US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

Obama will take some shit, but don't FUCK with his legacy.

it's so funny how flat footed the snowflakes were caught by Trump.

Arrogant and clueless.
Now that's some serious shit, folks.

So Russia will just kick Americans out of Russia.

Someone tell our idiot in chief he's still a pussy and Putin is still kicking sand in his face.

Oh it's even worse than that.

Check out this tweet from the Russian embassy. It's hilarious!

Screenshot (88).png
I did my service for my country. Hillary lost, Trump won.

American voters hacked the election, not Russians!
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.

Convenient excuse to avoid demanding proof from Israel, proof from our intelligence agencies...well you get it. Proof.

Proof is only need now. Too funny.

All of this needs a calming hand, to calm things down, the world is dangerous enough as it is with random Kebabs on the loose murdering people on Western nations streets and Kebabs slaughtering people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

We do not need war with Russia on top of this.

We aren't going to have war with Russia. People are WAY overreacting there. Neither nation desires it. Putin hacked us, we retaliate in some way. But it's not going to be war nor do I think it's appropriate that we roll over for Putin.
Have you noticed Trump is the ONLY one defending Russia ? Hmmm, wonder why.
It's going to be great when trump inevitably flip flops and agrees with what everyone else except for his bootlicking followers already know; we were hacked by the russians.

His bootlickers about-face on it is going to be hilarious. Most of these morons will start off with something like this:

But, but, but, but Hillary...
But, but, but, but Obama...
But, but, but, but Kerry...

What a bunch of traitors these Un-American, pootin-loving scumbags are.
NASA better get moving on our very own space station, complete with death ray, because the last time Obama pulled shit, Putin said that we had better get a trampoline if we want to go to the space station... Let's put a bunch of Americans to work building our own. In fact, let's put a bunch of Americans to work making our own everything.
I agree.
Let's stop focusing on getting to Mars and looking for space aliens (they don't exist) and spend that money on space weapons. They could become an escalation of battle short of nuclear bombs that Russia and the USA might settle for to settle some score.
I will believe that the Russians hacked our government when the CIA themselves go out and make a public statement along with direct evidence. The only people making these completely idiotic claims are the no longer credible liberal media and Obama. CIA has not even declared that they have looked into the matter
I still haven't seen the evidence against the Russians. Is this just a peckerheaded temper tantrum?
I will believe that the Russians hacked our government when the CIA themselves go out and make a public statement along with direct evidence. The only people making these completely idiotic claims are the no longer credible liberal media and Obama. CIA has not even declared that they have looked into the matter

Do you believe Iran was practicing nuclear enrichment?
We don't believe them because they are PROVEN LIARS.

That doesn't mean that everything they say is wrong, and that everyone who opposes them aren't lying also.

People afflicted with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and those who are willing to fall blindly behind Putin, do not realize this.

That sword cuts both ways Toro. Had they NOT been caught in these bald faced lies, I and others would be much more willing to trust their word without proof. BUT, that is obviously not the case. They are known liars for political cover and political advantage. Obamabots and those who are willing to fall blindly behind Obama, they refuse to acknowledge this...and the stakes are too high to allow a blatantly dishonest administration to continue this reckless course without cast iron proof.
There was no rigged election.

It wasn't? any idea how the same Hillary votes were run through the scanner 6 times in inner-city Detroit precincts? Or how she claimed over 2M more votes in California? Or why the Nevada recount never went near Clark County? If Trump hadn't kept saying it was rigged, it would have been much worse....brilliant tactic, brilliant man.

proof of rigging?

I'm still waiting for liberals to produce this evidence.

I think this is the eqivalent of what Democrats did to Reagan after he Skunked them in 1980. They were so humiliated they tried to drum up a controversy that Reagan colluded with Iran to not release the hostages until after Reagan was elected.

There was Zero evidence for this but liberals (like now) kept repeating it, had Congressional hearings, some idiot even wrote a book.

No evidence has ever surfaced for it.

This is the same tactic all over again and liberals will repeat it over and over again like it's fact and then scream at you if you refused to accept it as fact.

That's liberalism 101 when they lose.
Have you noticed Trump is the ONLY one defending Russia ? Hmmm, wonder why.
It's going to be great when trump inevitably flip flops and agrees with what everyone else except for his bootlicking followers already know; we were hacked by the russians.

His bootlickers about-face on it is going to be hilarious. Most of these morons will start off with something like this:

But, but, but, but Hillary...
But, but, but, but Obama...
But, but, but, but Kerry...

What a bunch of traitors these Un-American, pootin-loving scumbags are.
The proof?
We all know Obama is sweeping out the Russian garbage just before Trump becomes our Manchurian president. With so many of his friends identified and under warrant, how will Trump replace all these people connected to Russia that he depends on? He can't get all his policies from racist Steve Bannon and the General who passed on US Secrets to other countries.

If he tries to replace these advisors and supporters, he will be watched. It will be difficult to do, especially when it come to receiving new instructions from Putin.
It must really suck that you lost EVERYTHING this election. The people think you liberals are fucking retards. Now shut up and watch Trump win all over the place.
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.

Convenient excuse to avoid demanding proof from Israel, proof from our intelligence agencies...well you get it. Proof.

Proof is only need now. Too funny.

All of this needs a calming hand, to calm things down, the world is dangerous enough as it is with random Kebabs on the loose murdering people on Western nations streets and Kebabs slaughtering people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

We do not need war with Russia on top of this.

We aren't going to have war with Russia. People are WAY overreacting there. Neither nation desires it. Putin hacked us, we retaliate in some way. But it's not going to be war nor do I think it's appropriate that we roll over for Putin.

There are psychopaths who's wetdream is war with Russia and they've been pulling Obama's strings for several years with the ultimate intention to start war with Russia.

They have 21 days now, they know they can't pull this shit with Trump.

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