around the globe in nearly every imaginable sector: Mobile and computing technology and services, healthcare, food and agriculture, scientific research and development, water, environmental protection, and defense. And as citizens of an advanced nation, Israelis are also users of these advanced technologies and their applications. This makes the Israeli market ripe for the kind of exports that create and sustain high-paying jobs in America.

Save it, Zog is alive and well in the US. Jews pretty much own Wall Street and Aipac is going strong. Most of the knowledge Jews got was from other countries, Alexandria Egypt, then Bagdad, the Germany and then the US.

Not only that the orthodox jews in NY are the baby boom and welfare capital of the US.

Most rich Jews send money to Israel as well, get it from the US citizens and send it to Israel.

Zionist Occupation Government, Zionist Occupational Government, or Zionist Occupied Government (abbreviated as ZOG) is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims "Jewish agents" secretly control the governments of Western states.[1][2] Other variants such as "Jewish occupational government" are sometimes used.[3]

The expression is used by white supremacist, far-right, nativist,[4] or anti-semitic groups in the United States[5][6][7][8][9][10] and Europe,[11] as well as by ultra-nationalists such as Pamyat in Russia, and various far-right groups including the Freemen, Identity Christians, Odinists, and Ku Klux Klan.[12]

The word "Zionist" in "Zionist Occupation Government" should not be confused with the ideology of Zionism, the movement for support of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel. Because the conspiracy theorists chiefly name countries outside that area, the usage of Zionist in this context is misleading, and it is intended to portray Jews as conspirators who aim to control the world,[5] as in the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[13]

(full article online)

Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory - Wikipedia

Thanks P, now we all know where you bury your head :)
America's ZOG (zionist occupation government) has turned the US military into a private mercenary force used to further Israeli's expansionist agenda in the Middle East. ....... :cool:
America's ZOG (zionist occupation government) has turned the US military into a private mercenary force used to further Israeli's expansionist agenda in the Middle East. ....... :cool:

Yes, Israel has expanded so much in the past 50 or so years.

Gave up the Sinai to Egypt.
Gave up Gaza in 2006.
This is the most shrinking expansion I have ever seen LOL

Having a US military base located within the terrorist state of Israel is a huge mistake.

America's butt buddy relationship with Israel is the cause of 95% of the problems we have in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

Israel has 5 Nobel Prizes in science, among the 10 most prodigious countries in the world

57 useless terrorist Islamic countries have zero


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The Nobel Prize commission is a Jewish good ole boys club ran by zionist Jews.

So of course a muslim doesn't have a chance of being nominated, let alone win the science prize. ...... :cool:
The Nobel Prize commission is a Jewish good ole boys club ran by zionist Jews.

So of course a muslim doesn't have a chance of being nominated, let alone win the science prize. ...... :cool:

Israel has 5 Nobel Prizes in science

57 useless Muslim countries have none.
This should drive Leftists up the wall. Anything to do with Israel is beyond their understanding.

The American base, officers in Israel say, will be an independent facility co-located at the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near the desert capital of Beersheba. Once completed, the base will house U.S. operational systems to identify and intercept a spectrum of aerial threats, along with barracks, recreational and other facilities required to support several dozen American air defenders.

A few dozens of soldiers of our American allies will be stationed here permanently. They are part of an American task force that will be stationed here,” said Israeli Air Force Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, the IDF‘s air defense commander.

More @ US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel
Nice location for hitting Iran.
Yes, Israel has expanded so much in the past 50 or so years.
Gave up the Sinai to Egypt.
Gave up Gaza in 2006.
This is the most shrinking expansion I have ever seen
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt because it was just desert land with no value.

Gaza is just a tiny sliver of land used by Israel to imprison the Palestinian people in the worlds largest open air concentration camp. ...... :cool:
The Nobel Prize commission is a Jewish good ole boys club ran by zionist Jews.

So of course a muslim doesn't have a chance of being nominated, let alone win the science prize. ...... :cool:

Israel has 5 Nobel Prizes in science

57 useless Muslim countries have none.
Actually Israel has 12 Nobel Prizes.

Some Muslims have gotten Peace Prizes, like Barry did - all useless anti-peace idiots.
The Nobel Prize commission is a Jewish good ole boys club ran by zionist Jews.

So of course a muslim doesn't have a chance of being nominated, let alone win the science prize. ...... :cool:

Israel has 5 Nobel Prizes in science

57 useless Muslim countries have none.
Actually Israel has 12 Nobel Prizes.

Some Muslims have gotten Peace Prizes, like Barry did - all useless anti-peace idiots.

Israel has 5 Nobel Prizes specifically for important advancements in science

57 worthless Islamic crapholes have none. In fact, not even 1 important scientific discovery or invention
This should drive Leftists up the wall. Anything to do with Israel is beyond their understanding.

The American base, officers in Israel say, will be an independent facility co-located at the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near the desert capital of Beersheba. Once completed, the base will house U.S. operational systems to identify and intercept a spectrum of aerial threats, along with barracks, recreational and other facilities required to support several dozen American air defenders.

A few dozens of soldiers of our American allies will be stationed here permanently. They are part of an American task force that will be stationed here,” said Israeli Air Force Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, the IDF‘s air defense commander.

More @ US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel
We need foreign entanglement Tax rates not cuts to social services for the poor.

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