US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

There was no rigged election.

It wasn't? any idea how the same Hillary votes were run through the scanner 6 times in inner-city Detroit precincts? Or how she claimed over 2M more votes in California? Or why the Nevada recount never went near Clark County? If Trump hadn't kept saying it was rigged, it would have been much worse....brilliant tactic, brilliant man.

proof of rigging?

I'm still waiting for liberals to produce this evidence.

I think this is the eqivalent of what Democrats did to Reagan after he Skunked them in 1980. They were so humiliated they tried to drum up a controversy that Reagan colluded with Iran to not release the hostages until after Reagan was elected.

There was Zero evidence for this but liberals (like now) kept repeating it, had Congressional hearings, some idiot even wrote a book.

No evidence has ever surfaced for it.

This is the same tactic all over again and liberals will repeat it over and over again like it's fact and then scream at you if you refused to accept it as fact.

That's liberalism 101 when they lose.

I vaguelly remember that, but it never gained legs. Remind me - did our intelligence agencies support it? How about both major parties?
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.

Convenient excuse to avoid demanding proof from Israel, proof from our intelligence agencies...well you get it. Proof.

Proof is only need now. Too funny.

All of this needs a calming hand, to calm things down, the world is dangerous enough as it is with random Kebabs on the loose murdering people on Western nations streets and Kebabs slaughtering people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

We do not need war with Russia on top of this.

We aren't going to have war with Russia. People are WAY overreacting there. Neither nation desires it. Putin hacked us, we retaliate in some way. But it's not going to be war nor do I think it's appropriate that we roll over for Putin.

There are psychopaths who's wetdream is war with Russia and they've been pulling Obama's strings for several years with the ultimate intention to start war with Russia.

They have 21 days now, they know they can't pull this shit with Trump.

I will disagree with that Lucy.
Imagine if the DNC e-mails WERE NOT HACKED...and we actually believed that CNN was a reliable news source?

Instead we know that CNN colluded with the DNC to help get HILLARY CLINTON ELECTED.

It's not a BAD THING to know the truth. Had the DNC been truthful, the hack would not have mattered because it would not have uncovered a bunch of DEMOCRAT LIES.
Within a few days Russia will expose an equal - or perhaps double - number of U.S. "spies". Then if Obumbles retaliates Russia will arrest a bunch of Americans and there'll be a show trial. That's just how it goes. Sooner or later one side or the other will get sufficiently tired of the game that a ship will be boarded or a plane "confiscated" and a lot of saber rattling. Of course all that will end January 20th provided the nukes haven't flown by then.

World War III - the legacy Obama has jonesed for!
Awwww.....He just mad cuz they all got caught in their lies and crooked ways, and not to mention got caught in their terror acts that they allowed to happen!! Hillary lost get over it. The truth will ALWAYS come out
Nor did these snowflakes demand "proof" that Iran was working on nuclear capabilities when we hacked them with stuxnet and disrupted their nuclear enrichment program. Oh proof demanded.

Israel knows what they are doing. Jews have proven their acumen and their patience with these devils. If Iran could have proven from their scrapped plants they were not nuclear I am sure we would have heard. You need to learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Putin told Obama to put up or shut up. They have no proof... but for some reason that does not bother sycophants like you. Or maybe Obama has his top forgers working on some "proof" now that they have finished the birth certificate job. Except we can't wait 2 1/2 years like we had to on the last one.

Convenient excuse to avoid demanding proof from Israel, proof from our intelligence agencies...well you get it. Proof.

Proof is only need now. Too funny.

All of this needs a calming hand, to calm things down, the world is dangerous enough as it is with random Kebabs on the loose murdering people on Western nations streets and Kebabs slaughtering people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

We do not need war with Russia on top of this.
We? Who the fuck is we? You aren't even a citizen of this country are you?

She has a right to her opinion and a war effects everyone...look at Syria.
I agree.
Let's stop focusing on getting to Mars and looking for space aliens (they don't exist) and spend that money on space weapons. They could become an escalation of battle short of nuclear bombs that Russia and the USA might settle for to settle some score.

I also agree....what the HELL are we doing landing go-karts on Mars? To see if there's a cup of water on the whole planet? THERE IS NO AIR THERE.....foolishness. We'd be better off mapping our own oceans so ships wouldn't continue hitting shoals where there aren't supposed to be any. :eusa_doh:
wow what new relations the obama administration has created

since hillary delivered them the "over charge" button not all that long ago

I'll grant you that point as technically correct...but... Those were obviously believable and had confirmation from other nations. NK went nuclear under Bush. Iran got their technology from Russia.

Now, all we have is anonymous sources and no proof. There is quite a distinct difference.

Besides, prior actions have no bearing on the question at hand. The issue is specific and unique.

Obviously believable? Come on.

NK hacked Sony in response to a movie that ridiculed their Fearless Leader. We responded. No one asked for proof. Iran was working on nuclear enrichment. No named sources there. No one asked for proof. While not openly admitting it - we hacked them with stuxnet. No one asked for proof or named sources. Named sources almost NEVER emerge in intelligence like that. The best you get in an ongoing event is the intelligence agencies speaking.

