US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

And your team does exactly the same thing, hack.

Does that make 'your team' doing it right?

Yes or no?
I don't have a team, Corky.....I dropped out years ago.



once again, is this deficit the responsibility of Trump - yes or no?
Deficit is the responsibility of all of them...But if the Cheeto vetoed the budget and "shut the gubmint down", then hand-wringing little chumps like you would be sniveling about the cheeeellllldrrrreeennnnn or other such nonsense.

As for me, I gave up any hope that any of them would be fiscally responsible starting with GHWB.
Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

And your team does exactly the same thing, hack.

Does that make 'your team' doing it right?

Yes or no?
I don't have a team, Corky.....I dropped out years ago.



once again, is this deficit the responsibility of Trump - yes or no?
Deficit is the responsibility of all of them...But if the Cheeto vetoed the budget and "shut the gubmint down", then hand-wringing little chumps like you would be sniveling about the cheeeellllldrrrreeennnnn or other such nonsense.

As for me, I gave up any hope that any of them would be fiscally responsible starting with GHWB.

Wrong, pally boy. I despise fiscal deficits in all their forms (except during a declared war). And - if you would bother to read my sig - you would see I DESPISE both parties. I have never voted for either one and I never will vote for either one.

I am for small government, balanced budgets.

I don't despise Trump as POTUS because he is Rep. I despise him as Prez because he sucks at it. And Obama sucked at it. And GWB sucked at it. But at least the last two seemed like reasonably sane/decent men. Trump acts like an 8 year old...and a spoiled one at that.

I thought you were a Trumpbot. Apparently you are not.

Good day.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

You ignorant, fucking Trumpbot...military spending reached it peak under Obama...

Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

And all Trump had to do to make it record levels again would be to add less than $100 billion. So where the FUCK has the other $1.1 trillion gone...fucking moron?

Okay...well you are a totally useless and incredibly moronic prick (politically).

Good to know.

Oh, BTW - how can you be screaming for more money for the military and then applaud Trump for taking money from it build a wall? 'Because you are a stinking Trumpbot' is the answer.

And I thought Obama was a lousy POTUS. As was GWB. In fact, I have NEVER thought a POTUS since at least (and including) Kennedy did a good job (Bush senior might have if he had balanced the budget - but he didn't).

We are done here.

My quota of talking to blind idiots who belong in Nuremberg rallies is done for the day.

Have a WONDERFUL day.
Last edited:
'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

And Democrats only care when republicans do it
'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

Kettle meet pot.
And everyone predicting slower growth, deficits will really increase then. Meanwhile trump demands more spending. Great day for the Dow... ouch.
DOW off only 460
NAS off only 196 But don't blame Trump He NEVER is at fault,,,,,,,,,,just ask his trumptards
View attachment 251681
Dumbass Eddie clicked agree on having an insult thrown his way.
Shit for brains I'm not close to far left
'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

Kettle meet pot.

how does it make you feel to know you are just like Lakhota?
'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

Republicans only care when Democrats do it.

Kettle meet pot.

how does it make you feel to know you are just like Lakhota?
I'm not and I've made it clear in other posts that I do not agree with Trumps deficit budgets.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

Trump added 31 billion to the DOD budget in the last two years, and added 1.784 trillion to the debt in that time. So, 1.465 trillion was not "rebuilding" the military and yet you still get on your knees nightly and blow the man.

Yeah...the now old excuse 'the deficit is to rebuilt the military that Obama destroyed' holds ZERO water.

If these Trumpbots stopped emulating their messiah and actually did some reading...they would see what a ludicrous position it is to take.

You know...Obamabots drove me semi-nuts with their arrogance and condescension. But at least they usually had some intelligence and did some reading (they just refused to believe what they read - often).
But Trumpbots are just maddening. They blindly believe EVERYTHING Trump says...EVERYTHING. They do NO unbiased research...NONE. They do almost no reading. They are STAGGERINGLY ignorant. And when you show them proof that their position is wrong...they simply refuse to even consider the facts right in front of their faces.
They are the weakest, most gullible, most ignorant, most pathetic bunch of minions I have seen since Pol Pot.
They are complete and total sheep.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....
Yes a socialist president is expensive. Just look at our deficits. And he demands more spending!
So you deny that the military was underfunded under Obama?...look ISSL has been defeated...they are no longer an issue...that kind of victory takes money...too bad Obama allowed a sequester stay in place choking to death our military while they were on the battlefield...the media should have hounded Obama with every death of our under funded troops....wake up man...

Does this look like the military was underfunded under Obama...

View attachment 251660

Game, Set, Match...Golfing Gator.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

Trump added 31 billion to the DOD budget in the last two years, and added 1.784 trillion to the debt in that time. So, 1.465 trillion was not "rebuilding" the military and yet you still get on your knees nightly and blow the man.

Yeah...the now old excuse 'the deficit is to rebuilt the military that Obama destroyed' holds ZERO water.

If these Trumpbots stopped emulating their messiah and actually did some reading...they would see what a ludicrous position it is to take.

