US companies pay highest corporate taxes PLUS Shareholders taxed on dividends..

Since burger King was mentioned, I pulled the SEC filing's.

BKW Annual Balance Sheet - Burger King Worldwide Inc. Annual Financials

From 2009-2013 Burger King paid $11.1M in total taxes on $2.13 billion cash.

From 2009-2013 Burger King realized a deferred tax credit of $693 Million, PLUS, a deferred income of $13.8 Million both of which they will never be taxed.

The King has fucked-over the American taxpayer 'royally.'
Since burger King was mentioned, I pulled the SEC filing's.

BKW Annual Balance Sheet - Burger King Worldwide Inc. Annual Financials

From 2009-2013 Burger King paid $11.1M in total taxes on $2.13 billion cash.

From 2009-2013 Burger King realized a deferred tax credit of $693 Million, PLUS, a deferred income of $13.8 Million both of which they will never be taxed.

The King has fucked-over the American taxpayer 'royally.'
OK... Granting YOU are correct.
What is the purpose of BK moving to Canada if they AREN"T paying the taxes you indicated?
Doesn't make any sense.
Now this makes sense...
Independent of what the merger might mean for the company's corporate tax rates, there are compelling reasons for why one of America's largest burger chains might choose to team up with Canada's biggest coffee house.

For one, Burger King has been itching to gain a greater share of the coveted American breakfast market. Breakfast sales at fast food chains have swelled to more than $50 billion. They're also the industry's fastest growing segment—breakfast was responsible for 90 percent of the industry's growthbetween 2007 and 2012. Tim Hortons offers a particularly strong entry into both the U.S. and Canadian breakfast markets—the coffee chain has more than twice as many stores per capita in Canada than McDonald's has in the U.S..
Have taxes your way Why Burger King wants to become a Canadian citizen - The Washington Post
An empire to maintain and a dick waving foreign policy cost big money and someone has to pay.
But of course.. ONCE again the majority of people JUMP to conclusions as the Media is very often more interested in the scandal, the negative, the bashing of businesses as that seems to appeal to masses that are totally dependent on the MSM for 30 second headlines/sound bites that exaggerate to get the majority of idiots that don't think for themselves attention!
In BK case we have one of those idiots doing some research that REFUTES the reason for BK moving i.e. they've NOT had a high corporate tax payments as the MSM has you to believe. And this idiot that reports these low BK tax payments DOESN"T even question the Media's exaggeration, misrepresentation of the truth!
Since burger King was mentioned, I pulled the SEC filing's.

BKW Annual Balance Sheet - Burger King Worldwide Inc. Annual Financials

From 2009-2013 Burger King paid $11.1M in total taxes on $2.13 billion cash.

From 2009-2013 Burger King realized a deferred tax credit of $693 Million, PLUS, a deferred income of $13.8 Million both of which they will never be taxed.

The King has fucked-over the American taxpayer 'royally.'

We do need to redistribute the wealth. The GOP/GW experiment should be over. Like when Reagan tried it, again trickle down does not work. We do better when we are a middle class first society. Then EVERYONE does well. Isn't that the goal? The GOP want winner take all, dog eat dog every man for himself survival of the fittest. That's not America.

They have made the government the enemy, and it is, but only because THEY own it. The rich even own the Democrats. We need to take it back but we can't because half of middle class America either doesn't vote or is being tea bagged or libertarded.

The government should be looking out for the general welfare of all Americans. Not socialism. But every countries government either works well for the citizens or it doesn't. Today it doesn't for most Americans. That has to change. We need to take back our government and that's not class warfare. It is the rich with Bush and Reagan who waged war on the middle class. They broke the unions, designed nafta and bankrupted the country with tax breaks to the rich, etc. Most right wingers don't realize it because the media is no longer the watch dog. After Clinton gave them the Deregulations of the Media bill, the rich bought up every major media and now they control the message.

30 years ago people in every other country wanted to come to America. We had the biggest and best middle class the world had ever seen. Who didn't like that? The CEO's, the rich didn't. You can't deny it. They've been saying since Reagan we make too much and they shipped those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

Anyone who doesn't know the GOP fucked America and did it on purpose needs to wake up. If you are poor or middle class 1. Vote and 2. Stop voting against yourselves. You don't have the luxury of voting because of god, gays and guns. You could have done that in the 90's but now you need to vote with your pocket book. And stop drinking the coolaid!!!
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

Well, that is the thing. Conceptually, I'm not in love with corporate income taxes, but if one wants to lower them, where's the revenue neutral ying yang? And it better not be on wages, which are still falling in relation to .... food.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.

