US Embassador to Lybia Killed

There is no such thing as Jizya today you moron

You lying cocksucker. Iran imposes Jizya as we speak.

The only reason that the Sunni countries don't is that you defy your own religion by murdering all Dhimmis.

No they don't, how many fucking times are you gonna lie? Something from a hundreds of years ago is irrelevant to this topic...go post in the religon threads for a discussion in Jizya taxes...
Really???? I think the Jews might disagree about race tolerance.

No, that's religion, not race. Muslims hate the Jews because the Jews rejected Muhammad.

Further, if a Jew willingly submits to rule by Muslims, and pays Jizya, a tax designed to keep Dhimmis in an economic ghetto, then Muslims will allow Jews to live. Many Jews live in Iran. This may sound odd in the West, but Shi'its are far more moderate than the Sunni are.

Kafir are to be murdered in all cases.

Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.
Anybody can tell how bad you want Muslims dead. You support everyone anti Muslim all over every thread you criticize Islams and Muslims all's obvious you support a Kurdish nation even though they have terror groups then why not support palestinain independence? That's hypocritical

Kurds are mostly Muslims and I am cool with them, so how the fuck do I want all Muslims dead?

Do you support Kurdish independence?

You bet your ass I do.
Really???? I think the Jews might disagree about race tolerance.

No, that's religion, not race. Muslims hate the Jews because the Jews rejected Muhammad.

Further, if a Jew willingly submits to rule by Muslims, and pays Jizya, a tax designed to keep Dhimmis in an economic ghetto, then Muslims will allow Jews to live. Many Jews live in Iran. This may sound odd in the West, but Shi'its are far more moderate than the Sunni are.

Kafir are to be murdered in all cases.

Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Well they would in fight amongst each other Sunni v.s Shite first, hell that is already happening as we speak.
No, that's religion, not race. Muslims hate the Jews because the Jews rejected Muhammad.

Further, if a Jew willingly submits to rule by Muslims, and pays Jizya, a tax designed to keep Dhimmis in an economic ghetto, then Muslims will allow Jews to live. Many Jews live in Iran. This may sound odd in the West, but Shi'its are far more moderate than the Sunni are.

Kafir are to be murdered in all cases.

Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Well they would in fight amongst each other Sunni v.s Shite first, hell that is already happening as we speak.

In the 80's, the muslim terrorist gropus in algeria consumed each other by killing and toruring, just because they thought they were better muslims than the others. Islam is a black hole. It will destroy as a whole including itself, if you let it to do so...
Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Oh, not at all.

Islam is a violent cult. If they don't have infidels to kill, they start killing each other. Sunni and Shi'ite love to murder each other.
Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Oh, not at all.

Islam is a violent cult. If they don't have infidels to kill, they start killing each other. Sunni and Shi'ite love to murder each other.

This guy is a're all quiet after you realized your own article that you pulled out of your ass talked about the 1300s..:lol:
Year 1399 you fucking idiot....there is no Jizya today

Not only Does Iran impose Jizya, but your Taliban buddies are as well.

{New Delhi: Indian Muslim religious leaders have unanimously condemned in strongest terms the Pakistani Taliban’s kidnapping, extortion of huge amounts of money from Sikh community as “Jizya” and demolition of the houses and shops of those who fail to pay the demanded sums.

The community leaders in a joint statement said that Jizya is a tax paid in an Islamic state but the imposition of the so-called Jizya by Taliban is nothing more than extortion by an armed and lawless gang which does not constitute a sovereign government or state or even an organ thereof. }


Muslims are an evil cult.
Year 1399 you fucking idiot....there is no Jizya today

Not only Does Iran impose Jizya, but your Taliban buddies are as well.

{New Delhi: Indian Muslim religious leaders have unanimously condemned in strongest terms the Pakistani Taliban’s kidnapping, extortion of huge amounts of money from Sikh community as “Jizya” and demolition of the houses and shops of those who fail to pay the demanded sums.

The community leaders in a joint statement said that Jizya is a tax paid in an Islamic state but the imposition of the so-called Jizya by Taliban is nothing more than extortion by an armed and lawless gang which does not constitute a sovereign government or state or even an organ thereof. }


Muslims are an evil cult.

