US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

Obama and McCain do thrash Russian ass. Putin and Trump tremble. Will Obama rule DC from exile?
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

You Leftists used to worship Russia, you stopped worshipping Russia ONLY when it stopped being a Communist nation.

Now you are all anti-Russian, you're all still pro-Cuba and pro-North Korea though.
I'm amazed that so many are so willing to accept that a foreign government is so lame duck as to have used kiddy script to "ruin" the country by not electing Hillary.

We're so hosed when these kids grow up... No fucking way they can run a damn business, they can't even check their emails properly. Worse, even if it /was/ the Russians, these feckless morons have been running our entire government for 8 years and don't even fucking know better than to not click phish!? I doubt there's anything even left for the hackers to steal by now. No fucking wonder we're getting creamed globally...
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

You Leftists used to worship Russia, you stopped worshipping Russia ONLY when it stopped being a Communist nation.

Now you are all anti-Russian, you're all still pro-Cuba and pro-North Korea though.

We are?
But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

Obama is a liar...repeatedly and without a second-thought...he lies about anything and everything....that's why. Has the CIA gone before the House intel committee to show any proof of Russian hacking the Have Comey or Clapper made a single statement agreeing with Brennan? no. Truth of the matter is it never happened....Barry tripped over his own lies in his last presser, twice calling Podesta's emails "LEAKED".
Anybody keeping a list of all the GOP Members of Congress saying they don't mind if they or their campaign's personal email is hacked?


It won't be too funny if it happens,,,,,,,,,,,, this article is from 2015 now use a little bit of the brains you have and look where we are and where we are headed to today esp. this Russia ordeal.....

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee should embrace the notion of a third term of the Obama presidency, Vice President Biden said Thursday, during a speech at Drake University in Iowa.

Biden: 2016 is battle for third Obama term
But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

Obama is a liar...repeatedly and without a second-thought...he lies about anything and everything....that's why. Has the CIA gone before the House intel committee to show any proof of Russian hacking the Have Comey or Clapper made a single statement agreeing with Brennan? no. Truth of the matter is it never happened....Barry tripped over his own lies in his last presser, twice calling Podesta's emails as "LEAKED".

The president lied.
Congress lied.
The Republicans lied.
The Democrats lied.
All the intelligence agencies lied.

Amazing. :rolleyes-41:
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.
There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

You Leftists used to worship Russia, you stopped worshipping Russia ONLY when it stopped being a Communist nation.

Now you are all anti-Russian, you're all still pro-Cuba and pro-North Korea though.

We are?

Yes, the most recent example with the Leftists still worshipping Cuba was when that POS Fidel Castro died and across the planet the Leftists were saying what a GIANT of the world stage he was and was a GREAT man he was and the Fidel Lovefest went on for days and days.
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.

Convenient excuse to avoid demanding proof from Israel, proof from our intelligence agencies...well you get it. Proof.

Proof is only need now. Too funny.

That's all well and good, but it boils down extremely poor cyber and network security, and the absence of adequate user training. Implementing safe practices the DNC didn't was the reason the RNC wasn't penetrated when they were targeted.

We are nearly all targeted everyday, most of them are less destructive than others. We need to take the proper steps to secure our home networks and learn to spot potential hazards.
why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.

The loserterians can only think in conspiracies as nothing Obama or our government does is trusted by them. They'd support stalin or the KGB over our own side...This is partly what is so fucked up about them winning the damn election.
. So you've found you something new to try and use on the conservatives/Republicans eh ?? What next maybe ? Trump is an alien come from another planet, and is here to extract the brains of the liberals by way of a tiny device that can detect the very smallest of things ?
We all know Obama is sweeping out the Russian garbage just before Trump becomes our Manchurian president. With so many of his friends identified and under warrant, how will Trump replace all these people connected to Russia that he depends on? He can't get all his policies from racist Steve Bannon and the General who passed on US Secrets to other countries.

If he tries to replace these advisors and supporters, he will be watched. It will be difficult to do, especially when it come to receiving new instructions from Putin.

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