US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

Neo Cons hate Trump. Neo Cons hate Russia. Neo Cons armed ISIS. Neo Cons start Wars. Neo Cons want to launch WW III vs Russia right now.
Congress supports doing something about Russia.
The current president supports doing something about Russia.

The Putin/Trump lovers are melting. Such snowflakes.
who? two asswipe republicans? why can't the american public see the evidence since it will surely spark a war with russia. why isn't that important to you? falsify a report to make it seem legit? did you read the report that was posted? you think that clearly demonstrates proof that russia hacked something? I see zip in it. zero, nadda. retaliate against nothing is what you're now proud of?
why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

It's a set-up to undermine Trump. It's revenge. He's deeply upset the most powerful of the Globalist Elites. They're gonna use their Russian meme to attempt a Coup d'etat, by way of Impeachment. The next phase of their Coup-attempt will be to claim Trump colluded with Putin to 'rig' the Election. But we'll see if the American People allow their Coup to happen. Stay tuned.

That's a pretty complicated conspiracy theory. You do realize, don't you, that he IS a global elite himself?

It's a set-up. A Coup-attempt. Check out what the ultimate NWO Globalist demon, George Soros, has said about Trump recently. They're seeking revenge.
Boy, Obama and Clinton have left Donald Trump a miserable Cold War mess. Can Trump cool things down? How can he reset the disastrous Obama/Clinton 'Reset Button?' I'm interested in hearing your suggestions. Thanks.

What to do depends on the proof Barry has. If it's BS, then make it all public for what is is and do so in a joint press conference with Putin from the Rose Garden. Drag Barry's ass there and make him present it.

If it's true, then a proportional response is in order.

Why? Did they demand "proof" when intelligence sources said Iran was working on a nuclear program? Come on - they aren't going to publicize intelligence in an active investigation and you guys never demanded it before.

Who is they?
Congress supports doing something about Russia.
The current president supports doing something about Russia.

The Putin/Trump lovers are melting. Such snowflakes.

Your boy is a lame duck pulling a petulant child move. It's senseless and there is no end game to it. It's also dangerous but Putin will see thru it and in the end Obama will look like the ass he is
They'll be back....January 21st
Of course they will be, lard ass. Pootin is going to have his operatives deeply entrenched in our government while he runs roughshod all over the tweeter-in-chief.
Oh, right.

Like Obama the Hun was preventing Putin from going forward with his geo-political plans hitherto.
Any person with a brain not soaked in formaldehyde can see Obama has been a pushover and Trump has far more guts than that coward.
Breaking: Putin Just Delivered His Response To Obama

Love it!!!!

"We think that such steps by a U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, to deal a blow to the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect," Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow."

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
how? cause I want the truth? so me wanting the truth puts me with putin? dude that's just silly and you know it. you're of with a corrupt DNC and you point a finger at me cause I want evidence. wow, I hope you wear stretchy pants cause you're getting larger.
On the following board you will find all the plethora of evidence regarding the claim that Putin hacked shit:


What is your interest in protecting Putin?

My interest is the truth. Something you seem to be incapable of admitting.

But hey, it's much easier to blame Putin for the fact that your party sucks and is corrupt, than to take the responsibility.

I don't have a party.

You are going to avoid accepting the truth here. The Russians hacked our election. They did it. That is what OUR INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY is telling you. You think our intelligence community is lying to us in order to help Hillary Clinton feel better about the election? Is that it?

Fucking stupid.

"Hacked our election"...

That is absolutely not the case... ironic that the people who claimed that it is "IMPOSSIBLE" to hack elections when Trump said something about the fraud.... that the machines are not even connected to the internet... are now saying that Russia definitively HACKED the elections.

It's so absurd, just how stupid would one have to be to not get what's going on here?
More detailed hacking terminology info (sorry to post again, but I was slow to hunt this down):

Phishing types

Spear phishing

Phishing attempts directed at specific individuals or companies have been termed spear phishing. Attackers may gather personal information about their target to increase their probability of success. This technique is, by far, the most successful on the internet today, accounting for 91% of attacks.

