US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Sudan is a country with both Arab and sub-Saharan black people. The Arabs have oppressed the blacks in the Sudan for centuries, but recently the oppression is nearing genocide.

Spot on.

Not everyone thinks its a religous war or a racial I don't get why the random post :confused:

The fact that religion and race are involved must have escaped their notice. Either that, or you are a lying sack of shit.

Personally, I think it is the latter.
How is anything Romney did defending anyone's human rights?

He essentially spouted off and got his facts wrong.

You want to protect American Citizens, you take the assholes who did this film and throw their asses in the klink. They're easy enough to convict, we found out that the guy who made the film has been ripping off social security today...

And here we have it, the Stalinist fuck JoeB OPENLY calling for the imprisonment of Americans for "insulting Islam."

Yeah, you are a filthy scumbag.

Hey, guy, this asshole who made the film is ALREADY on probation for federal fraud. They don't even need to put him on trial. He's violated his probation, back to the Klink he goes...

Hey, idiot, it is still legal for him to make the film. I seriously doubt any judge is going to throw him in prison because he made a movie unless someone can prove that he defrauded someone in the process.
It's boring to be identified as a Marxist, baby-killing, American-hating, terrorist sympathizing piece of shit, I'm sure.
But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.

Wow, you are an avid fisherman! I guess I'll have to thank you for your service for the 5th time. Could you list for me all the combat zones you served in so that I may appreciate you better?

Since you never served, what would be the point in that...

Frankly, I get tired of Chickenshits like you picking fights brave guys have to pick up the tab for.

I got a better idea. .Let's take the two assholes who made this film, the whole staff of the Weekly Standard, including Krauthammer and Krystol, and you.. and drop you in the middle of the Islamic World to work it out.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable...

I served, asshole, and I find your opinions contemptible.
Hey, this asshole who made the film is ALREADY on probation for federal fraud. ...

On probation for insulting Islam? Yes or no, coward?

Does it matter?

He committed federal crimes. He was given probation on the condition he stay out of trouble.

He didn't stay out of trouble.

You know the conditions of his probation? How, exactly, does making a film equate with not staying out of trouble?
Does it matter? .

Yes or no, coward?

I'd say probably not. He was on probation for what he was convicted of, which was defrauding the Social Security Administration.

Not that it matters. When you are on probation, it is entirely up to the board of parole to throw you back in. Using a false identity could be on charge, as he misrepresented himself as an Israeli citizen when he wasn't.

He also claims he raised 5 million to make this film, and there is not 5 million dollars worth of production in this shit that makes Ed Wood look like Orson Welles. So we probably have some fraud charges here.

NO problem at all getting this guy back in jail, where all the guys who found Allah just can't wait to meet him.. heh, heh, heh....

I see you know less about probation than you do about breathing.
Since the discovery of oil in the Middle East and the creation of Zionism which led to the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Palestinian land, there has been constant turmoil in the Middle East. With the discovery of oil in the Middle East, western powers, Britain, France and the U.S. & others have colonized and exploited the oil producing countries in the Middle East. In order for the colonizing countries to maintain their control and exploitation of these oil producing countries in the Middle East they have tried to keep leaders and governments in that would allow them to maintain this control by basically bribing them. At times some of these leaders would die or they'd get overthrown by a coup d' etat and the new government demands better agreements on their natural resources. These countries also want to maintain their own banking & money system that's free of usury. This does not always sit well with the powers that be in the West because they want to maintain their domination and control. The Anglo-American banking powers, the very wealthy elite out of London & N.Y.C. have a usurious international banking system that allows them to maintain control & domination over countries through debt.
The U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. OPEC countries in 1973 imposed an oil embargo on the U.S. because of U.S. Support for Israel. Henry Kissinger negotiated a settlement with the OPEC countries to agree to invoice all oil purchases in U.S. dollars only. Two countries opted out of this agreement, Iraq and Iran. Saddam Hussein began selling his oil in Euro's, which many think is one of the reasons for attacking Iraq, the ginned up threat to Israel being another reason. Iran is basically a repeat of Iraq. Iran has a banking system that is not under control of the usurious international bankers and they will sell their natural resources in exchange for a basket of currencies. Iran's doesn't have much of a refining capacity for their oil. They have to have their oil refined in other countries then shipped back in. Iran's economic strategy is to make nuclear power the primary energy source for their power grids and to sell most of what they produce out of the ground to foreign countries.
The people of the Middle East, the Muslims/Arabs, are tired of being invaded & bombed (drone strikes now), watching their loved ones killed and their land and resources being exploited by Western imperialist powers. Since the discovery of oil & natural gas this is what's happened to their land and people. It's the armies of the U.S., Britain & France that have been attacking...invading these oil & natural gas producing countries under the guise of bringing them freedom & democracy & the responsibility to protect ( the R2P ), which is all a crock. Naturally the Muslim/Arabs view us as a threat.
The culminating ire of the indigenous people of the Middle East against the Western powers for the unjustified invasions of their country's, killing of their loved ones and the exploitation of their land & resources manifests itself in street protests and violence which is plastered all over the controlled corporate media which portrays the outrage of the people as a people just being irrationally over-sensitive about their religion conveniently leaving out the history of invasions, killing of their loved ones in unjustified wars of conquest, and the exploitation of their natural resources.
Tensions are high may cooler heads prevail.
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In the interest of full disclosure, there is this interesting bit that I am now researching more fully::

Now that the dust has settled, it looks like a bunch of fundamentalist Christians were aided by a fundamentalist Islamic cleric in Egypt to stir up chaos in the Middle East, and to give us an Arab Fall as a dark, election-year coda to the Arab Spring (while all the while blaming the Jews).

