US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

Yeah....that's a sane take on it. Let's believe the Russian intelligence community instead.
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.
Of course they do. Russia stands in the way of US objectives in Syria.

Oh! This is about Syria?! More awesome!
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Proof please...and you should really stop being led by the nose

Proof that NK hacked Sony?
Proof that Iran was developing nuclear capabilities?
Oh only demand proof now when all our intelligence agencies are in agreement Russia was behind it...when Congress believes them, when the President believes them - NOW you need a smoking gun :cuckoo:
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.
Of course they do. Russia stands in the way of US objectives in Syria.

Oh! This is about Syria?! More awesome!
What did you think it was about? Hillary? :lol:
What's up with the conservative Russia love ?

Who gave em any love? Stop looking for culprits, Sore Loserwoman.

You and the other conservatives. You believe Russia over our own gov agencies . You act like despot Putin is some hero.

It's disgusting and treasonist .
Putin needs a worthy adversary in the White House. Someone he can respect. He sized up Obama years ago. We were facing a black-belt with a pajama boy.

This changes in 3 weeks.
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Proof please...and you should really stop being led by the nose

Proof that NK hacked Sony?
Proof that Iran was developing nuclear capabilities?
Oh only demand proof now when all our intelligence agencies are in agreement Russia was behind it...when Congress believes them, when the President believes them - NOW you need a smoking gun :cuckoo:

You're such a partisan hack, Coyote.

There is no proof, if there was they would be flaunting it all over the world. Instead you get this's middle school at best

"Grizzly Steppe" - FBI, DHS Release "Report" On Russian Hacking | Zero Hedge
Russia hacked our systems and yet you slam Obama? How does it feel to be a backstabbing traitor?
Say what?
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.

Yeah....that's a sane take on it. Let's believe the Russian intelligence community instead.
The Russian intelligence community didn't make an accusation.

Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked what.

WTF?! I was looking under the bed for my miniature Schnauzer's little ball and, well I found the little ball but also hiding under the bed were these Russian missiles, WTF, the Russians are EVERYWHERE :eek-52:



America the Russians have already landed, look :eek-52:

The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Proof please...and you should really stop being led by the nose

Proof that NK hacked Sony?
Proof that Iran was developing nuclear capabilities?
Oh only demand proof now when all our intelligence agencies are in agreement Russia was behind it...when Congress believes them, when the President believes them - NOW you need a smoking gun :cuckoo:

You're such a partisan hack, Coyote.

There is no proof, if there was they would be flaunting it all over the world. Instead you get this's middle school at best

"Grizzly Steppe" - FBI, DHS Release "Report" On Russian Hacking | Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge? Enough with the fake news sites.
Sorry, guy. We all watched the shit go down. We know who hacked the emails. Nobody is gearing up for a fucking invasion of Russia here.

Your comparison is bullshit.
You don't know shit about who hacked the emails. Or if they were hacked.

Please. Of course I do. You must think the people running our intelligence agencies are fucking retards. They've no possible motive to make this shit up. None.
Of course they do. Russia stands in the way of US objectives in Syria.

Oh! This is about Syria?! More awesome!
What did you think it was about? Hillary? :lol:

No. I think it's about making sure we protect our nation from cyber attacks.

It's nutbags who think it's about Hillary. They are with you on this.
The entire exercise in blaming than sanctioning Russia was done knowing that Trump would fix this travesty. Then democrats can go around saying that Trump is.soft on Russia. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is all about Trump.

The only travesty is the Trumpkins unwillingness to acknowledge what happened in the face of all the intelligence agencies, the president, the democrats and even the republicans.


Proof please...and you should really stop being led by the nose

Proof that NK hacked Sony?
Proof that Iran was developing nuclear capabilities?
Oh only demand proof now when all our intelligence agencies are in agreement Russia was behind it...when Congress believes them, when the President believes them - NOW you need a smoking gun :cuckoo:

You're such a partisan hack, Coyote.

There is no proof, if there was they would be flaunting it all over the world. Instead you get this's middle school at best

"Grizzly Steppe" - FBI, DHS Release "Report" On Russian Hacking | Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge? Enough with the fake news sites.

Oh give that BS up already and stop spewing what the media instructs you to. You're better than that

Here is you loons lately: "Zero hedge? THAT'S FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!

You loons
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.
Russia hacked our systems and yet you slam Obama? How does it feel to be a backstabbing traitor?
If calling out wooses and whiners is treason, than so be it. Take that "My president right or wrong" and whine about it.
And how much hacking has the US done in foreign countries? Don't be naive.

Oh. Well that makes it OK then.
why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.
Obama has become so insane with his own narcissism he thinks anything he says is fact regardless of the evidence.

There is no evidence to back up this Russian hack business. Liberals simply repeat a lie enough times they believe it, like Goebbels.

Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough

BREAKING: Without Providing Proof, US Retaliates Against Russia for 'Election Hacking' -- Russia Responds

Privacy group: Let’s see Russian hack evidence!

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge
Oh. Well that makes it OK then.
why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.
The president is a liar.
Oh. Well that makes it OK then.
why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.

The loserterians can only think in conspiracies as nothing Obama or our government does is trusted by them. They'd support stalin or the KGB over our own side...This is partly what is so fucked up about them winning the damn election.

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