You know...Obamabots drove me semi-nuts with their arrogance and condescension. But at least they usually had some intelligence and did some reading (they just refused to believe what they read - often).
But Trumpbots are just maddening. They blindly believe EVERYTHING Trump says...EVERYTHING. They do NO unbiased research...NONE. They do almost no reading. They are STAGGERINGLY ignorant. And when you show them proof that their position is wrong...they simply refuse to even consider the facts right in front of their faces.
They are the weakest, most gullible, most ignorant, most pathetic bunch of minions I have seen since Pol Pot.
They are complete and total sheep.
We are in decline. We spent massive resources on the Zumwalt Destroyer and it is a lemon and so we are building many Arleigh Burke class Destroyers from a previous era designed decades ago. Just one small example. The Ford aircraft carrier class is a lemon right now. The F 35 fighter jet is a lemon right now. The Littoral combat Class ship is a lemon. The V 22 Osprey is a lemon. And there is more. These projects have cost us trillions of dollars. We may be better then 95% of the world in military preparedness, but we pay a hundred times more then the 5% who are competitive. Now what you see in the military industrial complex is the same in ever social program taxpayer paying complex.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

Trump added 31 billion to the DOD budget in the last two years, and added 1.784 trillion to the debt in that time. So, 1.465 trillion was not "rebuilding" the military and yet you still get on your knees nightly and blow the man.

Yeah...the now old excuse 'the deficit is to rebuilt the military that Obama destroyed' holds ZERO water.

If these Trumpbots stopped emulating their messiah and actually did some reading...they would see what a ludicrous position it is to take.

You know...Obamabots drove me semi-nuts with their arrogance and condescension. But at least they usually had some intelligence and did some reading (they just refused to believe what they read - often).
But Trumpbots are just maddening. They blindly believe EVERYTHING Trump says...EVERYTHING. They do NO unbiased research...NONE. They do almost no reading. They are STAGGERINGLY ignorant. And when you show them proof that their position is wrong...they simply refuse to even consider the facts right in front of their faces.
They are the weakest, most gullible, most ignorant, most pathetic bunch of minions I have seen since Pol Pot.
They are complete and total sheep.
We are in decline. We spent massive resources on the Zumwalt Destroyer and it is a lemon and so we are building many Arleigh Burke class Destroyers from a previous era designed decades ago. Just one small example. The Ford aircraft carrier class is a lemon right now. The F 35 fighter jet is a lemon right now. The Littoral combat Class ship is a lemon. The V 22 Osprey is a lemon. And there is more. These projects have cost us trillions of dollars. We may be better then 95% of the world in military preparedness, but we pay a hundred times more then the 5% who are competitive. Now what you see in the military industrial complex is the same in ever social program taxpayer paying complex.

I am not sure what is wrong with the Osprey. What is wrong with it - seriously, I do not know.

But everything else I agree with you on - to varying degrees.
Is this deficit acceptable to you?

Yes or no? most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

Trump added 31 billion to the DOD budget in the last two years, and added 1.784 trillion to the debt in that time. So, 1.465 trillion was not "rebuilding" the military and yet you still get on your knees nightly and blow the man.

Yeah...the now old excuse 'the deficit is to rebuilt the military that Obama destroyed' holds ZERO water.

If these Trumpbots stopped emulating their messiah and actually did some reading...they would see what a ludicrous position it is to take.

You know...Obamabots drove me semi-nuts with their arrogance and condescension. But at least they usually had some intelligence and did some reading (they just refused to believe what they read - often).
But Trumpbots are just maddening. They blindly believe EVERYTHING Trump says...EVERYTHING. They do NO unbiased research...NONE. They do almost no reading. They are STAGGERINGLY ignorant. And when you show them proof that their position is wrong...they simply refuse to even consider the facts right in front of their faces.
They are the weakest, most gullible, most ignorant, most pathetic bunch of minions I have seen since Pol Pot.
They are complete and total sheep.
We are in decline. We spent massive resources on the Zumwalt Destroyer and it is a lemon and so we are building many Arleigh Burke class Destroyers from a previous era designed decades ago. Just one small example. The Ford aircraft carrier class is a lemon right now. The F 35 fighter jet is a lemon right now. The Littoral combat Class ship is a lemon. The V 22 Osprey is a lemon. And there is more. These projects have cost us trillions of dollars. We may be better then 95% of the world in military preparedness, but we pay a hundred times more then the 5% who are competitive. Now what you see in the military industrial complex is the same in ever social program taxpayer paying complex.

I am not sure what is wrong with the Osprey. What is wrong with it - seriously, I do not know.

But everything else I agree with you on - to varying degrees.

Actually, the Osprey is just fine been flying pretty much without incident for more than a decade. It took a while to work the kinks out and it was pushed into operation before it should have been. But my last duty station was MCAS New River and when I left a decade ago we had two full squadrons of them. most certainly is...we are rebuilding a military that was severely neglected by Obama...we are bringing back our economy to where it should always be....we are repairing everything he fucked up....a socialist president is do not make that mistake again.....