It feels like something out of Sacha Baron Cohen's satirical movies, or an episode of "South Park" -- only tragic rather than satiric.

The "credible" mainstream media's complicity in perpetuating the falsehood is tragic as well. But perhaps more tragic is their collective inability to admit that they were played, and the fact that they posted "updated" stories, and "extras" shedding new light on Bacile, and in the process buried the original, erroneous stories under a blizzard of faux-mystery and spin.
MediaShift . How 'Sam Bacile' Bamboozled the AP, Wall Street Journal Over Anti-Muslim Film | PBS

Now if this turns out to be verifiable, I wonder if our Apologist in Chief will condemn a blatant connection to an Islamic cleric who would have obviously intended to stir up Islamic hatred and violence on 9/11?
Hey, I used to get my ex-girlfriend to dress up like a nun, and then...

Well, gee, probably shouldn't shock your sensibilities, as all your friends went with white guys...

Say again now? :confused:
Something to see.

[ame=]Islamists Killed Americas in Libya, but Right-Wing Christians Are to Blame? - YouTube[/ame]
Since the discovery of oil in the Middle East and the creation of Zionism which led to the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Palestinian land, there has been constant turmoil in the Middle East. With the discovery of oil in the Middle East, western powers, Britain, France and the U.S. & others have colonized and exploited the oil producing countries in the Middle East. In order for the colonizing countries to maintain their control and exploitation of these oil producing countries in the Middle East they have tried to keep leaders and governments in that would allow them to maintain this control by basically bribing them. At times some of these leaders would die or they'd get overthrown by a coup d' etat and the new government demands better agreements on their natural resources. These countries also want to maintain their own banking & money system that's free of usury. This does not always sit well with the powers that be in the West because they want to maintain their domination and control. The Anglo-American banking powers, the very wealthy elite out of London & N.Y.C. have a usurious international banking system that allows them to maintain control & domination over countries through debt.
The U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. OPEC countries in 1973 imposed an oil embargo on the U.S. because of U.S. Support for Israel. Henry Kissinger negotiated a settlement with the OPEC countries to agree to invoice all oil purchases in U.S. dollars only. Two countries opted out of this agreement, Iraq and Iran. Saddam Hussein began selling his oil in Euro's, which many think is one of the reasons for attacking Iraq, the ginned up threat to Israel being another reason. Iran is basically a repeat of Iraq. Iran has a banking system that is not under control of the usurious international bankers and they will sell their natural resources in exchange for a basket of currencies. Iran's doesn't have much of a refining capacity for their oil. They have to have their oil refined in other countries then shipped back in. Iran's economic strategy is to make nuclear power the primary energy source for their power grids and to sell most of what they produce out of the ground to foreign countries.
The people of the Middle East, the Muslims/Arabs, are tired of being invaded & bombed (drone strikes now), watching their loved ones killed and their land and resources being exploited by Western imperialist powers. Since the discovery of oil & natural gas this is what's happened to their land and people. It's the armies of the U.S., Britain & France that have been attacking...invading these oil & natural gas producing countries under the guise of bringing them freedom & democracy & the responsibility to protect ( the R2P ), which is all a crock. Naturally the Muslim/Arabs view us as a threat.
The culminating ire of the indigenous people of the Middle East against the Western powers for the unjustified invasions of their country's, killing of their loved ones and the exploitation of their land & resources manifests itself in street protests and violence which is plastered all over the controlled corporate media which portrays the outrage of the people as a people just being irrationally over-sensitive about their religion conveniently leaving out the history of invasions, killing of their loved ones in unjustified wars of conquest, and the exploitation of their natural resources.
Tensions are high may cooler heads prevail.
And now go learn the truth you Jew hating asshole.
YOu work on the assumption I care.

That answers that.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were dense.

I want this guy in jail.

I want him to be repeatedly abused by prisoners who converted to Islam.

Ok, and do you want everyone who has ever made a movie or video mocking Christianity thrown in jail and "repeatedly abused"?