Does taliban represent anybody besides their organization? You see how you generalized ? You just said a post ago it's not about Muslims it's you said muslims are evil? How easy was it to get you to admit that you want to exterminate all muslims...

Iran has no Jizya again moron...
They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.

Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!
No one called fire in a theater ..... Religious and political speech is completely free in this country...You dont like it? Move somewhere else and take the president and his administration with you when you go.

If you can't see the irresponsibility of stirring things up and getting someone killed as a result, that speaks volumes about YOU! There is no need for me to elaborate since your capacity for understanding is severely limited.

Secondly, who the hell are U to tell me, a native born American citizen, to leave my homeland because I don't like something? In case you forgot, it is my patriotic duty, and yours, to work for change when we don't like something. Nothing is FREE, BTW, not even free speech. Perhaps, in your tunnel visioned haze, it might eventually dawn upon you that the "free speech" you so carelessly embrace had a high price in Libya, didn't it?
No, that's religion, not race. Muslims hate the Jews because the Jews rejected Muhammad.

Further, if a Jew willingly submits to rule by Muslims, and pays Jizya, a tax designed to keep Dhimmis in an economic ghetto, then Muslims will allow Jews to live. Many Jews live in Iran. This may sound odd in the West, but Shi'its are far more moderate than the Sunni are.

Kafir are to be murdered in all cases.

Do you think hate like this would just go away if they kill all non Muslims????? Cause I dont....Just saying historically after the Jews it is always the Black people that get the shaft.

Well they would in fight amongst each other Sunni v.s Shite first, hell that is already happening as we speak.
You are right about that.......Okay Black would be third to get it.

Um, aren't YOU the one scared of "the big-bad muslims," bigot?

Um, nope, not really.

Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?

You noticed that too.
Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!
No one called fire in a theater ..... Religious and political speech is completely free in this country...You dont like it? Move somewhere else and take the president and his administration with you when you go.

If you can't see the irresponsibility of stirring things up and getting someone killed as a result, that speaks volumes about YOU! There is no need for me to elaborate since your capacity for understanding is severely limited.

Secondly, who the hell are U to tell me, a native born American citizen, to leave my homeland because I don't like something? In case you forgot, it is my patriotic duty, and yours, to work for change when we don't like something. Nothing is FREE, BTW, not even free speech. Perhaps, in your tunnel visioned haze, it might eventually dawn upon you that the "free speech" you so carelessly embrace had a high price in Libya, didn't it?

If you want to talk about responsibility then Obama needs the lion share for encouraging them with appeasement....
Yeah I think I've said that half a dozen times. Condemn and apologize are not synonyms. However, it has fallen on wingnut ears. *shrug*

What I read is an apology for the United States having a 1st Amendment.

What I read was a condemnation for someone being a complete asshole and deserving an ass-whuppin'.

Someone who deliberately insults anyone's religious belief deserves an ass-whuppin'? When are you going to go to get yours?
Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?

I don't respect their religion... dumbass. I think theirs is as silly as anyone else.

This isn't about religion. This is about 60 years of stupid American policies towards that region built on top of 100 years of even more retarded European policies towards that region.

They don't hate our God (Christians have lived peacefully in that region for centuries) and they don't hate our freedoms.

They hate our policies. Some of which ARE pretty stupid- propping up horrible dictators, supporting Israel's bad behavior, etc.

40 years ago, we had problems in that region, but no one ever talked about "Jihad" or "Islam". They talked about how certain leaders were in with the Soviets. Then Reagan got the "brilliant" idea to start funding guys like Bin Laden to counteract the socialists.

YOu can't keep sticking your dick in the hornet's nest and whine about getting stung.

But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.

They don't hate our God? Christians have lived peacefully in that region for centuries? Can we bet on that? Seriously, do you want to actually stake your membership in this forum on your beliefs?

Before you answer, let me show you what Wikipedia has to say about the subject.

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is just a few examples, I can literally come up with thousands of them.

Please, bet with me about this, I would love to have one less idiot on the board when it comes to religion, even if it makes my life slightly less complete.

You can either admit you really don't know what you are talking about, or join OohPooPahDoo in admitting you don't care about facts when you argue.
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