US Federal Government, Interest Expense Report


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
When did it begin to spike upwards?

US has paid an alarming $652 BILLION in interest YTD, up 25% since last year.

As rates rise, we will soon see the first ever year with $1 TRILLION+ in annual interest expense.

Interest expense will soon be the US government's biggest expense, even more than social security.

The debt ceiling crisis wasn't the real crisis.

It was simply a distraction.


When did it begin to spike upwards?
View attachment 805008
US has paid an alarming $652 BILLION in interest YTD, up 25% since last year.

As rates rise, we will soon see the first ever year with $1 TRILLION+ in annual interest expense.

Interest expense will soon be the US government's biggest expense, even more than social security.

The debt ceiling crisis wasn't the real crisis.

It was simply a distraction.

View attachment 805009

Not to worry, we can always add onto the national debt to pay the increasing interest expense, or, we can print up some more monopoly money.
This is more proof, that we need a businessman like Trump running our country.
The Democrat party has not place in this world.
Last time Trump and Mnuchin cut taxes. That added trillions to the Debt.
IMHO we need someone with a 3-digit IQ.
When did it begin to spike upwards?
View attachment 805008
US has paid an alarming $652 BILLION in interest YTD, up 25% since last year.

As rates rise, we will soon see the first ever year with $1 TRILLION+ in annual interest expense.

Interest expense will soon be the US government's biggest expense, even more than social security.

The debt ceiling crisis wasn't the real crisis.

It was simply a distraction.

View attachment 805009

As the Fed raises interest rates to combat inflation, then of course the interest rate on new debt will be higher.


Just like the interest on your credit cards.
Last time Trump and Mnuchin cut taxes. That added trillions to the Debt.
IMHO we need someone with a 3-digit IQ.
sure it did, if I keep more of my money it is bad cause the democrats spend my money faster than I make it
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This is more proof, that we need a businessman like Trump running our country.

The Democrat party has not place in this world.
Trump had no idea what he was doing. He blew off Covid as a hoax, then said it would magically disappear. Then he refused to implement testing and allowed Covid to spread like a wildfire, resulting in over 100,000 people's deaths.

His final solution? Inject us with bleach!

Trump is the first president since the last "businessman president", Herbert Hoover, to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House.

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
Isn't it just amazing how the Trumptards are DEAD SILENT as Trump runs up massive debt, and then moan and whine when a Democrat is in the White House?

I honestly don't understand how they can stand the STENCH of their hypocrisy.
Trump had no idea what he was doing. He blew off Covid as a hoax, then said it would magically disappear. Then he refused to implement testing and allowed Covid to spread like a wildfire, resulting in over 100,000 people's deaths.
Yes, Trump should of fired Fauci and investigated the Wuhan lab and Fauci funding gain-of-function research
Fauci doesn't want people to worry about coronavirus, the danger of which is "just minuscule." But he does want them to take precautions against the "influenza outbreak, which is having its second wave."

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