How about anyone who has ever made a video disrespectful of Moses? Shakyamuni? Gobind Singh? Zoroaster? Or, dare I say, never mind...
Since the discovery of oil in the Middle East and the creation of Zionism which led to the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Palestinian land, there has been constant turmoil in the Middle East. With the discovery of oil in the Middle East, western powers, Britain, France and the U.S. & others have colonized and exploited the oil producing countries in the Middle East. In order for the colonizing countries to maintain their control and exploitation of these oil producing countries in the Middle East they have tried to keep leaders and governments in that would allow them to maintain this control by basically bribing them. At times some of these leaders would die or they'd get overthrown by a coup d' etat and the new government demands better agreements on their natural resources. These countries also want to maintain their own banking & money system that's free of usury. This does not always sit well with the powers that be in the West because they want to maintain their domination and control. The Anglo-American banking powers, the very wealthy elite out of London & N.Y.C. have a usurious international banking system that allows them to maintain control & domination over countries through debt.
The U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. OPEC countries in 1973 imposed an oil embargo on the U.S. because of U.S. Support for Israel. Henry Kissinger negotiated a settlement with the OPEC countries to agree to invoice all oil purchases in U.S. dollars only. Two countries opted out of this agreement, Iraq and Iran. Saddam Hussein began selling his oil in Euro's, which many think is one of the reasons for attacking Iraq, the ginned up threat to Israel being another reason. Iran is basically a repeat of Iraq. Iran has a banking system that is not under control of the usurious international bankers and they will sell their natural resources in exchange for a basket of currencies. Iran's doesn't have much of a refining capacity for their oil. They have to have their oil refined in other countries then shipped back in. Iran's economic strategy is to make nuclear power the primary energy source for their power grids and to sell most of what they produce out of the ground to foreign countries.
The people of the Middle East, the Muslims/Arabs, are tired of being invaded & bombed (drone strikes now), watching their loved ones killed and their land and resources being exploited by Western imperialist powers. Since the discovery of oil & natural gas this is what's happened to their land and people. It's the armies of the U.S., Britain & France that have been attacking...invading these oil & natural gas producing countries under the guise of bringing them freedom & democracy & the responsibility to protect ( the R2P ), which is all a crock. Naturally the Muslim/Arabs view us as a threat.
The culminating ire of the indigenous people of the Middle East against the Western powers for the unjustified invasions of their country's, killing of their loved ones and the exploitation of their land & resources manifests itself in street protests and violence which is plastered all over the controlled corporate media which portrays the outrage of the people as a people just being irrationally over-sensitive about their religion conveniently leaving out the history of invasions, killing of their loved ones in unjustified wars of conquest, and the exploitation of their natural resources.
Tensions are high may cooler heads prevail.
Just another anti Jew pos
As of 13-th of this month US/NATO are bombing Libyan Bengazi, Tobruk, Vadi Harish, Brega, Emirate Derna, Zintan and the whole region of Nafus, and Tripoli.
Since the discovery of oil in the Middle East and the creation of Zionism which led to the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Palestinian land, there has been constant turmoil in the Middle East. With the discovery of oil in the Middle East, western powers, Britain, France and the U.S. & others have colonized and exploited the oil producing countries in the Middle East. In order for the colonizing countries to maintain their control and exploitation of these oil producing countries in the Middle East they have tried to keep leaders and governments in that would allow them to maintain this control by basically bribing them. At times some of these leaders would die or they'd get overthrown by a coup d' etat and the new government demands better agreements on their natural resources. These countries also want to maintain their own banking & money system that's free of usury. This does not always sit well with the powers that be in the West because they want to maintain their domination and control. The Anglo-American banking powers, the very wealthy elite out of London & N.Y.C. have a usurious international banking system that allows them to maintain control & domination over countries through debt.
The U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. OPEC countries in 1973 imposed an oil embargo on the U.S. because of U.S. Support for Israel. Henry Kissinger negotiated a settlement with the OPEC countries to agree to invoice all oil purchases in U.S. dollars only. Two countries opted out of this agreement, Iraq and Iran. Saddam Hussein began selling his oil in Euro's, which many think is one of the reasons for attacking Iraq, the ginned up threat to Israel being another reason. Iran is basically a repeat of Iraq. Iran has a banking system that is not under control of the usurious international bankers and they will sell their natural resources in exchange for a basket of currencies. Iran's doesn't have much of a refining capacity for their oil. They have to have their oil refined in other countries then shipped back in. Iran's economic strategy is to make nuclear power the primary energy source for their power grids and to sell most of what they produce out of the ground to foreign countries.
The people of the Middle East, the Muslims/Arabs, are tired of being invaded & bombed (drone strikes now), watching their loved ones killed and their land and resources being exploited by Western imperialist powers. Since the discovery of oil & natural gas this is what's happened to their land and people. It's the armies of the U.S., Britain & France that have been attacking...invading these oil & natural gas producing countries under the guise of bringing them freedom & democracy & the responsibility to protect ( the R2P ), which is all a crock. Naturally the Muslim/Arabs view us as a threat.
The culminating ire of the indigenous people of the Middle East against the Western powers for the unjustified invasions of their country's, killing of their loved ones and the exploitation of their land & resources manifests itself in street protests and violence which is plastered all over the controlled corporate media which portrays the outrage of the people as a people just being irrationally over-sensitive about their religion conveniently leaving out the history of invasions, killing of their loved ones in unjustified wars of conquest, and the exploitation of their natural resources.
Tensions are high may cooler heads prevail.
Just another anti Jew pos

Nah. Ergo is a dyed-in-the-wood dime-a-dozen Nazi slimeball.

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