Trump added 31 billion to the DOD budget in the last two years, and added 1.784 trillion to the debt in that time. So, 1.465 trillion was not "rebuilding" the military and yet you still get on your knees nightly and blow the man.

Yeah...the now old excuse 'the deficit is to rebuilt the military that Obama destroyed' holds ZERO water.

If these Trumpbots stopped emulating their messiah and actually did some reading...they would see what a ludicrous position it is to take.

You know...Obamabots drove me semi-nuts with their arrogance and condescension. But at least they usually had some intelligence and did some reading (they just refused to believe what they read - often).
But Trumpbots are just maddening. They blindly believe EVERYTHING Trump says...EVERYTHING. They do NO unbiased research...NONE. They do almost no reading. They are STAGGERINGLY ignorant. And when you show them proof that their position is wrong...they simply refuse to even consider the facts right in front of their faces.
They are the weakest, most gullible, most ignorant, most pathetic bunch of minions I have seen since Pol Pot.
They are complete and total sheep.
We are in decline. We spent massive resources on the Zumwalt Destroyer and it is a lemon and so we are building many Arleigh Burke class Destroyers from a previous era designed decades ago. Just one small example. The Ford aircraft carrier class is a lemon right now. The F 35 fighter jet is a lemon right now. The Littoral combat Class ship is a lemon. The V 22 Osprey is a lemon. And there is more. These projects have cost us trillions of dollars. We may be better then 95% of the world in military preparedness, but we pay a hundred times more then the 5% who are competitive. Now what you see in the military industrial complex is the same in ever social program taxpayer paying complex.

I am not sure what is wrong with the Osprey. What is wrong with it - seriously, I do not know.

But everything else I agree with you on - to varying degrees.

Actually, the Osprey is just fine been flying pretty much without incident for more than a decade. It took a while to work the kinks out and it was pushed into operation before it should have been. But my last duty station was MCAS New River and when I left a decade ago we had two full squadrons of them.

That's what I heard/read. That it had a TON of teething problems, one or two bad accidents (one in particular), a redesign and then it was been going well since.
Thanks for the information.
Getting back on topic. The 2018 and 2019 Budget Deficits were on the GOP. They controlled the House, with RINO Ryan, the Senate with McConnell and the WH. What they did with their tax cuts was pander to their 1% donor base. The party line was that the economy needed to be unleashed to get to 3% growth and then the deficit was gone. Poof! Kudlow lied his ass off. The tax cut made the Debt bigger. The GOP Budgets and tax cuts failed miserably.

Next was the 2018 mid-terms and the dems got the House back. Promising to fix healthcare. Now they whine about the $900b Budget deficit. So what will the dems do with the FY2020 Budget? Will it Balance? Where is it? Any bets that the dems' FY2020 budget will have more of a deficit than the GOP budgets?

Come on NANCY we want to see the Budget, put our money where your mouths are.....

(my solution is a new 3% Federal Sales Tax, with a Balanced Budget Amendment)
'Another month, another frightening jump in the US budget deficit. And this time it was a record.

According to the latest Treasury data, the US budget surplus in February - traditionally the worst month of the year due to tax refunds - was a whopping $234 billion, missing the $227 billion deficit expected, and well worse than the $214 billion deficit recorded last February. And even though there may have been one-time tax refund and government shutdown factors at play, the February deficit was also the biggest budget deficit on record.'

US Budget Deficit Hits A Record $234 Billion As Interest On Debt Soars

This means Trump's government is on pace for a $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

This is absolutely ridiculous....especially considering this is during - what Trump calls - the 'greatest economy ever'.

“We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt. I think I could do it fairly quickly.... over a period of eight years.” ~ Donald Trump, 3/31/2016
You seem to live in a different world. Everyone including the Fed says growth will be slower this year.
Everyone said Trump would never win and then he would be impeached and everyone said the islands would flood by 2020 and everyone said Trump colluded and everyone said Trump will be imprisoned with his family....maybe you better think for yourself and stop listening to "everyone".....
I'm sure the voices in your head tell you the economy is growing. I'll listen to economists....
Why not do your own homework?....people say things and graphs are made and numbers are tossed out but the average people do not care...they care about their livelihood and future and both are looking up for the first time in 10 years....why can't you just except that?....why must you try and find a negative?...TDS...must be TDS....
Dow falls 460 points as US recession indicator flashes red - CNN


What an imbecile you are, huh?

Sure, ignore how the yield curve recession indicator is flashing red because CNN reported on it. :eusa_doh:

Yield curve recession indicator flashes red as 10-year yield falls below 3-month yield

The Dow Is Slumping Because a Recession Indicator Just Flashed Red

Dow falls 460 points as US recession indicator flashes red

Dow falls 460 points as US recession indicator flashes red
What an imbecile you are, huh?
You said that about me when I said there was no collusion and that Flynn will walk....maybe its you that is imbecilic.....think about are always wrong and I've been right all along and you call me an imbecile.....Buuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

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