US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

He just got up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine?
HISTORY----the Ukraine was, historically, a virtual possession
of MOTHA RUSSIA. The Black Sea is from whence the all
important CAVIAR is harvested (besides being strategic)
Putin is probably on the way out, either by cancer or a coup or both. Your anger at one man is not justification for hundreds of american kids in uniform to die. the new Russian leader could be better or worse, why not wait and see before getting into this war that has zero impact on us?
Screw him Hes the cause of many Dead Americans killed by his weapons.
You dont back down from bullies. EVER. It is known as Detente and Peace thru strength.

And where was Putins concern for our boys when he gave our enemies weapons???

Screw him
Agree, but the world has been selling weapon's all over the place since forever, but this being on Russia's border sort of changes the theme for Russia wouldn't you think, otherwise when it comes to us being a proxy in a country that border's on Russian territory ??

Is there garrantee's that Ukraine won't take it's new found technology, war strategies, and independence after it's win, and then wage a vengeance war by pushing back into Russia for the crime's it felt that Russia had committed against it's sovereignty and it's people ?? Would we be instrumental at stopping that continued war ?? Hope so, because these things are probably on everybody's minds looking forward.
Why should we "give" missiles to Ukraine? Why should the US taxpayers fund Ukraine's war effort?
To avoid a potential war between NATO and Russia which would be much more expensive and cost US lives. This current Russian invasion took place because the US and Europeans showed a lack of resolve in opposing the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine and if the US and Europeans show a lack of resolve in opposing this current Russian invasion of Ukraine it will call into question their resolve to defend NATO members that border Russia's new borders if it conquers Ukraine and that will make a war between NATO and Russia more likely or result in the end of NATO.
Agree, but the world has been selling weapon's all over the place since forever, but this being on Russia's border sort of changes the theme for Russia wouldn't you think, otherwise when it comes to us being a proxy in a country that border's on Russian territory ??

Is there garrantee's that Ukraine won't take it's new found technology, war strategies, and independence after it's win, and then wage a vengeance war by pushing back into Russia for the crime's it felt that Russia had committed against it's sovereignty and it's people ?? Would we be instrumental at stopping that continued war ?? Hope so, because these things are probably on everybody's minds looking forward.
I do not believe that the UKRAINE---once russia is out will have
an appetite for REVENGE
HISTORY----the Ukraine was, historically, a virtual possession
of MOTHA RUSSIA. The Black Sea is from whence the all
important CAVIAR is harvested (besides being strategic)
And Mother Russia became Bilshevik Russua in a civil war. Ukraine fought against the Bolsheviks and lost becoming the USSR.

Why did they lose? Their dead layed in the fields of WWI against Germany. Russia lost in WWI. And the chaos allowed Lenin to take power
I do not believe that the UKRAINE---once russia is out will have
an appetite for REVENGE
If they do, then hopefully we will be instrumental in bringing forth peace instead of more war, even though Russia probably deserves some good retaliation for what it's done, yet hopefully things will settle back down, and hopefully soon. Blessed are the peacemakers.
Yep as an arm dealer in the world you are right, and in Afghanistan the favor was returned because we are also a huge arm's dealer in the world.
Which had been going on since WWII. Nothing new. We couldnt fight each other because of MAD.

The USSR was crap. Stalin was even worse than Hitler. Communism via Lenin helped even Mao to come to life. Over A 100 million people are dead as a result
And Mother Russia became Bilshevik Russua in a civil war. Ukraine fought against the Bolsheviks and lost becoming the USSR.
Why did they lose? Their dead layed in the fields of WWI against Germany. Russia lost in WWI. And the chaos allowed Lenin to take power
Are you by any chance a ukrainian historian? Such idiocy usually comes from them.
when we have a weak president the entire world is at risk. it has always been so.

Our President has built a global coalition to isolate Russia and provide Military hardware to Ukraine

The guy YOU voted for cheered Putin, calling him a genius and mocked NATO for being weak
The USSR was crap. Stalin was even worse than Hitler.
A beautiful thought!
Are you by any chance a ukrainian historian? Such idiocy usually comes from them.
I can read Moonbat. The Bolsheviks gained power by Civil war. Then took half of Europe in WWII.

Only reason Stalin stopped because we were in his way
Our President has built a global coalition to isolate Russia and provide Military hardware to Ukraine

The guy YOU voted for cheered Putin, calling him a genius and mocked NATO for being weak
The guy I voted for recognized Putin as a formidable
Our President has built a global coalition to isolate Russia and provide Military hardware to Ukraine

The guy YOU voted for cheered Putin, calling him a genius and mocked NATO for being weak
Our President is a weak bought off bitch who got us in thus mess.

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