And for some very strange reason, the GOP base feels that's the way it's supposed to be. And the way to avoid that is to abolish minimum wage and cut benefits like health care.

Higher education doesn't even occur to the right. But business on the other hand, wants immigration reform so they can bring in immigrants with degrees to take jobs Republicans will never, ever be qualified for.

I don't like the "education is the key" argument, because that isn't what spurred the greatest middle class the world has ever known. Unions did that. They fought and won higher wages for the workers. If not for the unions those guys would have made $5 an hour, not $17.50. My dad paid zero for healthcare every month and we had 4 people in our family. When we went to the emergency room or doctor it only cost him $5. He didn't have to pay co pays and deductables. He got a pension, overtime etc. My dad never went to college.

Long story short is these union shops brought up everyone's wages. Non union shops paid equal to union shops because they didn't want their employees to unionize.

Also guys like my dad bought 2nd homes and paid for college and went on vacations. These low skilled middle class Americans spent so much money that even waiters at Bennegans and TGIF made good money. They no longer do. There are less customers and the customers that come tip less.

Anyways, my dad is the average American. The average American isn't going to go to college. I'm talking about the factory rats and the Walmart and McD workers. We need all those people making more money, or at least paying less in taxes so what little they make gets them ahead. Allows them to save a little, pay for college, start a family, move out of their parents home. None of this is happening today.

The gop are attacking all of us. First they went after the auto unions, then the government unions. Now the market is flooded with people looking for jobs, and the corporations and the republicans love it. This keeps wages low.

So all the people who argued against unions and called us liberals socialists, you are all idiots. They got you to argue against yourselves and you lost.

Please justify the following:
$65/hour for grass cutters..
"Take grass cutting.
As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners, but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker: an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour.
But at least the grass cutters are working for their pay.

12,000 paid for doing NOTHING..
The UAW contract also guarantees that 12,000 autoworkers get full wage for doing nothing.
On the heels of Miller's straight-talk, the Detroit News reported that "12,000 American autoworkers,
instead of bending sheet metal, spend their days counting the hours in a jobs bank."

12 000 paid not to work UAW Union Alert

Just two examples that are NOT anecdotes. Facts.
Please explain why then we should have any sympathy for unions...
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.

And for some very strange reason, the GOP base feels that's the way it's supposed to be. And the way to avoid that is to abolish minimum wage and cut benefits like health care.

Higher education doesn't even occur to the right. But business on the other hand, wants immigration reform so they can bring in immigrants with degrees to take jobs Republicans will never, ever be qualified for.

I don't like the "education is the key" argument, because that isn't what spurred the greatest middle class the world has ever known. Unions did that. They fought and won higher wages for the workers. If not for the unions those guys would have made $5 an hour, not $17.50. My dad paid zero for healthcare every month and we had 4 people in our family. When we went to the emergency room or doctor it only cost him $5. He didn't have to pay co pays and deductables. He got a pension, overtime etc. My dad never went to college.

Long story short is these union shops brought up everyone's wages. Non union shops paid equal to union shops because they didn't want their employees to unionize.

Also guys like my dad bought 2nd homes and paid for college and went on vacations. These low skilled middle class Americans spent so much money that even waiters at Bennegans and TGIF made good money. They no longer do. There are less customers and the customers that come tip less.

Anyways, my dad is the average American. The average American isn't going to go to college. I'm talking about the factory rats and the Walmart and McD workers. We need all those people making more money, or at least paying less in taxes so what little they make gets them ahead. Allows them to save a little, pay for college, start a family, move out of their parents home. None of this is happening today.

The gop are attacking all of us. First they went after the auto unions, then the government unions. Now the market is flooded with people looking for jobs, and the corporations and the republicans love it. This keeps wages low.

So all the people who argued against unions and called us liberals socialists, you are all idiots. They got you to argue against yourselves and you lost.

Please justify the following:
$65/hour for grass cutters..
"Take grass cutting.
As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners, but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker: an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour.
But at least the grass cutters are working for their pay.

12,000 paid for doing NOTHING..
The UAW contract also guarantees that 12,000 autoworkers get full wage for doing nothing.
On the heels of Miller's straight-talk, the Detroit News reported that "12,000 American autoworkers,
instead of bending sheet metal, spend their days counting the hours in a jobs bank."

12 000 paid not to work UAW Union Alert

Just two examples that are NOT anecdotes. Facts.
Please explain why then we should have any sympathy for unions...

