US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

It's a fiasco because we, with a little help from NATO, left a massive power vacuum that was never filled when we illegally executed Momar Q. So now the savages are on the loose. They need dictators.

Hillary was so excited about her little hit job on TV. Probably the first orgasm she's had in years.

If you're a leader of a country on the fringes, and you hug Obama or shake his hand then you're likely to get whacked.

Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Obama never mentioned Locker as a justification for attacking Libya. All he did was lie about what Qaddafi said figuring that the idiots, like you, wouldn't care about the truth. By the way, Reagan reacted to Lockerbie the same way Obama is reacting to the plane shot down over the Ukraine, why is he smarter than them when he is doing the same thing? Is the answer to that that you are a hack?
I don't see how evacuating the embassies and warning citizens to stay out of Libya is an Obama fiasco. Of the danger level is that serious, this is precisely what they should be doing.

Consider the fact that it wouldn't be necessary if Obama hadn't bombed Qaddafi out of office and you might see a glimmer of a fiasco.

Morning the loss of a terrorist?


No, mourning the loss of the rule of law.
Obama has done more to turn over the Middle East to Jihad and Fundamentalism than Mohammed himself

Ttruly, he is the prophet of Islam
It's a fiasco because we, with a little help from NATO, left a massive power vacuum that was never filled when we illegally executed Momar Q. So now the savages are on the loose. They need dictators.

Hillary was so excited about her little hit job on TV. Probably the first orgasm she's had in years.

If you're a leader of a country on the fringes, and you hug Obama or shake his hand then you're likely to get whacked.

Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Looked the other way?

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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

ya evacuatedThe United States shut down its embassy in Libya on Saturday and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli as fighting intensified between rival militias, the State Department said.

"Securing our facilities and ensuring the safety of our personnel are top department priorities, and we did not make this decision lightly," Harf said. "Security has to come first. Regrettably, we had to take this step because the location of our embassy is in very close proximity to intense fighting and ongoing violence between armed Libyan factions."

The evacuation was accompanied by the release of a new State Department travel warning for Libya urging Americans not to go to the country and recommending that those already there leave immediately.

US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli | Fox News

Obama is learning from Benghazi. But shouldn't he be thinking about the American citizens in Libya and escorting them out? He's leaving them to their own devices, it appears.


What does it matter?
Obama is like Dan Quayle as a judge at a Chinese spelling bee.

At some point, the audience collectively agrees...'this isn't working'.

Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Looked the other way?

No one ever questioned Reagan's resolve. He was quite a president. We need another Reagan.
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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

ya evacuatedThe United States shut down its embassy in Libya on Saturday and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli as fighting intensified between rival militias, the State Department said.

"Securing our facilities and ensuring the safety of our personnel are top department priorities, and we did not make this decision lightly," Harf said. "Security has to come first. Regrettably, we had to take this step because the location of our embassy is in very close proximity to intense fighting and ongoing violence between armed Libyan factions."

The evacuation was accompanied by the release of a new State Department travel warning for Libya urging Americans not to go to the country and recommending that those already there leave immediately.

US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli | Fox News

Obama is learning from Benghazi. But shouldn't he be thinking about the American citizens in Libya and escorting them out? He's leaving them to their own devices, it appears.

View attachment 30880

What does it matter?

It did matter, Hill. That's what you and your ilk don't understand.
Good. We need to evacuate all of our embassies in the Mideast.

I can see your reasoning for doing that, especially after Benghazi, but one of their purposes is to aid American citizens in that country. Where would citizens go when in the country if they needed help, as they do now?

I see your point but why on earth would an American citizen want to hang out in that part of the world? Whatever the case may be, closing the Libyan Embassy may be the best idea as long as we're under the weak and irresponsible Obama regime. Hopefully we can return to some sense of normalcy when he vacates the White House (I won't cross my fingers though).

I agree. We have no control over private citizens who opt to go there on their own and we can only do our best to help them. We cannot guarantee their safety in other countries and they know that. We do have control over the people we send there and we are responsible for their safety. Best we can do is remove our people from danger and advise private citizens to leave the area. If they choose not to, they are on their own and can't expect that we will endanger others because of their choices.
Ummm, because it's happening on his watch, maybe — ya think?!?!?

I did not know that becoming president of the United States meant we had to watch everything that goes on with internal affairs of every country in the world. The UN and Arab League 'backed' intervention in Libya several years ago was a humanitarian intervention by the use of air power on a murderous regime with murderous intent to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Libyans at that time. There was no mandate by the UN to insert ground troops,

What the Libyans do in the aftermath of Gadhafi's removal is on their watch, not Obama's watch?

