US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Well ok tough-boy, do you want to burn down mosques all over America? Do you fantasize about bashing Imam's heads into brick walls? Well? Do you?

I'm for closing down all religion....

Ok, so would you like to burn down mosques all over America? Yes or no?

I think we should leave a few up as monuments to fraud... just like we should with the rest of the houses of fraud.
And sorry, if an Imam came to my mom's funeral and said some horseshit about this being Allah's will, his head WOULD have ended up in wall.

No one, least of all you, believes that, faceless.
On probation for insulting Islam? Yes or no, coward?

Does it matter? .

Yes or no, coward?

I'd say probably not. He was on probation for what he was convicted of, which was defrauding the Social Security Administration.

Not that it matters. When you are on probation, it is entirely up to the board of parole to throw you back in. Using a false identity could be on charge, as he misrepresented himself as an Israeli citizen when he wasn't.

He also claims he raised 5 million to make this film, and there is not 5 million dollars worth of production in this shit that makes Ed Wood look like Orson Welles. So we probably have some fraud charges here.

NO problem at all getting this guy back in jail, where all the guys who found Allah just can't wait to meet him.. heh, heh, heh....
The nun got a pass because she was an old, frustrated lesbian and kind of contemptable.

She probably "got a pass" because even an old woman would kick your ridiculous ass up and down the street, 'guy.'
The nun got a pass because she was an old, frustrated lesbian and kind of contemptable.

She probably "got a pass" because even an old woman would kick your ridiculous ass up and down the street, 'guy.'

No, she got a pass because my sisters were already pretty upset with mom dying and all, and me making a scene with a nasty old carpetmuncher would have made a bad situation worse.

Some of us have something called impulse control. You should look into it.
But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.

Wow, you are an avid fisherman! I guess I'll have to thank you for your service for the 5th time. Could you list for me all the combat zones you served in so that I may appreciate you better?

Since you never served, what would be the point in that... ...

Is it a secret? Were you special forces or something and you can't talk about it? Just say so and I'll understand.
Wow, you are an avid fisherman! I guess I'll have to thank you for your service for the 5th time. Could you list for me all the combat zones you served in so that I may appreciate you better?

Since you never served, what would be the point in that... ...

Is it a secret? Were you special forces or something and you can't talk about it? Just say so and I'll understand.

No, it's just none of your fucking business, and I've already answered the question to people I respect here.

besides, I love watching you go batshit crazy when I don't give you answers....

Not that you going batshit crazy is a long trip, mind you.
The nun got a pass because she was an old, frustrated lesbian and kind of contemptable.

She probably "got a pass" because even an old woman would kick your ridiculous ass up and down the street, 'guy.'

No, she got a pass because my sisters were already pretty upset with mom dying and all, and me making a scene would have made a bad situation worse. .

Ah, so that's the only reason? Other than that you would have been all about attacking an old woman? Is that it, champ? You're looking like a real hero so far, champ.
YOu still here?

She wasn't an old woman. She was a nasty creature that tortured Children and inflicted stupid religion on them.

Thankfully, her kind is becoming rapidly extinct as we don't shame women because nature made them different.
Since you never served, what would be the point in that... ...

Is it a secret? Were you special forces or something and you can't talk about it? Just say so and I'll understand.

No, it's just none of your fucking business, and I've already answered the question to people I respect here. .

Oh, you just don't want to tell me. Ok, I believe you... :rolleyes: Yeah, that sounds about right...

Top secret special forces stuff. Ok, I get it. Hush, hush. Right.
Probably? You're not sure?

YOu work on the assumption I care.

That answers that.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were dense.

I want this guy in jail.

I want him to be repeatedly abused by prisoners who converted to Islam.

I want him to come out a broken man and serve as an example to any other asshole who thinks that provoking riots and getting good people killed is ever a good idea.

And I don't care what legal mechanism is used to do it.
Joe's a marxist, anti-American, baby killing, piece of garbage, and a liar who likes to see Americans killed...then blames Americans for the fact that his buds kill them:

Senior officials are increasingly convinced, however, that the ferocious nature of the Benghazi attack, in which rocket-propelled grenades were used, indicated it was not the result of spontaneous anger due to the video, called Innocence of Muslims. Patrick Kennedy, Under-Secretary at the State Department, said he was convinced the assault was planned due to its extensive nature and the proliferation of weapons.
There is growing belief that the attack was in revenge for the killing in a drone strike in Pakistan of Mohammed Hassan Qaed, an al-Qa'ida operative who was, as his nom-de-guerre Abu Yahya al-Libi suggests, from Libya, and timed for the anniversary of the 11 September attacks."

Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination - World Politics - World - The Independent

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