US companies pay highest corporate taxes PLUS Shareholders taxed on dividends..

With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

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You're leaving out the loopholes. Same loopholes Trump uses to pay no taxes. Same as GE and every other "smart" company that takes advantage of the tax system us liberals have been saying all along is rigged for the rich.
Corporations are paying a smaller share of federal tax revenue than they did in the 1950s, dropping from one-third then to only one-tenth of the total today. Yet, an army of lobbyists is pushing hard to convince Congress to cut the corporate income tax rate by nearly one-third

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates

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