US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

yes, its a land grab, Putin is trying to reconstitute the USSR by taking a very corrupt Ukraine back into his control. We have nothing to gain by arming Ukraine, doing that would make us a party in the war and subject to attack . that is an insane idea. Let Russia have corrupt Ukraine, he would shut off the Burisma payments to the Bidens and that is the only reason we are even thinking about entering this fiasco.
We are making him pay a price for the land. Si he understands not to want to much. Hes causing a blood fued with Ukraine innhis future. Those whos relatives that are dying will want payback in the future
Ukraine was part of the soviet union for decades. they are not simply neighbors. many Ukrainians want to rejoin Russia. This is not as simple as the american war hawks want to make it.
East Germany was part of the USSR for decades too, so would you say Russia is entitled to take over East Germany too if Putin gets the urge? In 1990, when the USSR dissolved, Russia recognized Ukraine including the Crimea as an independent sovereign nation and even negotiated a treaty with Ukraine under which Russia would keep its naval base in Crimea under as long term lease with Ukraine. There is no rational justification for the Russian invasion.
so you want another viet nam? proxy wars are a stupid waste of lives on all sides. you seem like an intelligent guy but you are letting your emotions overrule your common sense.
We have no troops in Ukraine. Which part of that dont you understand?
We are making him pay a price for the land. Si he understands not to want to much. Hes causing a blood fued with Ukraine innhis future. Those whos relatives that are dying will want payback in the future
I understand your emotional argument but thats what is, emotion, not thinking.
East Germany was part of the USSR for decades too, so would you say Russia is entitled to take over East Germany too if Putin gets the urge? In 1990, when the USSR dissolved, Russia recognized Ukraine including the Crimea as an independent sovereign nation and even negotiated a treaty with Ukraine under which Russia would keep its naval base in Crimea under as long term lease with Ukraine. There is no rational justification for the Russian invasion.
Germany is part of NATO. Putin is not that stupid. Ukraine is not the "pure as the driven snow" wonderful country that you make it out to be, it is one of the most corrupt in the world and many of its people are so fed up that they want to return to Russia.
And that, in fact, is the proposal, to send anti ship missiles to Ukraine so the Ukrainians can use them to break the Russian blockade of its prots.
Why should we "give" missiles to Ukraine? Why should the US taxpayers fund Ukraine's war effort?
So how does a nuke on NYC and Moscow solve any of that?
Now you are off the deep end. If they fire nukes both sides die. This has been the case since WWII. Ive heard this for decades and it bores me. If they are insane they will do that. And ill not sit here and play that please dont Nuke mw Putin I beg you.

This is my response to Putin. Fuck you. We dont fear you. If you invade a NATO country we will get knee deep into your ass. Dont even think about it.

If you go Insane and nuke us you will die with us.

So do us a favor and gi the fuck home.
We have no troops in Ukraine. Which part of that dont you understand?
we didn't have any in Viet Nam or Afghanistan or Kosovo at the beginning either. getting involved in any way will eventually result in US boots on the ground in Ukraine.
Now you are off the deep end. If they fire nukes both sides die. This has been the case since WWII. Ive heard this for decades and it bores me. If they are insane they will do that. And ill not sit here and play that please dont Nuke mw Putin I beg you.

This is my response to Putin. Fuck you. We dont fear you. If you invade a NATO country we will get knee deep into your ass. Dont even think about it.

If you go Insane and nuke us you will die with us.

So do us a favor and gi the fuck home.
is that bravado worth the risk when we are dealing with a mad dictator who would sacrifice his people in a heartbeat? We do not have to get into this. Hating Putin is not a valid reason for american kids to die.
In reality, the first world and the educated people in it immediately recoiled at Putin's invasion of Ukraine, and they have become more horrified with every report of him destroying cities block by block.
Democrats use Putin as a scapegoat for their lies over Trump, NATO continually jerking him off with taunts of Ukraine joining NATO, running all kinds of war games at Putin's door. And of course, he long's for the glory days of his USSR.

And we are surprised over Putin's eventual response?

I'm not defending his actions one way or another......but you must look at the reality of the situation and how why we are here.
thats the war hawk scenario, but it is very unlikely even if Putin takes Ukraine. and if we send them arms we are entering the war and americans will die as a result of that decision. are your kids ready to go and possibly die for Ukraine?
There is no rational basis for either of those statements. Russia is not going to attack the US for sending weapons to Ukraine and Russia's demands that NATO pull out of eastern Europe makes it clear Putin intends to go further than Ukraine. There is no risk to the US's current policies but there is great risk to the US if Ukraine falls.
East Germany was part of the USSR for decades too, so would you say Russia is entitled to take over East Germany too if Putin gets the urge? In 1990, when the USSR dissolved, Russia recognized Ukraine including the Crimea as an independent sovereign nation and even negotiated a treaty with Ukraine under which Russia would keep its naval base in Crimea under as long term lease with Ukraine. There is no rational justification for the Russian invasion.
Had ti build a wall to keep people in. The USSR was a evil natuon. Stalin was evil. They abused their own people.

Putin is a remnant of it after glory. Countries left the USSR because ir sucked.

If the people of Ukraine wanted to be in Russia they would have already surrendered and thrown flowers at Russian troops. That aint happening
Why should we "give" missiles to Ukraine? Why should the US taxpayers fund Ukraine's war effort?
Outside of all out war between NATO and Russia, yes why are we the one's Ukraine begs the most ? Good question.. Do we have more of a stake in Ukraine than the other NATO alliances do ?? Trump was angry because he found that the NATO alliances weren't paying their fair share, so he worked to fix that, and his claim was that they began to do better. So one wonder's where we are at now in it all, because it seems to be getting out of balance again.
mutual assured destruction. that is the only way a nuclear exchange could end.
Disagree......old school nuclear reality.

Newspeak is 'limited' nuclear war.

Besides, one can not conquer a country and use its spoils if it's radioactive for 100,000 years.
Biowarefare is the ticket and Chinese doctrine believes in it.

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