Why is evacuating our Embassy in 2014 an Obama fiasco? Our Embassy was closed in 2011 for good reason.

U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed
February 25, 2011 4:10 PM ET
The United States has closed its embassy in Libya's capital of Tripoli, and will impose unilateral sanctions to protest Libya's crackdown on opposition protesters.

Correct Link:

Chicago Tribune
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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

ya evacuatedThe United States shut down its embassy in Libya on Saturday and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli as fighting intensified between rival militias, the State Department said.

"Securing our facilities and ensuring the safety of our personnel are top department priorities, and we did not make this decision lightly," Harf said. "Security has to come first. Regrettably, we had to take this step because the location of our embassy is in very close proximity to intense fighting and ongoing violence between armed Libyan factions."

The evacuation was accompanied by the release of a new State Department travel warning for Libya urging Americans not to go to the country and recommending that those already there leave immediately.

US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli | Fox News

Obama is learning from Benghazi. But shouldn't he be thinking about the American citizens in Libya and escorting them out? He's leaving them to their own devices, it appears.

Another Obama fiasco.

It's 90 degrees here today with 89% humidity. Another Obama fiasco.
Ummm, because it's happening on his watch, maybe — ya think?!?!?

I did not know that becoming president of the United States meant we had to watch everything that goes on with internal affairs of every country in the world. The UN and Arab League 'backed' intervention in Libya several years ago was a humanitarian intervention by the use of air power on a murderous regime with murderous intent to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Libyans at that time. There was no mandate by the UN to insert ground troops,

What the Libyans do in the aftermath of Gadhafi's removal is on their watch, not Obama's watch?

Why is evacuating our Embassy in 2014 an Obama fiasco? Our Embassy was closed in 2011 for good reason.

U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed
February 25, 2011 4:10 PM ET
The United States has closed its embassy in Libya's capital of Tripoli, and will impose unilateral sanctions to protest Libya's crackdown on opposition protesters.

Chicago Tribune

Evidently it was open. From the article..."American personnel at the Tripoli embassy, which had already been operating with limited staffing, left the capital around dawn and traveled by road to neighboring Tunisia, according to Harf. Roughly 70 embassy staffers were driven out of the city in a caravan by 80 Marines"
Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Obama never mentioned Locker as a justification for attacking Libya. All he did was lie about what Qaddafi said figuring that the idiots, like you, wouldn't care about the truth. By the way, Reagan reacted to Lockerbie the same way Obama is reacting to the plane shot down over the Ukraine, why is he smarter than them when he is doing the same thing? Is the answer to that that you are a hack?



Going after a tin horn terrorist in Libya is comparable to starting WWIII, because that is what would happen if the US attacked Ukraine.

By the way, Reagan started shit with Gaddafi by blaming them for the bombing of a German disco that Libyans probably had nothing to do with. He did so by bombing Tripoli.

Then after he got busted in the puss? He ran like a little girl.
Pretty much everything Obama does is a fiasco.
What Obama did here was move US Embassy personnel out of Tripoli because a couple of competing militias are fighting with heavy weapons such as GRAD Rockets over control of the Airport in Tripoli and some parts of Tripoli regarded as the front line between the two sides.

Anyone can post generic simple-minded cliché's against Obama, but can you explain why the subject of this thread is an Obama fiasco?

Is getting Americans out of harm's way a fiasco in your view?
Evidently it was open. From the article..."American personnel at the Tripoli embassy, which had already been operating with limited staffing, left the capital around dawn and traveled by road to neighboring Tunisia, according to Harf. Roughly 70 embassy staffers were driven out of the city in a caravan by 80 Marines"

Sorry. I posted the wrong link. here is the right one:

U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed : The Two-Way : NPR

Now do you have comments based on that?
Evidently it was open. From the article..."American personnel at the Tripoli embassy, which had already been operating with limited staffing, left the capital around dawn and traveled by road to neighboring Tunisia, according to Harf. Roughly 70 embassy staffers were driven out of the city in a caravan by 80 Marines"

Sorry. I posted the wrong link. here is the right one:

U.S. To Impose Sanctions On Libya; Embassy Closed : The Two-Way : NPR

Now do you have comments based on that?

2011: White House spokesman Jay Carney says President Obama held off announcing the moves until a planeload of American evacuees had safely left Libya, en route to Istanbul.

"The focus that he has is on our obligation to the security of American citizens, and also getting the policy right."

He got it right!

So what is the difference in 2014?

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