US Empire of Bases Grows in Syria


Nov 14, 2012
US makes bases in Syria.

"TEHRAN (FNA)- In a clear rebuff to international law, the United States government plans to build military bases in Syria under the pretext of arming and training moderate militants.

The decision to expand the CIA program is set to deepen US involvement in Syria. The program is a secret component of a broader effort that also involves airstrikes and an influx of US military advisers and troops into Iraq. This while, according to analysts from IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, “US air war is not leading to any tangible results in slowing ISIL’s ability to carry out attacks.”

Moreover, there is little indication that US-trained and armed militants have had any impact on the direction of the conflict in Syria. According to Rep. Adam B. Schiff, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, “Scenes of the moderate opposition melting away, running away or joining league with al-Nusra is a good indication of the difficulty we’re going to have.”

What Schiff refuses to discuss, however, is that this is not about helping the imaginary moderates. This is about growing the “US Empire of Bases” in the Middle East. The decision to build bases in Syria began last year after President Obama authorised the CIA to provide arms and instruction to the beleaguered insurgents seeking to oust the government in Damascus.

Initially, the program was run from secret bases in Jordan, but later expanded to include at least one base in Qatar, according to US officials. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says, “Preparations for the Pentagon program are now complete. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other partner nations have agreed to host training sites as well.”

This is not surprising. There is plenty of appetite for the war in Washington, mostly within the Congress and the incoming Senate. There’s so much eagerness in expanding the war that no one wants to put down on paper what the limits of the current escalation will be.

House Armed Services Chief Rep. Buck McKeon, for instance, has vowed to block any authorization that includes any limits on the use of ground troops in Iraq or Syria. Many in the Senate are also talking up expanding the war in every way possible. It’s not hard to see why:

The Pentagon is quietly transforming its empire of over 1,000 military installations to maintain global dominance, including dozens of bases in every Persian Gulf country save Iran, and in Central Asian countries critical to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

US officials are hoping these bases will entrench their influence and keep regional countries within an American orbit – at a time when some are asserting their independence. Experience tells us, however, that military bases only guarantee collaboration with terrorist groups and despotic regimes; hence, generating public anger and protests, as well as anti-US sentiments and attacks.

Experience also tells us that the proliferation of new bases will simply militarise large swaths of Iraq and Syria. It will heighten tensions with neighbours and could even lead to new conflicts.

But away from all these, one wonders how the US would respond were Russia or Iran to build military bases in Mexico or the Caribbean?"

US Empire of Bases Grows in Syria SYRIA 360
Experience also tells us that the proliferation of new bases will simply militarise large swaths of Iraq and Syria. It will heighten tensions with neighbours and could even lead to new conflicts.

But away from all these, one wonders how the US would respond were Russia or Iran to build military bases in Mexico or the Caribbean?"
The plans for redrawing middle eastern borders goes back to the 1980s in Israel, and US neo-cons enthusiastically embraced them during the first decade of the 21st Century.

Basically, Oded Yinon's prescription for Israel's security depended on breaking up Iraq and Syria into less threatening sub-states devoid of any international recognition, paving the way for increased profits from arms sales and oil sales for western corporate interests. It appears the plan is working well at this time except for the Muslim civilians who are being maimed, murdered, raped, and displaced for the greater good of Wall Street. Zionist Plan for the Middle East.pdf

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