US Energy Covered 84% of the US Needs


Apr 22, 2007
And this is despite the Obama regime doing everything they can to prevent domestic energy sources.

Folks for the first time in any of our parents, grandparents, great grandparent's and our lives has the dream of energy independence been so close to reality. We need to embrace this and not, start a war on coal, shut down the Keystone Pipeline, forbid drilling government lands, forbid offshore, Deep-sea and in ANWR and start a campaign to ending fracking. No we need to embrace our new resources and become the energy exporter we can and should become!
The United States produced enough energy to satisfy 84 percent of its needs in 2013, a rapid climb from its historic low in 2005, according to a report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The nation produced 81.7 quadrillion British thermal units of energy last year and consumed 97.5 quadrillion, the highest ratio since 1987. The nation’s energy output rose 18 percent from 2005 to 2013, as a surge in oil and gas production offset declines in coal. Meanwhile, its total energy used fell 2.7 percent during that period.
I wonder if you people release how great it would be to tell the Arab Goat-Fucker and Venezuela Communist to keep their oil we have enough! That will cause they issues!
Thanks to Obabma US Energy Covered 84% of the US Needs despite his political opposition.
Thanks to Obabma US Energy Covered 84% of the US Needs despite his political opposition.

You are so a partisan! We are seeing an energy boom DESPITE Obama's efforts. The boom is happening on private lands and Obama REFUSES to allow exploration on federal lands! He is trying to commit war on coal. He wants over-regulate fracking. He doesn't allow drilling in ANWR, off-shore, deep-sea and in most gov lands!

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