US global image plummets under Trump

Liberal Thinking:

Political Violence Increases Under Trump



What's world opinion about children executing prisoners?
Oh, that's right. "The World" is careful not to upset the Islamic cult.
Who gives a single fuck what they think of us?
You did when you lied about Obama's standing in the world.
Ever ask yourself why the majority of Americans and the whole world has a completely unfavorable view of the pussy grabber?
Europe has only one source of news agency - government run CNN type Fake News organizations.
You think the only truth is what comes out of the mouth of a confirmed pathological liar.
Makes you look like shit.
Topic is not about Obama, please stay on topic.
Didn't you see the long list of lies the NYT published yesterday of each day your liar in Chief has been in office..
The orange clown has set new standards for lying. It's unprecedented but somehow it doesn't bother you. Says so much about you.
Europe has only one source of news agency - government run CNN type Fake News organizations.
You think the only truth is what comes out of the mouth of a confirmed pathological liar.
Makes you look like shit.
Topic is not about Obama, please stay on topic.
Didn't you see the long list of lies the NYT published yesterday of each day your liar in Chief has been in office..
The orange clown has set new standards for lying. It's unprecedented but somehow it doesn't bother you. Says so much about you.
Europe has only one source of news agency - government run CNN type Fake News organizations.
You think the only truth is what comes out of the mouth of a confirmed pathological liar.
Makes you look like shit.
Topic is not about Obama, please stay on topic.
You slam every news source on the planet except Fox of course.
What a coincidence that your pathological liar has said," don't believe anything unless you hear it from me."
You give new meaning to the word "whore."
Who gives a single fuck what they think of us?
You did when you lied about Obama's standing in the world.
Ever ask yourself why the majority of Americans and the whole world has a completely unfavorable view of the pussy grabber?
View attachment 135791
37 countries and the majority of Americans see Trump the way he really is. Your response: a picture.
Nice defense.
Ha ha ha ha

And yet Trump is President... Too bad California and the Rest of the world can not dictate the result of the Electoral College. Maybe next time Liberals will learn that to win you need to win the Electoral College and not the National Popular Vote...
Study: U.S. image plummets under Trump, but hey, Russia likes us

The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration.

U.S. prestige also took a hit, with a median of 49% saying they had a positive view of the United States now compared to 64% during Obama's tenure.

I thought Trump was going to make America great again?


Stupidity at work, more targeted results, why not ask the men on the streets instead of a room full of liberal news media scumsuckers.
It makes me feel great that the world and most of the country is on to how stupid and incompetent Trump is.
I am glad to hear that, especially when Trump beat Hillary's ass and continues defeating Democrats at every turn now that HE IS PRESIDENT. :p

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