Clone phishing

Clone phishing is a type of phishing attack whereby a legitimate, and previously delivered, email containing an attachment or link has had its content and recipient address(es) taken and used to create an almost identical or cloned email. The attachment or link within the email is replaced with a malicious version and then sent from an email address spoofed to appear to come from the original sender. It may claim to be a resend of the original or an updated version to the original. This technique could be used to pivot (indirectly) from a previously infected machine and gain a foothold on another machine, by exploiting the social trust associated with the inferred connection due to both parties receiving the original email.


Several phishing attacks have been directed specifically at senior executives and other high-profile targets within businesses, and the term whaling has been coined for these kinds of attacks. In the case of whaling, the masquerading web page/email will take a more serious executive-level form. The content will be crafted to target an upper manager and the person's role in the company. The content of a whaling attack email is often written as a legal subpoena, customer complaint, or executive issue. Whaling scam emails are designed to masquerade as a critical business email, sent from a legitimate business authority. The content is meant to be tailored for upper management, and usually involves some kind of falsified company-wide concern. Whaling phishermen have also forged official-looking FBI subpoena emails, and claimed that the manager needs to click a link and install special software to view the subpoena.
This is nothing more than Obama's last act in the political theater. If it's not, then the burden of proof is upon him. If we like our election, we can keep it.

Breaking: Putin Just Delivered His Response To Obama

Love it!!!!

"We think that such steps by a U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, to deal a blow to the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect," Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow."

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
Y'all make up a lot of presumptuous shit to fit your insignificant agendas. Why is that?
Breaking: Putin Just Delivered His Response To Obama

Love it!!!!

"We think that such steps by a U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, to deal a blow to the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect," Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow."

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
how? cause I want the truth? so me wanting the truth puts me with putin? dude that's just silly and you know it. you're of with a corrupt DNC and you point a finger at me cause I want evidence. wow, I hope you wear stretchy pants cause you're getting larger.

You have not accepted the proof to date. You will not accept it moving forward. You are not interested in proof.
lol, if you can't see Assange's personal axe to grind with Hillary Clinton or their constant anti-US government stance, it's safe to say you're an idiot. There's a reason why Assange will spend the rest of his life running and hiding dude.
What was the personal ax?

Assange leaked 2 million diplomatic cables while Hillary was secretary of state, and she was very up front and center criticizing and slamming Assange. She wants to see him prosecuted. I suspect that he felt that if he tried to damage her publicly during the campaign, then Trump would grant him some safety and perhaps offer him protection.
all of it was accurate. soooooooooo. I'd be pissed too if my secrets got out like hers. right? how is that illegal email server thing working out now?

what was illegal? the content of the emails? why does it matter how they were reported, I see that the info in them doesn't bother you and that you're ok with corruption in our country and a MSM driving a political party or vice versa.

Which content are you referring to?

There was no illegal activity revealed.
Now that's some serious shit, folks.

So Russia will just kick Americans out of Russia.

Someone tell our idiot in chief he's still a pussy and Putin is still kicking sand in his face.

Nothing funnier than seeing the RWnuts try to figure out what they're supposed to think about this.

Patience! Your Master will tell you what to think, soon enough.

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
Y'all make up a lot of presumptuous shit to fit your insignificant agendas. Why is that?

Look at that! They are saying he same thing that you nutbags are saying! Awesome.
the truth hurts I supposed then eh?

You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
how? cause I want the truth? so me wanting the truth puts me with putin? dude that's just silly and you know it. you're of with a corrupt DNC and you point a finger at me cause I want evidence. wow, I hope you wear stretchy pants cause you're getting larger.

You have not accepted the proof to date. You will not accept it moving forward. You are not interested in proof.

There has been no proof presented.

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