US economy shows signs of stronger recovery

Because increased government spending and hugely increasing debt is the only thing that turns an economy around :rolleyes:

Whatever degree of recovery is happening in spite of these ludicrous economic policies.. not because of them
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Because increased government spending and hugely increasing debt is the only thing that turns an economy around "rolleyes:

The deficits has come down under Obama, so im not sure what you are talking about. When Obama came into office we were running on a annual debt of 1.4 Trillion, it is now down to 850 Billion.

For the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, CBO projected the deficit will fall to $845 billion, or 5.3% of gross domestic product, after four years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits
CBO Sees Rising U.S. Debt, Economic Rebound in 2014 -

I think as time goes on this just proves that we should not be listening to Republicans. The debt is slowly being reduced and the economy is steady growing on a backbone of construction and housing. Sounds good to me.
BBC News - US economy shows signs of stronger recovery

Totally Obama's fault, right? And it seems like the perfect time to go into austerity that's failed around the world so our economy can crumble again leading into the midterm elections. Who cares about the nation.. I mean really...

It's good news. POTUS gets more credit than deserved when things are going well and they get more blame than they deserve when things are going poorly. It's like being an NFL quarterback.

But good news is good news and I'm happy for it.

But I still want the automatic spending cuts. Without them - we will have no real spending cuts - from EITHER party.

We can't keep pumping up the economy with borrowed money. Might as well bite the bullet now.
We can't keep pumping up the economy with borrowed money. Might as well bite the bullet now.

Agreed. Im not really going to assign credit as History will do that at some point.

This all goes back to the 1960's under the Nixon admin, when we decided to no longer back our currency up with gold. Fiat currency. Until our Govt is forced to only use what they have in worth, IE: gold, they will print, print and print some more. Democrat or Republican, makes no matter.

Moving along from all that doom and gloom, I just hope we keep getting good news. I would like to retire some day!!!!
Because increased government spending and hugely increasing debt is the only thing that turns an economy around "rolleyes:

The deficits has come down under Obama, so im not sure what you are talking about. When Obama came into office we were running on a annual debt of 1.4 Trillion, it is now down to 850 Billion.

For the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, CBO projected the deficit will fall to $845 billion, or 5.3% of gross domestic product, after four years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits
CBO Sees Rising U.S. Debt, Economic Rebound in 2014 -

I think as time goes on this just proves that we should not be listening to Republicans. The debt is slowly being reduced and the economy is steady growing on a backbone of construction and housing. Sounds good to me.

Bullshit.. the government wil spend more this year than last.. the deficit will go up just as it has gone up each and every year under Obama...
Bullshit.. the government wil spend more this year than last..

not true.

here is the truth. The overall debt will climb and we are still on a 850 billion annual debt. However, taking the annual debt from 1.4 Trillion to 850 Billion in 4 years and some change is an acceptable number in my book. If we could get the GOP to play ball for once maybe that 850 number would fall even further and we could start paying off that Bush II debt.

This is not some shit that happens over night. so believe what you will, were heading in the proper direction. Im of the mind set we will never truly be a rich and profitable nation again until we lose the Federal Reserve and demand we back up the Dollar with real hard copy value (gold, silver, etc).
Bullshit.. the government wil spend more this year than last..

not true.

here is the truth. The overall debt will climb and we are still on a 850 billion annual debt. However, taking the annual debt from 1.4 Trillion to 850 Billion in 4 years and some change is an acceptable number in my book. If we could get the GOP to play ball for once maybe that 850 number would fall even further and we could start paying off that Bush II debt.

This is not some shit that happens over night. so believe what you will, were heading in the proper direction. Im of the mind set we will never truly be a rich and profitable nation again until we lose the Federal Reserve and demand we back up the Dollar with real hard copy value (gold, silver, etc).

Lay your username and an IP block on it... I certainly will... I am confident in that bet... the government will spend more this year and have a higher deficit than last year

And no.. you cannot say 'that is not true'.. you are basing it off an opinion
again, improvement is being made while on political party is jacking off. Think of the progress to be made if the GOP would grow up.

At any rate, ill take the good news.

Im on a UK island on a USAF base, that might be why my links dont work.
You are the one that states deficits have come down (flat out lie) and that it would be down this year (and I am willing to bet my username and ability to post on this board from the end of the bet forward, IF you do the same)... I am calling you on your lie and your prediction.. put up, or shut up

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