US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

This is an amazing thread. Republicans, who for so long talked down to everyone in matters of patriotism, now openly embrace treason, foreign enemies over domestic leaders. Republicans are now weak on defense and turncoats to the American cause.
You best stay sitting....
You democrats best bitch Obama out to drop his "real" evidence right quick, because sanctioning a country based on phishing is going to put your party even further into the dipshit dog house than you could ever imagine. I mean seriously, kids do this phishing shit, it's not even fucking high end hacking... I can't even imagine the Russian's do this kind of low end shit hahahaha

Basically what we have so far is that the DNC hired a bunch of morons that click baited through the election - and they're blaming a foreign government for their stupidity in improperly training their people on /email schemes/ BUHAHAHA Seriously you learn this crap day one in two employee businesses, much less a god damn political party. HAHAHAHA

I cannot even express my amusement at this "evidence"...
On the following board you will find all the plethora of evidence regarding the claim that Putin hacked shit:


What is your interest in protecting Putin?

My interest is the truth. Something you seem to be incapable of admitting.

But hey, it's much easier to blame Putin for the fact that your party sucks and is corrupt, than to take the responsibility.

I don't have a party.

You are going to avoid accepting the truth here. The Russians hacked our election. They did it. That is what OUR INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY is telling you. You think our intelligence community is lying to us in order to help Hillary Clinton feel better about the election? Is that it?

Fucking stupid.

"Hacked our election"...

That is absolutely not the case... ironic that the people who claimed that it is "IMPOSSIBLE" to hack elections when Trump said something about the fraud.... that the machines are not even connected to the internet... are now saying that Russia definitively HACKED the elections.

It's so absurd, just how stupid would one have to be to not get what's going on here?

Idiot. The phrase "hacked our election" DOES NOT refer to ballot hacking of vote fraud in this case. It refers to the dissemination of private emails aimed at getting people to think less of one candidate than of the other. You fucking imbecile. How many times must this be said?

You are a whiny butthurt leftist. If you say killed person A, then that means KILLED person A. If you say HACKED our election that means HACKED our election. Provide proof or go jack off in the corner with your leftist circle jerk buddies.
Breaking: Putin Just Delivered His Response To Obama

Love it!!!!

"We think that such steps by a U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, to deal a blow to the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect," Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow."

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
this is who I am;

we are the accuser. I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
why we are the accuser? I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

It is clear. You do not believe the entirety of our intelligence community. You believe Putin.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
We don't believe do?

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
why we are the accuser? I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

It is clear. You do not believe the entirety of our intelligence community. You believe Putin.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I always thought it would be the left that would heed the lessons learned from the Iraq war. Turns out I was wrong.
This is an amazing thread. Republicans, who for so long talked down to everyone in matters of patriotism, now openly embrace treason, foreign enemies over domestic leaders. Republicans are now weak on defense and turncoats to the American cause.
Which America are you talking about??? Is it that fake crap being shoved down everyone's throat via legislation, 'the so called dreamer' (illegal alien one), the 'you gotta like us cause we say so' one or some other bullshit cult elitists dreamed up to sell their load of crap to everyone and try to make everyone believe it is really good even though it is really crap???
Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
why we are the accuser? I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

It is clear. You do not believe the entirety of our intelligence community. You believe Putin.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I always thought it would be the left that would heed the lessons learned from the Iraq war. Turns out I was wrong.

Say what?
Assange leaked 2 million diplomatic cables while Hillary was secretary of state, and she was very up front and center criticizing and slamming Assange. She wants to see him prosecuted. I suspect that he felt that if he tried to damage her publicly during the campaign, then Trump would grant him some safety and perhaps offer him protection.
all of it was accurate. soooooooooo. I'd be pissed too if my secrets got out like hers. right? how is that illegal email server thing working out now?

what was illegal? the content of the emails? why does it matter how they were reported, I see that the info in them doesn't bother you and that you're ok with corruption in our country and a MSM driving a political party or vice versa.

so...was leaking Trump's tax returns (illegally) ok by you then?
I give two shits about what was reported, no? It doesn't prove anything at all and didn't hurt him at all. So, trying to deflect are you? why aren't you outraged that one of two political parties is working a corrupt platform? why is that acceptable to you? Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazil two that were exposed, not to menthion all the hitlery stuff. Why doesn't that bother you? how can you accept that? wow. I thank wikileaks for exposing the operation of corruption. you're saddened by it. I don't get it.

