US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

"Taking it from Putin" What do you mean, where is the evidence?

Oh, you mean he should do something about the fact that Trump won the election while Hillary lost, which all of this is really about, the democrats assigning the blame for their failures to everyone but themselves. Yes indeed he should. He should call everyone to accept the results of democracy and stop living in denial making excuses and claiming that Russia elected the president elect.

That's not what it's about at all. Not surprising that so many deny it.
Pretty brilliant strategy by Putin. He did it knowing that a pretty significant portion of dumb Americans would deny it. It's like it never happened.

Where in this post is the evidence that Putin did shit?

"Brilliant strategy"? You mean the strategy where the hacker sent Podesta a password change link that a 12-year-old would be smart enough to ignore. I suppose that relying on complete dysfunction of the DNC right up to the top level, is a brilliant strategy indeed.

You dopes don't believe it even happened. Brilliant indeed.

There is no proof Russia did're being led by the nose......again

And when exactly did you get a top secret security clearance?

Again, troll where is the proof? That's the burr in all this.
Say what?
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.

Yeah....that's a sane take on it. Let's believe the Russian intelligence community instead.
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.
Boy, Obama and Clinton have left Donald Trump a miserable Cold War mess. Can Trump cool things down? How can he reset the disastrous Obama/Clinton 'Reset Button?' I'm interested in hearing your suggestions. Thanks.

What to do depends on the proof Barry has. If it's BS, then make it all public for what is is and do so in a joint press conference with Putin from the Rose Garden. Drag Barry's ass there and make him present it.

If it's true, then a proportional response is in order.

Why? Did they demand "proof" when intelligence sources said Iran was working on a nuclear program? Come on - they aren't going to publicize intelligence in an active investigation and you guys never demanded it before.
did who demand proof? The russians? yes they did. where is it?

And why do we need to expose our intelligence to the Russians? Seriously?

The American Government has been hacking and spying on EVERYONE, pretty much every Western nation and it's leaders, the NSA even bugged the EU Parliament and Western leaders PERSONAL cell phones so Washington DC could listen in, this has been happening for years.

This is probably why Western leaders follow everything Washington DC tells them to, regardless of whether it's detrimental to their own nations and own peoples, on those NSA tapes they must have some good blackmail material to hold over heads.

Once again Washington DC takes the prize for absolute hypocrisy.

If Barry attempts to start war with Russia, which could become WWIII then The Donald on January 20th after he's sworn in needs to have as his first order, the order for Barry's immediate arrest as a Traitor to the American nation and a MENACE to the stability of this planet.

Obama got busted for spying on our own allies for God sake. The US is doing more hacking and spying than any other nation on earth. But most Americans are just so propagandized by dumbed-down American Fake News. They're blissfully ignorant of their own Government's behavior around the world.
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.

Yeah....that's a sane take on it. Let's believe the Russian intelligence community instead.
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.

Russian Embassy: Obama Sanctions Attempt to Restart Cold War
Trump supporters fear move is a ploy for Obama to stay in power

The Russian Embassy in London responded to President Barack Obama’s decision to expel 35 Russian diplomats from the United States by warning that Obama was engaging in “Cold War deja vu”.

Describing the diplomats as “intelligence operatives,” the State Department said it would also close two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland. Diplomats have been given 72 hours to leave.


How can people not see that Russia is being set up to look like the bad guys.
Elites do this all the time, they bait and frame another Country creating a scenario for their little liberal peasant who they know will believe their msm, oh and by golly SNOPES, Snope will tell them the real story lmao.
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.
What to do depends on the proof Barry has. If it's BS, then make it all public for what is is and do so in a joint press conference with Putin from the Rose Garden. Drag Barry's ass there and make him present it.

If it's true, then a proportional response is in order.

Why? Did they demand "proof" when intelligence sources said Iran was working on a nuclear program? Come on - they aren't going to publicize intelligence in an active investigation and you guys never demanded it before.
did who demand proof? The russians? yes they did. where is it?

And why do we need to expose our intelligence to the Russians? Seriously?

The American Government has been hacking and spying on EVERYONE, pretty much every Western nation and it's leaders, the NSA even bugged the EU Parliament and Western leaders PERSONAL cell phones so Washington DC could listen in, this has been happening for years.

This is probably why Western leaders follow everything Washington DC tells them to, regardless of whether it's detrimental to their own nations and own peoples, on those NSA tapes they must have some good blackmail material to hold over heads.

Once again Washington DC takes the prize for absolute hypocrisy.

If Barry attempts to start war with Russia, which could become WWIII then The Donald on January 20th after he's sworn in needs to have as his first order, the order for Barry's immediate arrest as a Traitor to the American nation and a MENACE to the stability of this planet.

Obama got busted for spying on our own allies for God sake. The US is doing more hacking and spying than any other nation on earth. But most Americans are just so propagandized by dumbed-down American Fake News.They're blissfully ignorant of their own Government's behavior around the world.

They do as much as any other country. No one should be surprised. It's just embarressing for the country that gets caught and provides public fodder for other countries. Obama is no different then any other country.

Does that mean that there should be no response when a hacking is as disruptive as this one?
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.

The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of what emanates from his own lips is his own doing.
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

They are just all huffed up because there is a hint that Puttin helped Trump..

I really don't care about the election interference at this point, Putin needs some boundaries..
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Proof please...and you should really stop being led by the nose
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.

Yeah....that's a sane take on it. Let's believe the Russian intelligence community instead.
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.
Of course they do. Russia stands in the way of US objectives in Syria.
Russia just needs to play along until Obama is out of office, and Trump will correct the record of what was being attempted here by the sore losers. Hang in there Russia, as change is a coming, and relations will be restored. You betcha. No one else has fallen for the bull crap here, and hopefully the world players won't be offended by the bull crap either.
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Then please state what happened and provide proof...not unnamed sources floated by a biased media.

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