Bottom line is you want the American workers to make less, and your side has succeeded, so don't complain or try to blame us for it or pretend you'll make things better through entreprenurialism because that's a lie. You want the wild west, winner take all, dog eat dog, darwin, survival of the fittest and I'm sorry but the great thing we had going was not due to your ways. Your ways made the Robber Baron's rich but left the rest of us behind. Our way everyone does well at least well enough. The poor aren't THAT POOR, the middle class if they are smart can save and retire with a comfy lifestyle and the rich still get rich, just not as rich.

You are either middle class and ignorant or rich and greedy. Are you rich? Then you know what you are.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.

And for some very strange reason, the GOP base feels that's the way it's supposed to be. And the way to avoid that is to abolish minimum wage and cut benefits like health care.

Higher education doesn't even occur to the right. But business on the other hand, wants immigration reform so they can bring in immigrants with degrees to take jobs Republicans will never, ever be qualified for.

I don't like the "education is the key" argument, because that isn't what spurred the greatest middle class the world has ever known. Unions did that. They fought and won higher wages for the workers. If not for the unions those guys would have made $5 an hour, not $17.50. My dad paid zero for healthcare every month and we had 4 people in our family. When we went to the emergency room or doctor it only cost him $5. He didn't have to pay co pays and deductables. He got a pension, overtime etc. My dad never went to college.

Long story short is these union shops brought up everyone's wages. Non union shops paid equal to union shops because they didn't want their employees to unionize.

Also guys like my dad bought 2nd homes and paid for college and went on vacations. These low skilled middle class Americans spent so much money that even waiters at Bennegans and TGIF made good money. They no longer do. There are less customers and the customers that come tip less.

Anyways, my dad is the average American. The average American isn't going to go to college. I'm talking about the factory rats and the Walmart and McD workers. We need all those people making more money, or at least paying less in taxes so what little they make gets them ahead. Allows them to save a little, pay for college, start a family, move out of their parents home. None of this is happening today.

The gop are attacking all of us. First they went after the auto unions, then the government unions. Now the market is flooded with people looking for jobs, and the corporations and the republicans love it. This keeps wages low.

So all the people who argued against unions and called us liberals socialists, you are all idiots. They got you to argue against yourselves and you lost.

Please justify the following:
$65/hour for grass cutters..
"Take grass cutting.
As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners, but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker: an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour.
But at least the grass cutters are working for their pay.

12,000 paid for doing NOTHING..
The UAW contract also guarantees that 12,000 autoworkers get full wage for doing nothing.
On the heels of Miller's straight-talk, the Detroit News reported that "12,000 American autoworkers,
instead of bending sheet metal, spend their days counting the hours in a jobs bank."

12 000 paid not to work UAW Union Alert

Just two examples that are NOT anecdotes. Facts.
Please explain why then we should have any sympathy for unions...

Bottom line is you want the American workers to make less, and your side has succeeded, so don't complain or try to blame us for it or pretend you'll make things better through entreprenurialism because that's a lie. You want the wild west, winner take all, dog eat dog, darwin, survival of the fittest and I'm sorry but the great thing we had going was not due to your ways. Your ways made the Robber Baron's rich but left the rest of us behind. Our way everyone does well at least well enough. The poor aren't THAT POOR, the middle class if they are smart can save and retire with a comfy lifestyle and the rich still get rich, just not as rich.

You are either middle class and ignorant or rich and greedy. Are you rich? Then you know what you are.

I am NOT rich but I am rational!
I really get tired of the exaggerations. The hyperbole and absolutely gross ignorance of people.
I am also NOT a finite pie person like YOU!
YOU think that the pie of opportunity is fixed. That like a pack of dogs people have to tear at it and
take from others. OH how primitive and crude!
THINK !! The average POOR person today can:
1) make a phone call around the world at NO COST! Something that would NOT have been
done by the RICHEST person in the 1700s! Right?
2) The poorest person in the USA can eat for FREE! We provide for them and yet people like YOU
would RATHER simply feed the poor guy a fish rather then teaching the poor guy to fish!
NOW YOU can make all sorts of excuses BUT there are MORE stories of extremely poor people
taking an idea and becoming successful... IF they follow rules like this:
1) DO unto others as you would have others do unto you!
2) Understand simple health principles like don't do drugs, smoke or drink to excess!
Simple rules like being on time and being at work everyday are so simple rules but you will find as
I HAVE that not following these simple rules are the demise of the so-called "down trodden".. poor!

NO far from being the jackal like YOU that think the pie is finite and you have to tear away from others,
I look at the FACTS that the PIE is constantly growing. Yes some people have a bigger slice i.e. the hypocrites Gates, Buffet.. wealthy movie stars... BUT I am getting a piece of the pie like they and like YOU could if you'd LOOK UP at the opportunities rather then around to see who YOU can tear it from!
Proof the pie is bigger???

