US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

why doesn't it bother you that the DNC is corrupt? why is that ok with you?

Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.

The loserterians can only think in conspiracies as nothing Obama or our government does is trusted by them. They'd support stalin or the KGB over our own side...This is partly what is so fucked up about them winning the damn election.
Barry is a fuck up...
That's not what it's about at all. Not surprising that so many deny it.
Pretty brilliant strategy by Putin. He did it knowing that a pretty significant portion of dumb Americans would deny it. It's like it never happened.

Where in this post is the evidence that Putin did shit?

"Brilliant strategy"? You mean the strategy where the hacker sent Podesta a password change link that a 12-year-old would be smart enough to ignore. I suppose that relying on complete dysfunction of the DNC right up to the top level, is a brilliant strategy indeed.

You dopes don't believe it even happened. Brilliant indeed.

There is no proof Russia did're being led by the nose......again

And when exactly did you get a top secret security clearance?

Again, troll where is the proof? That's the burr in all this.

I never thought the totalitarian regime in Russia would have so may American conservative shithouse defense lawyers.

The administration has the proof and no they don't have to let you see it.
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Coyote please stay indoors, I'm worried if you venture outside you might get into a situation with the Cossacks :eek-52:

IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.

It might help if they had provided proof the Russians did anything.


Yes, American presidents typically take actions such as this for no good reason.
except for ones whose legacy is going to be gone. and is currently throwing a tantrum because of it. You mean those kinds of presidents? I have Obama, you name me another one.

That would be dopey reasoning. :uhoh3:

Only a dope would take a straight forward action and ascribe a dopey conspiracy narrative to explain it.
ok, then where is the evidence of the russia hack, that provided the emails that contained nothing that supposedly helped trump win the election, at? Please, the report that came out does not do that at allllllllllllll. just saying what else is there to point that fking finger at russia?

Obviously no American president would take an action such as this if it were not warranted.

You're going to have to come up with a reason for Obama doing so if you believe the Russians were not responsible.

You and Trump are in a corner and are either going to have to fabricate a conspiracy to explain Obama's actions or accept the truth.
I expect Trump will do the latter after assuming office and leave you holding the bag full of shit you've been carrying for him.
Nothing leaked has shown that to be the case.

That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.

The loserterians can only think in conspiracies as nothing Obama or our government does is trusted by them. They'd support stalin or the KGB over our own side...This is partly what is so fucked up about them winning the damn election.
Barry is a fuck up...

Where in this post is the evidence that Putin did shit?

"Brilliant strategy"? You mean the strategy where the hacker sent Podesta a password change link that a 12-year-old would be smart enough to ignore. I suppose that relying on complete dysfunction of the DNC right up to the top level, is a brilliant strategy indeed.

You dopes don't believe it even happened. Brilliant indeed.

There is no proof Russia did're being led by the nose......again

And when exactly did you get a top secret security clearance?

Again, troll where is the proof? That's the burr in all this.

I never thought the totalitarian regime in Russia would have so may American conservative shithouse defense lawyers.

The administration has the proof and no they don't have to let you see it.
That's precisely why they fired people over the leaks... and over rigging the elections against Bernie.

This individual isn't too sharp... is he?
retaliating over something with no evidence isn't a good thing and can cause a war over nothing. wow.

Correct this dude is not smart at all. he should avoid sharp objects.

The president has evidence. He's said so repeatedly. You'd rather create some dopey conspiracy narrative than accept the simple truth.

The loserterians can only think in conspiracies as nothing Obama or our government does is trusted by them. They'd support stalin or the KGB over our own side...This is partly what is so fucked up about them winning the damn election.
Barry is a fuck up...

Hes thin skinned and spineless
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?
What's up with the conservative Russia love ?

Who gave em any love? Stop looking for culprits, Sore Loserwoman.

You and the other conservatives. You believe Russia over our own gov agencies . You act like despot Putin is some hero.

It's disgusting and treasonist .

You're unhinged or just depleted. Nobody in their right mind takes what our government says as Gospel, least of which agencies in the Obama regime. Nor it is it a matter of simply believing Russia about anything. It's about seeing realities for what they are. I know you'd love to push it all as a simple minded narrative; no thanks.
You believe Wikileaks? Why are they any more believable than politicians? They aren't. Assange has his own agenda and he has been known to lie.

ONE shred of evidence that Mendax has ever lied to the people.

That's a flat out lie by the media there. Check the database yourself and you can verify they blotted the numbers.

( I'd provide linky but our gov. basically declared war on Wikileaks shortly after the elections and its so bogged with DDOS you can hardly use it during the day. heh )
From what we're hearing on the news, Russia has been employing criminals to do these wiki-leak attacks. Obama has taken unprecedented actions by removing 35 Russian diplomats, closing down 2 separate locations where they were allowed to operate in country, and removing all of them and their families. John McCain stated that it was not only the recent U.S. election that they interfered with, but other countries elections also.

"Among them are two men who were already on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Evgeniy Bogachev is wanted for a number of charges, including conspiracy, bank fraud, wire fraud, computer fraud, money laundering, and identity theft. He was indicted under an online nickname in 2012, and again under his real name in 2014. There is a reward of up to $3 million for information leading to his arrest.

Alexsey Belan is wanted for computer intrusion, aggravated identity theft, and fraud in connection with a computer. Federal warrants were issued for him in June 2012 and September 2013, and the FBI is offering up to $100,000 for information leading to his arrest."
Two Expelled Russian Diplomats Were On FBI Most Wanted List


Comrade Trump's tweety response. It's time to move on, but he has finally agreed to meet with intelligence agencies next week to review their information. You know the information that he has been denying since October 2016.


Impeachment next--Russian diplomats admit contact with Trump campaign.
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December 29, 2016 2:01 PM EST - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called for tougher sanctions on Moscow and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "thug and a murderer." (Reuters)
Are those blustering old fools doing the expelling of diplomats and closing the consulates?

If their name isn't Barack Obama it doesn't count!
You are on the side of Putin in a disagreement between Russia and the US. That's the truth that should hurt.
why we are the accuser? I want to ensure we aren't falsely blaming an enemy that might put our citizens in harm's way. And you're even ok with that. wow. dudette, you are some kind of special.

It is clear. You do not believe the entirety of our intelligence community. You believe Putin.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I always thought it would be the left that would heed the lessons learned from the Iraq war. Turns out I was wrong.

Say what?
We were lied to in the lead up to the Iraq war. By the intelligence community among others. There is good reason not to believe them now. I thought the left would be more skeptical of what we are being told to believe. I was wrong.

Textbook Obama Derangement Syndrome.
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

There is no rush nor even a defense of Russia. We merely want proof from a president of a corrupt political party. He has lied to us. The question as to the veracity of waht emanates from his own lips is his own doing.

Yet you demanded no proof on Iran.
You demanded no proof on NK.
You believed what our intelligence agencies were saying THEN.

You see the disconnect here?

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?
. You ran Hillary nough said. :whip:
The rush to defend Russia is amusing. These snowflakes had no problem accepting intelligence showing NK hacked Sony. No demand for proof. No questioning of our intelligence agencies.

Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Coyote please stay indoors, I'm worried if you venture outside you might get into a situation with the Cossacks :eek-52:


Oh...but but...they're sooo cute!
We don't believe them because they are PROVEN LIARS.

That doesn't mean that everything they say is wrong, and that everyone who opposes them aren't lying also.

People afflicted with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and those who are willing to fall blindly behind Putin, do not realize this.

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