US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

Ummm, because it's happening on his watch, maybe — ya think?!?!?

I did not know that becoming president of the United States meant we had to watch everything that goes on with internal affairs of every country in the world. The UN and Arab League 'backed' intervention in Libya several years ago was a humanitarian intervention by the use of air power on a murderous regime with murderous intent to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Libyans at that time. There was no mandate by the UN to insert ground troops,

What the Libyans do in the aftermath of Gadhafi's removal is on their watch, not Obama's watch?

Why is evacuating our Embassy in 2014 an Obama fiasco? Our Embassy was closed in 2011 for good reason.

U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed
February 25, 2011 4:10 PM ET
The United States has closed its embassy in Libya's capital of Tripoli, and will impose unilateral sanctions to protest Libya's crackdown on opposition protesters.

Correct Link: U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed : The Two-Way : NPR

Chicago Tribune

Don't you get it? If anything ever happens anywhere, it is automatically assumed to be the fault of whomever is president at the time.

Case in point;

The Economy Crashed and Burned.

Bush was at the wheel.

Why are we even discussing this?
Ummm, because it's happening on his watch, maybe — ya think?!?!?

I did not know that becoming president of the United States meant we had to watch everything that goes on with internal affairs of every country in the world. The UN and Arab League 'backed' intervention in Libya several years ago was a humanitarian intervention by the use of air power on a murderous regime with murderous intent to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Libyans at that time. There was no mandate by the UN to insert ground troops,

What the Libyans do in the aftermath of Gadhafi's removal is on their watch, not Obama's watch?

Why is evacuating our Embassy in 2014 an Obama fiasco? Our Embassy was closed in 2011 for good reason.

Correct Link: U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed : The Two-Way : NPR

Chicago Tribune

Don't you get it? If anything ever happens anywhere, it is automatically assumed to be the fault of whomever is president at the time.

Case in point;

The Economy Crashed and Burned.

Bush was at the wheel.

Why are we even discussing this?

Automatic assumptions can be true or they can be false or mixed to varying degrees in between. Mature and open minds will evaluate each event or situation in the merits and facts about each case.

Bush's eight years in office did have an impact on the economic conditions faced in 2008. Tax cuts during war and one of two major wars being a huge mistake and disaster, actually does lay blame directly on Bush's 'Ima Victim' slumped shoulders.

I fail to see how closing the Embassy in Tripoli as a precaution is some kind of Iraq invasion or economy destroying fiasco.

I'm still waiting for that explanation.
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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

What terrible news, all the foreign embassies in Libya are being closed down.
Hang on, only the US embassy is shutting shop.

Why is that?

Ah, because US government foreign policy leave US citizens at far greater risk than people from any other western nation.

I travel in areas known to harbour extremists, possibly even active terrorists, and always get asked the same question.
Are you American?
When I explain I'm not, the questioner's voice softens, and I'm made welcome.

People often hate Americans because your governments since WWII have invaded, destroyed, murdered, interfered and attacked.
You guys need to fuck your foreign policy off, and stop being put in danger because your politicians get paid to make daft foreign policy that benefits your arms and oil industries, but fucks average Joe American..

Wait a minute...I thought these were murderous thugs who will kill everyone who isn't Muslim?

Surely, the Germans and the Canadians and the Belgians and the Japanese are in grave danger, right?

There will be a danger from some extremists, but not even close to as bad as it is for Americans.
I mentioned a common scenario in my earlier post, one that has been repeated many times, both here and in Malaysia.
If you visit the British embassy in KL, there's high security, the US embassy is a fortified encampment. You can walk past the British embassy, but you aren't allowed on the sidewalk next to the American place unless you're actually going in.

A person's government is supposed to protect them, not endanger them.

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