I think I've explained this before but here goes. You are only outraged when it's Democrats, that much is definate.

First- Primaries aren't fare. That's a fact. Primaries aren't about candidates, they're about parties. Parties routinely throw their weight behind candidates they think have the BEST chance of winning the GENERAL election. Never heard any whining from you snowflakes about that. In fact, they can even nominate a candidate that didn't win the primary election. How about that? And, it's PERFECTLY LEGAL - because primary elections are about parties. You got that yet?

Second - there is no way of knowing if the material hacked by Russia and leaked to wikileaks is complete, accurate and unmodified. You would be questioning it if the target had been Trump, but since it wasn't - you're all up in a faux outrage over it aren't you?

You believe Wikileaks? Why are they any more believable than politicians? They aren't. Assange has his own agenda and he has been known to lie.
all of it was accurate. soooooooooo. I'd be pissed too if my secrets got out like hers. right? how is that illegal email server thing working out now?

what was illegal? the content of the emails? why does it matter how they were reported, I see that the info in them doesn't bother you and that you're ok with corruption in our country and a MSM driving a political party or vice versa.

so...was leaking Trump's tax returns (illegally) ok by you then?
I give two shits about what was reported, no? It doesn't prove anything at all and didn't hurt him at all. So, trying to deflect are you? why aren't you outraged that one of two political parties is working a corrupt platform? why is that acceptable to you? Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazil two that were exposed, not to menthion all the hitlery stuff. Why doesn't that bother you? how can you accept that? wow. I thank wikileaks for exposing the operation of corruption. you're saddened by it. I don't get it.

I think I've explained this before but here goes. You are only outraged when it's Democrats, that much is definate.

First- Primaries aren't fare. That's a fact. Primaries aren't about candidates, they're about parties. Parties routinely throw their weight behind candidates they think have the BEST chance of winning the GENERAL election. Never heard any whining from you snowflakes about that. In fact, they can even nominate a candidate that didn't win the primary election. How about that? And, it's PERFECTLY LEGAL - because primary elections are about parties. You got that yet?

Second - there is no way of knowing if the material hacked by Russia and leaked to wikileaks is complete, accurate and unmodified. You would be questioning it if the target had been Trump, but since it wasn't - you're all up in a faux outrage over it aren't you?

You believe Wikileaks? Why are they any more believable than politicians? They aren't. Assange has his own agenda and he has been known to lie.
Link Russian hacked info? Thanks.....
all of it was accurate. soooooooooo. I'd be pissed too if my secrets got out like hers. right? how is that illegal email server thing working out now?

what was illegal? the content of the emails? why does it matter how they were reported, I see that the info in them doesn't bother you and that you're ok with corruption in our country and a MSM driving a political party or vice versa.

so...was leaking Trump's tax returns (illegally) ok by you then?
I give two shits about what was reported, no? It doesn't prove anything at all and didn't hurt him at all. So, trying to deflect are you? why aren't you outraged that one of two political parties is working a corrupt platform? why is that acceptable to you? Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazil two that were exposed, not to menthion all the hitlery stuff. Why doesn't that bother you? how can you accept that? wow. I thank wikileaks for exposing the operation of corruption. you're saddened by it. I don't get it.

I think I've explained this before but here goes. You are only outraged when it's Democrats, that much is definate.

First- Primaries aren't fare. That's a fact. Primaries aren't about candidates, they're about parties. Parties routinely throw their weight behind candidates they think have the BEST chance of winning the GENERAL election. Never heard any whining from you snowflakes about that. In fact, they can even nominate a candidate that didn't win the primary election. How about that? And, it's PERFECTLY LEGAL - because primary elections are about parties. You got that yet?

Second - there is no way of knowing if the material hacked by Russia and leaked to wikileaks is complete, accurate and unmodified. You would be questioning it if the target had been Trump, but since it wasn't - you're all up in a faux outrage over it aren't you?

You believe Wikileaks? Why are they any more believable than politicians? They aren't. Assange has his own agenda and he has been known to lie.
Documents actually speak for themselves when people are able to view them. Recordings are kind of the same way; generally very believable.
Boy, Obama and Clinton have left Donald Trump a miserable Cold War mess. Can Trump cool things down? How can he reset the disastrous Obama/Clinton 'Reset Button?' I'm interested in hearing your suggestions. Thanks.

