US Citizens Want Next President to Revise Obama’s Policies

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
US citizens think that a perfect candidate to succeed US President Barack Obama in 2016 should be able to revise most of Obama’s policies, according to a new CNN/ORC poll published Sunday.
57 percent of respondents said the perfect candidate should change most of the policies of the Obama administration, such the controversial healthcare and immigration reforms.
Is he really the worst president theUSA have ever had?
US citizens think that a perfect candidate to succeed US President Barack Obama in 2016 should be able to revise most of Obama’s policies, according to a new CNN/ORC poll published Sunday.
57 percent of respondents said the perfect candidate should change most of the policies of the Obama administration, such the controversial healthcare and immigration reforms.
Is he really the worst president theUSA have ever had?
Yes, he is, without a doubt, the worst president ever. When he was elected and took office, he had a golden opportunity to lift this nation and her citizens up from near socioeconomic ruin. But, instead of correcting the many wrongs inflicted over the past 50 plus years of "the selling of America", he continued as many before him, and resorted to "politics as usual". When he took office, we were in a recession/depression, and things looked very dark for the future of this once great nation. We were at war ( if one can call it that ), we were in almost total economic ruin, and we had absolutely nothing working in our favor. In summary, we were in that proverbial dark tunnel, and not being able to see light at the end of it.

He was elected with the highest percentage of votes ever recorded, and the country was behind him, with him, and all but praised his election to office. We had hope, we had his promises, and we believed. Little did we know that his presidency was based on false promises, smooth talking silver-tongued campaign rhetoric, void of any intent to stand with us, and unite us against the corrupt power of "The Washington Brotherhood". Instead, he became a part of that political machine, and used Congress as an excuse for his many failures. Instead of calling on all Americans to march on Washington a la MLK, he decided to play "politics as usual" and abandon his vision for a better nation, if he ever actually had that vision to start with.

I'll save all of you the misery of reading the long list of ills that still plague this once great nation, instead, I'll just say that Mr. Obama has neglected to address many of them, ignored their importance, and has instead used his time to dapple in minor issues, some of which have actually made things worse instead of making them better. I can thing of no positive major accomplishments that can be credited to him, or to his administration. He has failed us, and has failed this nation. Those of us that judge him, do so without racial prejudice, rather we judge him on his performance as president and leader of this once great nation. It's totally unfair to accuse everyone that criticizes him as racist and bigots.

Our nation, her citizens, afforded him every opportunity to shine and claim his place among the great world leaders of history. He had support and the power of the people behind him from day one, but ignored that tremendous leverage, and instead became just another professional politician doing what professional politician do. Personally, I fail to see how anyone could possibly give him support now, especially since we're basically no better off than we were before he took office. Again, I'll spare everyone from the long list of ills that still plague us today.

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