[*]GDP in 2005 dollars USA Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
[*] 1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
[*] 1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
[*] 2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
And please don't give me that CRAP about more poor people!!
I grew up with using an outhouse which YOU have no idea what that means!
And I am constantly looking forward to learning more at my 71 years then I did last 70 years!
Just a friendly hint. When you make a post accusing other people of hyperbole, it's generally NOT a good idea to end every sentence with multiple punctuations with question marks and exclamation marks.
OK... Granting YOU are correct.
What is the purpose of BK moving to Canada if they AREN"T paying the taxes you indicated?
Doesn't make any sense.
Now this makes sense...
Independent of what the merger might mean for the company's corporate tax rates, there are compelling reasons for why one of America's largest burger chains might choose to team up with Canada's biggest coffee house.

For one, Burger King has been itching to gain a greater share of the coveted American breakfast market. Breakfast sales at fast food chains have swelled to more than $50 billion. They're also the industry's fastest growing segment—breakfast was responsible for 90 percent of the industry's growthbetween 2007 and 2012. Tim Hortons offers a particularly strong entry into both the U.S. and Canadian breakfast markets—the coffee chain has more than twice as many stores per capita in Canada than McDonald's has in the U.S..
Have taxes your way Why Burger King wants to become a Canadian citizen - The Washington Post

I've posted the official numbers. Do the math.
But of course.. ONCE again the majority of people JUMP to conclusions as the Media is very often more interested in the scandal, the negative, the bashing of businesses as that seems to appeal to masses that are totally dependent on the MSM for 30 second headlines/sound bites that exaggerate to get the majority of idiots that don't think for themselves attention!
In BK case we have one of those idiots doing some research that REFUTES the reason for BK moving i.e. they've NOT had a high corporate tax payments as the MSM has you to believe. And this idiot that reports these low BK tax payments DOESN"T even question the Media's exaggeration, misrepresentation of the truth!

The thread title is the lie. US companies DON'T PAY the highest corporate taxes PLUS shareholders are taxed on income, just like everyone else.

Didn't this 'idiot' post official numbers to refute the reported reason that Burger King is moving?
We do need to redistribute the wealth. The GOP/GW experiment should be over. Like when Reagan tried it, again trickle down does not work. We do better when we are a middle class first society. Then EVERYONE does well. Isn't that the goal? The GOP want winner take all, dog eat dog every man for himself survival of the fittest. That's not America.

They have made the government the enemy, and it is, but only because THEY own it. The rich even own the Democrats. We need to take it back but we can't because half of middle class America either doesn't vote or is being tea bagged or libertarded.

The government should be looking out for the general welfare of all Americans. Not socialism. But every countries government either works well for the citizens or it doesn't. Today it doesn't for most Americans. That has to change. We need to take back our government and that's not class warfare. It is the rich with Bush and Reagan who waged war on the middle class. They broke the unions, designed nafta and bankrupted the country with tax breaks to the rich, etc. Most right wingers don't realize it because the media is no longer the watch dog. After Clinton gave them the Deregulations of the Media bill, the rich bought up every major media and now they control the message.

30 years ago people in every other country wanted to come to America. We had the biggest and best middle class the world had ever seen. Who didn't like that? The CEO's, the rich didn't. You can't deny it. They've been saying since Reagan we make too much and they shipped those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

Anyone who doesn't know the GOP fucked America and did it on purpose needs to wake up. If you are poor or middle class 1. Vote and 2. Stop voting against yourselves. You don't have the luxury of voting because of god, gays and guns. You could have done that in the 90's but now you need to vote with your pocket book. And stop drinking the coolaid!!!

If 'the rich even own the Democrats' they're not getting their monies worth.

Democrats want to increase the minimum wage which is the base for all wages.

Democrats want to end or severely curtail inversion.

Democrats want to end tens of billions in corporate subsidies to companies making tens of billions in net profit.
Well, that is the thing. Conceptually, I'm not in love with corporate income taxes, but if one wants to lower them, where's the revenue neutral ying yang? And it better not be on wages, which are still falling in relation to .... food.

Why would you not be in favor of a corporate entity paying taxes to pay for tax-based services that they use?
Please justify the following:
$65/hour for grass cutters..
"Take grass cutting.
As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners, but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker: an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour.
But at least the grass cutters are working for their pay.

12,000 paid for doing NOTHING..
The UAW contract also guarantees that 12,000 autoworkers get full wage for doing nothing.
On the heels of Miller's straight-talk, the Detroit News reported that "12,000 American autoworkers,
instead of bending sheet metal, spend their days counting the hours in a jobs bank."

