US created Cuban Twitter to overthrow gov't


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Mar 30, 2011
Home of the 2013 BCS National Champion
The AP says U.S. government officials developed an app called ZunZuneo -- named after the chirping sound of a hummingbird -- to cause social unrest.

U.S. efforts to undermine the Castro regime in Havana are nothing new. There was a poison cigar, an exploding seashell, lethal pills and a fungus-ridden diving suit. But cooking up a tech startup with -- literally -- revolutionary intentions? That's something else.

To get around Cuba's iron grip control on technology and outside influence via the Internet, ZunZuneo was a low-tech version of Twitter fed by cell phone text messages, the AP

....The most startling aspect of the revelations is that the entire project wasn't run by spies in the Central Intelligence Agency. Instead, it was masterminded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, which distributes humanitarian aid.

Report: US created Cuban Twitter to overthrow gov't | Home - Home
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They need to try harder. Getting sick of not being able to get legal Cubano stogies.
Obama used the internet to help the radical Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. It cost us an ally.
It cost Israel an ally. It created a nightmare for Egypt, who had banned Obama's advisors, the Muslim Brotherhood from power because they are so radical.
When it happened, the internet went down and the only advice Obama could give was, get the internet back up and running. He was using it to orchestrate the overthrow. Once his Muslim Brotherhood was in, Obama thanked himself and Google for overthrowing the old peaceful regime.
Placing radical Muslims in positions of power is so Obama.
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So you support tyranny,fascism and death for easy access to cigars?

Cubans already have all the tyranny, fascism and death they could hope for under the commies.

Why do we need to work so hard to convince them their lives are so bad? How many have we killed with sanctions?

We didn't kill anybody with sanctions. They decided to seize american property without any compensation back in the 60's.

All on them.
Obama used the internet to help the radical Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. It cost us an ally.
It cost Israel an ally. It created a nightmare for Egypt, who had banned Obama's advisors, the Muslim Brotherhood from power because they are so radical.
When it happened, the internet went down and the only advice Obama could give was, get the internet back up and running. He was using it to orchestrate the overthrow. Once his Muslim Brotherhood was in, Obama thanked himself and Google for overthrowing the old peaceful regime.
Placing radical Muslims in positions of power is so Obama.

And this is relevant to Cuba how? is there an Islamic government in Cuba?
Cubans already have all the tyranny, fascism and death they could hope for under the commies.

Why do we need to work so hard to convince them their lives are so bad? How many have we killed with sanctions?

We didn't kill anybody with sanctions. They decided to seize american property without any compensation back in the 60's.

All on them.

U.S seized Cuban assets and every Capitalist in America tried to claim Castro owned them something. Some Ad Exec in Miami seized Castro's plane off just the claim Castro owed him $429,000 because he made a deal with someone in the previous government.
Cubans already have all the tyranny, fascism and death they could hope for under the commies.

Why do we need to work so hard to convince them their lives are so bad? How many have we killed with sanctions?

Have you talked to any Cubans lately? believe me we don't need to convince them of anything.

I remember a Cuban baseball player getting death threats for speaking positive about Castro.
Why do we need to work so hard to convince them their lives are so bad? How many have we killed with sanctions?

We didn't kill anybody with sanctions. They decided to seize american property without any compensation back in the 60's.

All on them.

U.S seized Cuban assets and every Capitalist in America tried to claim Castro owned them something. Some Ad Exec in Miami seized Castro's plane off just the claim Castro owed him $429,000 because he made a deal with someone in the previous government.

The US seizures were in retaliation for the Cuban Commies property grab.
They decided everything was theirs, and they had to pay the price for that.
Cubans already have all the tyranny, fascism and death they could hope for under the commies.

Why do we need to work so hard to convince them their lives are so bad? How many have we killed with sanctions?

Have you talked to any Cubans lately? believe me we don't need to convince them of anything.

I'm a quarter Cuban.

My grandfather was Batista's Ambassador to Canada.

He wasn't a great guy..and I am no fan of Castro given that they seized our family's businesses and lands.

That said, if the Cubans wanted him gone? He would have been gone.

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