Consider this.
Russia IS suffering under the sanctions imposed by Obama and Clinton as SOS, in response to their actions in Crimea and Ukraine. It's have an economic impact that's particularly felt given the crash in oil prices. Putin wants the sanctions lifted. He's also angry at Obama and Clinton over this. Did he INTEND to affect the election? Or did he INTEND to just disrupt things and cause mischief? Either is possible. Follow the money and follow who benefits: a Trump victory benefits Putin because it offers a better chance of getting sanctions lifted than a Clinton victory. Only the DNC was hacked and emails weren't just dumped on mass but strategically dumped to affect ONLY Clinton. Why isn't it obviously believable that Russia was involved? You have a potential benefit to Russia (at absolutely no cost); you have all of our intelligence agencies in a rare agreement, and you have a pretty darn good reason for Russia to be behind this - sanctions imposed by Obama & Clinton.

But only now is a higher standard of "proof" being demanded. Russia is no newcomer to these games - what's new is the ready willingness of some to believe Putin OVER our own government, our own president, our own intelligence agencies, our own congress - and all I can say is WTF y'all?

You Leftists used to worship Russia, you stopped worshipping Russia ONLY when it stopped being a Communist nation.

Now you are all anti-Russian, you're all still pro-Cuba and pro-North Korea though.

We are?

Yes, the most recent example with the Leftists still worshipping Cuba was when that POS Fidel Castro died and across the planet the Leftists were saying what a GIANT of the world stage he was and was a GREAT man he was and the Fidel Lovefest went on for days and days.

At least Castro started wh good intentions . Conservatives hate him cause he dared to throw out rich Americans who propped up dictator Bautista.

At the same time righties cry over the death of heros like Qudaffi . Disgraceful!
You lie..
"Russian diplomat hackers"? What does that mean? Were the hackers targeting Russian diplomats or were the hackers actually Russian diplomats?
We all know Obama is sweeping out the Russian garbage just before Trump becomes our Manchurian president. With so many of his friends identified and under warrant, how will Trump replace all these people connected to Russia that he depends on? He can't get all his policies from racist Steve Bannon and the General who passed on US Secrets to other countries.

If he tries to replace these advisors and supporters, he will be watched. It will be difficult to do, especially when it come to receiving new instructions from Putin.

Gawd Damn Son.... Is it dark in that rabbit hole you're in? :dunno:
Barack is reaching....for anything at this point. Can't wait for his ass to be out of the Whitehouse!!! Lord grant me patience!!!
Within a few days Russia will expose an equal - or perhaps double - number of U.S. "spies". Then if Obumbles retaliates Russia will arrest a bunch of Americans and there'll be a show trial. That's just how it goes. Sooner or later one side or the other will get sufficiently tired of the game that a ship will be boarded or a plane "confiscated" and a lot of saber rattling. Of course all that will end January 20th provided the nukes haven't flown by then.

World War III - the legacy Obama has jonesed for!

Yupp! Alot can happen in 22 days...........
Have you noticed Trump is the ONLY one defending Russia ? Hmmm, wonder why.
It's going to be great when trump inevitably flip flops and agrees with what everyone else except for his bootlicking followers already know; we were hacked by the russians.

His bootlickers about-face on it is going to be hilarious. Most of these morons will start off with something like this:

But, but, but, but Hillary...
But, but, but, but Obama...
But, but, but, but Kerry...

What a bunch of traitors these Un-American, pootin-loving scumbags are.
Who is "we" mofo? Libs were hacked because libs are stoooooopid.
From what we're hearing on the news, Russia has been employing criminals to do these wiki-leak attacks. Obama has taken unprecedented actions by removing 35 Russian diplomats, closing down 2 separate locations where they were allowed to operate in country, and removing all of them and their families. John McCain stated that it was not only the recent U.S. election that they interfered with, but other countries elections also.

"Among them are two men who were already on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Evgeniy Bogachev is wanted for a number of charges, including conspiracy, bank fraud, wire fraud, computer fraud, money laundering, and identity theft. He was indicted under an online nickname in 2012, and again under his real name in 2014. There is a reward of up to $3 million for information leading to his arrest.

Alexsey Belan is wanted for computer intrusion, aggravated identity theft, and fraud in connection with a computer. Federal warrants were issued for him in June 2012 and September 2013, and the FBI is offering up to $100,000 for information leading to his arrest."


Comrade Trump's tweety response. It's time to move on, but he has finally agreed to meet with intelligence agencies next week to review their information. You know the information that he has been denying since October 2016.


Impeachment next--Russian diplomats admit contact with Trump campaign.

Good. :2up:
Let's not forget it was only a week ago that the Obama haters were saying he wouldn't go through with his threats of sanctions because he's a pussy.

Now the same haters are attacking him for proving them full of shit.

Have you noticed Trump is the ONLY one defending Russia ? Hmmm, wonder why.
It's going to be great when trump inevitably flip flops and agrees with what everyone else except for his bootlicking followers already know; we were hacked by the russians.

His bootlickers about-face on it is going to be hilarious. Most of these morons will start off with something like this:

But, but, but, but Hillary...
But, but, but, but Obama...
But, but, but, but Kerry...

What a bunch of traitors these Un-American, pootin-loving scumbags are.
Who is "we" mofo? Libs were hacked because libs are stoooooopid.

Especially the Hill-Beast, their candidate............

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