US Embassador to Lybia Killed

I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.

Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!

Do you realize how stupid you look when you say things like that? The proper quotation is about falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater, and even that can be protected speech if the intent is not to cause a panic. You really should learn to respect rights before you start trying to take them away from people that are significantly more intelligent than you are.
If you can't see the irresponsibility of stirring things up and getting someone killed as a result, that speaks volumes about YOU!

So what sort of prison sentences should be handed out to those who insult Islam?

There is no need for me to elaborate since your capacity for understanding is severely limited.

We understand, you're a Stalinist fuck.

Modern democrats hate liberty and are dedicated to ending even basic civil rights. Welcome to the Obamanation.

Secondly, who the hell are U to tell me, a native born American citizen, to leave my homeland because I don't like something? In case you forgot, it is my patriotic duty, and yours, to work for change when we don't like something.

So, it's your patriotic duty to change the bill of rights and establish a totalitarian dictatorship?

Explain why it wouldn't be my patriotic duty to shoot you in the face?

Nothing is FREE, BTW, not even free speech. Perhaps, in your tunnel visioned haze, it might eventually dawn upon you that the "free speech" you so carelessly embrace had a high price in Libya, didn't it?


Obama Akbar indeed.
Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Well they would in fight amongst each other Sunni v.s Shite first, hell that is already happening as we speak.
You are right about that.......Okay Black would be third to get it.

I agree with that, right now Jihadists are getting Black Muslims to do their dirty work in Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.
BTW, the "apologies" that are attributed to the president exists only in the minds of Romney and his programmed diehards. We now know that the so-called :apologies: were given preemptively before the violence and subsequent murders occurred. Indeed, this was in an attempt to avert tragedy.

Now, the president's hand is being forced! He is going to really have to use that marvelous brain of his to overcome the increasing anti-American sentiment we see all across the Middle East. Last report, 9 countries were joining in Jihad -like acivities. But is it the governments of these countries or just a relativelyu few the average men in the streets? fortunately, Obama sees the difference. Romney doesn't!
Romney, rather than waiting to see what the respective governments of these nations will do in the name of justice, would probably start another war over the actions of a few rebel terrorists who may have nothing to do with their government.

They were released after the guy that wrote them was told not to do so without major revisions, not to mention long before there was any danger to anyone. Keep defending something that is clearly wrong if you feel a need. The rest of us will deal with the world that actually exists.
Well they would in fight amongst each other Sunni v.s Shite first, hell that is already happening as we speak.
You are right about that.......Okay Black would be third to get it.

I agree with that, right now Jihadists are getting Black Muslims to do their dirty work in Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.

What are you talking about? People on Nigeria and Somalia are black people...Sudan is Arabic
Just laugh it you it's okay for Kurdish people do go into Turkey and kill innoncent people

You are a Muslim who advocates genocide of the Jews in Israel; how to you get off calling others "Antisemitic?"

Are you trying to dehumanize me you cocksucker? Because someone is Muslim what is that supposed to mean he's irrelevant because he's muslim? What a prejudice scumbag you are

You dehumanize yourself.
Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!
No one called fire in a theater ..... Religious and political speech is completely free in this country...You dont like it? Move somewhere else and take the president and his administration with you when you go.

If you can't see the irresponsibility of stirring things up and getting someone killed as a result, that speaks volumes about YOU! There is no need for me to elaborate since your capacity for understanding is severely limited.

Secondly, who the hell are U to tell me, a native born American citizen, to leave my homeland because I don't like something? In case you forgot, it is my patriotic duty, and yours, to work for change when we don't like something. Nothing is FREE, BTW, not even free speech. Perhaps, in your tunnel visioned haze, it might eventually dawn upon you that the "free speech" you so carelessly embrace had a high price in Libya, didn't it?

You think stirring things up is irresponsible? Does that make Obama irresponsible because he publicly called for Mubarak to step down? What about Pelosi's public support of Assad, is that irresponsible? Is it irresponsible for Muslims to condemn atheists as blasphemers?
You are right about that.......Okay Black would be third to get it.

I agree with that, right now Jihadists are getting Black Muslims to do their dirty work in Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.

What are you talking about? People on Nigeria and Somalia are black people...Sudan is Arabic

The terrorist groups in those African countries are getting training, arms, funding and all sorts of assistance from Muslims in the Middle East.
I agree with that, right now Jihadists are getting Black Muslims to do their dirty work in Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.

What are you talking about? People on Nigeria and Somalia are black people...Sudan is Arabic

The terrorist groups in those African countries are getting training, arms, funding and all sorts of assistance from Muslims in the Middle East.

Like who? Are you seriously gonna blame Islamists for what's happening in those countries? Why don't you go on a Nigerian Christian forum and see what they say about their goverment
What are you talking about? People on Nigeria and Somalia are black people...Sudan is Arabic

The terrorist groups in those African countries are getting training, arms, funding and all sorts of assistance from Muslims in the Middle East.

Like who? Are you seriously gonna blame Islamists for what's happening in those countries? Why don't you go on a Nigerian Christian forum and see what they say about their goverment

Look at whats happening in Mali retard, Al Qaeda has essentially taken over the Northern Part of that country, they have ransacked Timbuktu and are cutting off heads in the street. In Nigeria Boko Haram carries out attacks on Christians and wants their own Islamic state based off of Sharia law, they also get aid, training, funding etc from Al Qaeda and other Islamic groups. In short pinhead, the Islamists are using the Africans to further their own agenda, the world wide caliphate. They really don't care about the Africans, they wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire but they do care about the rise of Islam.
The terrorist groups in those African countries are getting training, arms, funding and all sorts of assistance from Muslims in the Middle East.

Like who? Are you seriously gonna blame Islamists for what's happening in those countries? Why don't you go on a Nigerian Christian forum and see what they say about their goverment

Look at whats happening in Mali retard, Al Qaeda has essentially taken over the Northern Part of that country, they have ransacked Timbuktu and are cutting off heads in the street. In Nigeria Boko Haram carries out attacks on Christians and wants their own Islamic state based off of Sharia law, they also get aid, training, funding etc from Al Qaeda and other Islamic groups. In short pinhead, the Islamists are using the Africans to further their own agenda, the world wide caliphate. They really don't care about the Africans, they wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire but they do care about the rise of Islam.

I didn't say they aren't causing problems....they are causing problems for everybody as well as Muslims there...but I asked what middle Easter countries support them? And I said don't make it sound like without them there aren't any problems at all
Islamofascists don't function as COUNTRIES, they function as ISLAM.

Back to ignoring the ignorant yahoo.

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