What to do depends on the proof Barry has. If it's BS, then make it all public for what is is and do so in a joint press conference with Putin from the Rose Garden. Drag Barry's ass there and make him present it.

If it's true, then a proportional response is in order.

Why? Did they demand "proof" when intelligence sources said Iran was working on a nuclear program? Come on - they aren't going to publicize intelligence in an active investigation and you guys never demanded it before.
did who demand proof? The russians? yes they did. where is it?

And why do we need to expose our intelligence to the Russians? Seriously?
Boy, Obama and Clinton have left Donald Trump a miserable Cold War mess. Can Trump cool things down? How can he reset the disastrous Obama/Clinton 'Reset Button?' I'm interested in hearing your suggestions. Thanks.

What to do depends on the proof Barry has. If it's BS, then make it all public for what is is and do so in a joint press conference with Putin from the Rose Garden. Drag Barry's ass there and make him present it.

If it's true, then a proportional response is in order.

Why? Did they demand "proof" when intelligence sources said Iran was working on a nuclear program? Come on - they aren't going to publicize intelligence in an active investigation and you guys never demanded it before.
did who demand proof? The russians? yes they did. where is it?

And why do we need to expose our intelligence to the Russians? Seriously?
Then just put it on Hillary's server for us....thanks....
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
why we are the accuser? I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

It is clear. You do not believe the entirety of our intelligence community. You believe Putin.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I always thought it would be the left that would heed the lessons learned from the Iraq war. Turns out I was wrong.

Say what?
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.
If o has proof where is it? Let's see it. If the heads of 17 agencies believe this LEAK was a HACK, why? They can stand up give their names and answer.
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
And how much hacking has the US done in foreign countries? Don't be naive.

Ummmm. You are an American. You really should try to be less supportive of the guys who are hacking our shit.

Military, banking and cooperate trade secrets...... yes

Realising criminal activity by our public servants.... No


Firstly, there was no "criminal activity".
Second, it wasn't simply a hack on the DNC. It was an outright attack on our electoral process and our democracy.

One the F.B.I. only investigates criminal activity

Two prove in a court of law that Hillary was not guilty... Oh yea they didn't indict like Louis Lerner...

Three no it wasn't, the leak saved our constitutional republic for another 50 years



The FBI found no criminality, ergo no charges and no trial.
all of it was accurate. soooooooooo. I'd be pissed too if my secrets got out like hers. right? how is that illegal email server thing working out now?

what was illegal? the content of the emails? why does it matter how they were reported, I see that the info in them doesn't bother you and that you're ok with corruption in our country and a MSM driving a political party or vice versa.

so...was leaking Trump's tax returns (illegally) ok by you then?
I give two shits about what was reported, no? It doesn't prove anything at all and didn't hurt him at all. So, trying to deflect are you? why aren't you outraged that one of two political parties is working a corrupt platform? why is that acceptable to you? Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazil two that were exposed, not to menthion all the hitlery stuff. Why doesn't that bother you? how can you accept that? wow. I thank wikileaks for exposing the operation of corruption. you're saddened by it. I don't get it.

I think I've explained this before but here goes. You are only outraged when it's Democrats, that much is definate.

First- Primaries aren't fare. That's a fact. Primaries aren't about candidates, they're about parties. Parties routinely throw their weight behind candidates they think have the BEST chance of winning the GENERAL election. Never heard any whining from you snowflakes about that. In fact, they can even nominate a candidate that didn't win the primary election. How about that? And, it's PERFECTLY LEGAL - because primary elections are about parties. You got that yet?

Second - there is no way of knowing if the material hacked by Russia and leaked to wikileaks is complete, accurate and unmodified. You would be questioning it if the target had been Trump, but since it wasn't - you're all up in a faux outrage over it aren't you?

You believe Wikileaks? Why are they any more believable than politicians? They aren't. Assange has his own agenda and he has been known to lie.

Then why haven't the RaTz released the real unhacked ones? Afterall, the presidency was at stake.
Nobody in the mainstream media or even Fox seemed to wonder why republicans John McCain and Lindsay Graham sought air time to rant about Russia's alleged hacking while the rest of the world including both republicans and democrats were concerned about the U.N.'s sanction of Israel and America's support of it. I always suspected that McCain was a covert democrat party operative and it seems as though he was trying to take the focus off Israel and back on Russia.

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