12 000 paid not to work UAW Union Alert

Just two examples that are NOT anecdotes. Facts.
Please explain why then we should have any sympathy for unions...

Unions represent the backbone of America, American workers.

Being an auto aficionado and collector, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the big three built CRAP from the early 70's until the mid 2000's, which is the reason that the big three couldn't compete.
Dumb fucks. Canada has almost no military because they rely on us. Make the fuckers pay. And right wingers, the biggest welfare queens in the world want to spread the "free stuff".

Canada also has socialized medicine and more generous social programs. Taxes take a higher percentage of the economy than in the US. Or at least they did before Obama was elected.
We do need to redistribute the wealth. The GOP/GW experiment should be over. Like when Reagan tried it, again trickle down does not work. We do better when we are a middle class first society. Then EVERYONE does well. Isn't that the goal? The GOP want winner take all, dog eat dog every man for himself survival of the fittest. That's not America.

They have made the government the enemy, and it is, but only because THEY own it. The rich even own the Democrats. We need to take it back but we can't because half of middle class America either doesn't vote or is being tea bagged or libertarded.

The government should be looking out for the general welfare of all Americans. Not socialism. But every countries government either works well for the citizens or it doesn't. Today it doesn't for most Americans. That has to change. We need to take back our government and that's not class warfare. It is the rich with Bush and Reagan who waged war on the middle class. They broke the unions, designed nafta and bankrupted the country with tax breaks to the rich, etc. Most right wingers don't realize it because the media is no longer the watch dog. After Clinton gave them the Deregulations of the Media bill, the rich bought up every major media and now they control the message.

30 years ago people in every other country wanted to come to America. We had the biggest and best middle class the world had ever seen. Who didn't like that? The CEO's, the rich didn't. You can't deny it. They've been saying since Reagan we make too much and they shipped those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

Anyone who doesn't know the GOP fucked America and did it on purpose needs to wake up. If you are poor or middle class 1. Vote and 2. Stop voting against yourselves. You don't have the luxury of voting because of god, gays and guns. You could have done that in the 90's but now you need to vote with your pocket book. And stop drinking the coolaid!!!

If 'the rich even own the Democrats' they're not getting their monies worth.

Democrats want to increase the minimum wage which is the base for all wages.

Democrats want to end or severely curtail inversion.

Democrats want to end tens of billions in corporate subsidies to companies making tens of billions in net profit.

Oh they get their money's worth on the Dems. I would be thrilled to believe the Democrats were strictly for we the people but then I'm reminded of Joe Lieberman and then the Blue Dog Democrats that instead of passing real healthcare reform, they basically let the Healthcare Lobbyists write Obamacare. It mandates that everyone buy their services. How brilliant was that?

Today Democrats are corporate Democrats. They agreed with less regulations and giving tax breaks to the rich. They don't push for global warming like they should. They aren't pro union and anti NAFTA enough.

We have to stop letting the GOP control the message. They say our government is the problem. They suggest that we NEED government and they don't. I want to challenge them to a bet. Move to Mexico and show me you can make a fortune there. If you don't think you need the USA government, move to Mexico and show us how you can make it on your own.
I don't understand why any of you care what a company does if you have no stake in that company.

It's none of your business now is it?
I don't understand why any of you care what a company does if you have no stake in that company.

It's none of your business now is it?

Sure, for those who think that businesses and profits are bad things.

For these people, anything an evil corporation does is a criminal act.

It's better to let the government do it, we can trust the government.

I just read all the posts, and nobody even mentioned we need to completely toss the 70,000 page tax code into the woodstove and start over.

The first thing everybody knows is no corporation 'pays' taxes. it's always passed on to the next person in line, no matter if it's a steel company selling to fabricators, or muffler manufacturers selling to auto companies. The taxes are passed along down to the final consumer.

The last studies I read all said the consumer pays about 20% of the final price of goods in passed along taxes. Twenty percent. We consumers pay those corporate taxes.

Now this is an oversimplification, but one study said that by eliminating the taxes paid along the way, prices could drop by that 20%. And if we were to have a 28% sales tax on new goods only, with food being exempt, the workers of this country could get 100% of their paycheck. No deductions, no nothing. Taxes would only be paid when somebody buys a new product. New cars would be taxed, but used cars would not. But the price of that new car is 20% lower. One study said the government would take in more revenue because there would be more people paying taxes. This would also eliminate personal income tax filings.

This limits the IRS to collecting sales taxes, and nothing else. No more Lois Lerners.

Oh, and pass legislation that it would require a 3/4 vote in both houses of Congress to raise taxes. If there were a true emergency, a vote could be taken in 24 hours.

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