US Embassador to Lybia Killed

The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

The killing of Americans has been done by " Civilized people" Just one more example of what they really are
Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?

I don't respect their religion... dumbass. I think theirs is as silly as anyone else. .

Well ok tough-boy, do you want to burn down mosques all over America? Do you fantasize about bashing Imam's heads into brick walls? Well? Do you?
But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.

Wow, you are an avid fisherman! I guess I'll have to thank you for your service for the 5th time. Could you list for me all the combat zones you served in so that I may appreciate you better?
Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH?

So, a crappy, poorly-made online movie is now the same as "yelling fire in a crowded theater"? Really? You realize of course that you have made yourself the useful idiot for radical Muslims who would say that any criticism of Islam, portrayal of Muhamed, or disagreement with the decrees of radical Imams in any way also constitutes "yelling fire in a crowded theater"? You realize that your line of reasoning leads to the end of free speech entirely? Are you motived by fear like JoeB?
How is anything Romney did defending anyone's human rights?

He essentially spouted off and got his facts wrong.

You want to protect American Citizens, you take the assholes who did this film and throw their asses in the klink. They're easy enough to convict, we found out that the guy who made the film has been ripping off social security today...

And here we have it, the Stalinist fuck JoeB OPENLY calling for the imprisonment of Americans for "insulting Islam."

Yeah, you are a filthy scumbag.

Hey, guy, this asshole who made the film is ALREADY on probation for federal fraud. They don't even need to put him on trial. He's violated his probation, back to the Klink he goes...
But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.

Wow, you are an avid fisherman! I guess I'll have to thank you for your service for the 5th time. Could you list for me all the combat zones you served in so that I may appreciate you better?

Since you never served, what would be the point in that...

Frankly, I get tired of Chickenshits like you picking fights brave guys have to pick up the tab for.

I got a better idea. .Let's take the two assholes who made this film, the whole staff of the Weekly Standard, including Krauthammer and Krystol, and you.. and drop you in the middle of the Islamic World to work it out.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable...
Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?

I don't respect their religion... dumbass. I think theirs is as silly as anyone else. .

Well ok tough-boy, do you want to burn down mosques all over America? Do you fantasize about bashing Imam's heads into brick walls? Well? Do you?

I'm for closing down all religion... or at least regulating it like a business.

And sorry, if an Imam came to my mom's funeral and said some horseshit about this being Allah's will, his head WOULD have ended up in wall.

The nun got a pass because she was an old, frustrated lesbian and kind of contemptable.
"The Marxist hatred of anything supernatural—and especially anything Christian—is most often vented on religious peoples and institutions in Marxist countries.

Although the July 10, 1918 Constitution of the former U.S.S.R. recognized freedom of both “religious and anti-religious propaganda” as the right of every citizen, the Soviet state constantly worked to suppress theistic religion. Article 65 of the 1918 Constitution declared priests and clerics to be “servants of the bourgeoisie” and had them disenfranchised. This meant, among other things, that priests were denied ration cards and their children were barred from attending school above the elementary grades. Paul Kurtz, a Secular Humanist, points out that from 1918 to 1921 “religious persecution continued unabated. . . . All church property was nationalized, and it is estimated that tens of thousands of bishops, clerics, and laymen were killed or imprisoned.”1

Marxist Theology – The Church is Counter-Revolutionary
In the former Soviet Union, church after church was declared counter-revolutionary and shut down.2 Churches were turned into cinemas, radio stations, granaries, museums, machine repair shops, etc. Before the revolution, Moscow had 460 Orthodox churches. On January 1, 1930, the number was down to 224, and by January 1, 1933, the figure was about 100.

Even though the 1936 Soviet Constitution again guaranteed “freedom of religion,” Marxist attacks on religious peoples continued unabated. In the days following the new Constitution, some Christians attempted to conform to laws by registering with the government. The Soviet government required these believers to collect fifty signatures. When the Christians presented the signatures to the government officials, all fifty “conspirators” would be deemed “members of a secret counter-revolutionary organization”3 and arrested.

Such persecution will continue as long as the Marxist worldview rules any country. Modern times have not made Marxists more tolerant of religion. In 1993, in the People’s Republic of China, Marxist leaders tore down an Islamic mosque, ostensibly because it was not “government sanctioned.” The Marxist government can sanction only one religion: the religion of atheism—the “ABC of Marxism.”

Marxist Theology and The Marxist Assault on the Church
So a bunch of con artists who hawked fairy tales were forced to work for a living?

Hey, 100 of us stranded on an Island having to produce food and shelter for ourselves, the most useless guy there would be the "Clergyman".
How is anything Romney did defending anyone's human rights?

He essentially spouted off and got his facts wrong.

You want to protect American Citizens, you take the assholes who did this film and throw their asses in the klink. They're easy enough to convict, we found out that the guy who made the film has been ripping off social security today...

And here we have it, the Stalinist fuck JoeB OPENLY calling for the imprisonment of Americans for "insulting Islam."

Yeah, you are a filthy scumbag.

Hey, this asshole who made the film is ALREADY on probation for federal fraud. ...

On probation for insulting Islam? Yes or no, coward?
And here we have it, the Stalinist fuck JoeB OPENLY calling for the imprisonment of Americans for "insulting Islam."

Yeah, you are a filthy scumbag.

Hey, this asshole who made the film is ALREADY on probation for federal fraud. ...

On probation for insulting Islam? Yes or no, coward?

Does it matter?

He committed federal crimes. He was given probation on the condition he stay out of trouble.

He didn't stay out of trouble.

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