US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

Outside of all out war between NATO and Russia, yes why are we the one's Ukraine begs the most ? Good question.. Do we have more of a stake in Ukraine than the other NATO alliances do ?? Trump was angry because he found that the NATO alliances weren't paying their fair share, so he worked to fix that, and his claim was that they began to do better. So one wonder's where we are at now in it all, because it seems to be getting out of balance again.
when we have a weak president the entire world is at risk. it has always been so.
Disagree......old school nuclear reality.

Newspeak is 'limited' nuclear war.

Besides, one can not conquer a country and use its spoils if it's radioactive for 100,000 years.
Biowarefare is the ticket and Chinese doctrine believes in it.
you are probably right, but either way hundreds of thousands are dead. and for what?
is that bravado worth the risk when we are dealing with a mad dictator who would sacrifice his people in a heartbeat? We do not have to get into this. Hating Putin is not a valid reason for american kids to die.
You dont back down from bullies. EVER. It is known as Detente and Peace thru strength.

And where was Putins concern for our boys when he gave our enemies weapons???

Screw him
There is no rational basis for either of those statements. Russia is not going to attack the US for sending weapons to Ukraine and Russia's demands that NATO pull out of eastern Europe makes it clear Putin intends to go further than Ukraine. There is no risk to the US's current policies but there is great risk to the US if Ukraine falls.
Ok if Ukraine falls, then what are the risk to the US specifically ? Do explain.... Not wanting Ukraine to fall myself, but how are we tied up in this more so than other's are in the alliance ?
So. Weve always trained and backed up NATO. Ssme as the DMZ in Korea.

NATO is Defensive Agreement. If Russia attacks it will be defended.
yes, and Ukraine is not a NATO member. Why are Ukraine's NATO neighbors silent? Could it be that they are smarter than the Biden administration?
Germany is part of NATO. Putin is not that stupid. Ukraine is not the "pure as the driven snow" wonderful country that you make it out to be, it is one of the most corrupt in the world and many of its people are so fed up that they want to return to Russia.
So now you are arguing that if you believe a country is corrupt or that there is some internal dissent in it, its neighbors have the right to invade it and take it over. How very Putinesque of you.
So. Weve always trained and backed up NATO. Ssme as the DMZ in Korea.

NATO is Defensive Agreement. If Russia attacks it will be defended.
Jerking off Putin by admitting we sank his ship and took out an aircraft full of his soldiers isn't quite how I'd do it.
You dont back down from bullies. EVER. It is known as Detente and Peace thru strength.

And where was Putins concern for our boys when he gave our enemies weapons???

Screw him
a better solution is a CIA hit team on Putin or a Russian coup supported clandestinely. A shooting war is stupid and a terrible waste of lives and money. In 2020 we had a coup in the USA, no reason that could not happen in Russia.
Ok if Ukraine falls, then what are the risk to the US specifically ? Do explain.... Not wanting Ukraine to fall myself, but how are we tied up in this more so than other's are in the alliance ?

All the bipartisan investments in Ukraine will fail....LOL
Jerking off Putin by admitting we sank his ship and took out an aircraft full of his soldiers isn't quite how I'd do it.
We didnt sink his damn ship.

Ukraine did. They built the missiles used to sink it.

Now their tanks. Yes are weapons are being used.
So now you are arguing that if you believe a country is corrupt or that there is some internal dissent in it, its neighbors have the right to invade it and take it over. How very Putinesque of you.
not what I said or even close.
We didnt sink his damn ship.

Ukraine did. They built the missiles used to sink it.

Now their tanks. Yes are weapons are being used.
And the Biden administration bragged about providing US Intel to do it. It's agiven we are doing that, but publicly bragging about it? Beyond that, it reveals our intel capabilities.

I forgot, they bragged about taking out his generals, too.
a better solution is a CIA hit team on Putin or a Russian coup supported clandestinely. A shooting war is stupid and a terrible waste of lives and money.
And who the fuck did that?? Russia invaded Uktaine. Did Ukraine just up and jimp at Russia?? No it didnt. Im not going to play this game.

Purin wants the Black Sea. That is Clear. And that is why its a War now. All rest is just BS
And the Biden administration bragged about providing US Intel to do it. It's agiven we are doing that, but publicly bragging about it? Beyond that, it reveals our intel capabilities.

I forgot, they bragged about taking out his generals, too.
Biden is an idiot
And who the fuck did that?? Russia invaded Uktaine. Did Ukraine just up and jimp at Russia?? No it didnt. Im not going to play this game.

Purin wants the Black Sea. That is Clear. And that is why its a War now. All rest is just BS
He just got up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine?
And who the fuck did that?? Russia invaded Uktaine. Did Ukraine just up and jimp at Russia?? No it didnt. Im not going to play this game.

Purin wants the Black Sea. That is Clear. And that is why its a War now. All rest is just BS
Putin is probably on the way out, either by cancer or a coup or both. Your anger at one man is not justification for hundreds of american kids in uniform to die. the new Russian leader could be better or worse, why not wait and see before getting into this war that has zero impact on us?
He just got up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine?
No he planned this.

Just like Georgia. Jusr like Crimea. He will continue to take if there is no price paid for it. Hes paying a price. Well his people are. They need to end him.

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