US, Germany oppose Moscow 'provocative' action in Ukraine

Just a nice pic:
It seems that Britain is the only West European nation which has preserved some remnants of backbone.
It seems that Britain is the only West European nation which has preserved some remnants of backbone.
Really? Then why they remembered about their "backbone" only after Biden-Putin summit?
Anyway, it's not "backbone", it's stupidy. You know:
It seems that Britain is the only West European nation which has preserved some remnants of backbone.
Really? Then why they remembered about their "backbone" only after Biden-Putin summit?
Anyway, it's not "backbone", it's stupidy. You know:

I think you somewhat oversimplify international relations. It seems that a strategic goal of the US (or at least the current administration) is preventing Russia from sliding into a direct alliance with China.

It doesn't mean that Putin will be a number one guest in Western capitals, Russia will return to G8 etc. No, the stick and carrot tactic.

I am almost sure that the move of the British ship was coordinated with the US.

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