US government should be on trial for war crimes in middle east same as the nazis were.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
It's more clear evidence of how the Deep State has totally captured the U.S. government. Recall that the Deep State is not a formal conspiracy of any type. It's composed of perhaps a couple thousand powerful congressmen, bureau chiefs, lobbyists, corporate heads, generals, lawyers, academics, and media people that share a common worldview.

Yeah. The U.S. shouldn’t have gotten itself involved in these countries to begin with. But the fact of the matter is that it did get involved. What’s the best approach for withdrawing from these sorts of military affairs?

damn straight the US should not have gotten involved in war with those countries in the first place.:beer:

as should Israel as well since they are in Israels pockets. He left that part out. excellent piece.He is so correct,we had no business being over there in Afghanistan or Syria or Iraq for that matter but warmongers Bush and Obama get off scott free for their crimes.the sad thing is he is correct,even if Trump is different than them and pulls them out the deep state wil STILL be here starting wars as always long after Trump is gone.It's like a mouse fighting a gorilla.

Justin’s note: President Trump is pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria.

And frankly, it’s about damn time. After all, the U.S. government has already wasted more than $1 trillion fighting these wars, not to mention all the lives that have been lost.

Still, many people are critical of this decision. To find out why, I got Doug Casey on the phone. Below, you’ll find his take on this important development…

Doug Casey on Syria and Afghanistan
Justin: Doug, Trump is pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria. And I think most Americans would agree that this is the right thing to do.

But both Democrat and Republican politicians have been highly critical of this decision. Why is that?

Doug: It's more clear evidence of how the Deep State has totally captured the U.S. government. Recall that the Deep State is not a formal conspiracy of any type. It's composed of perhaps a couple thousand powerful congressmen, bureau chiefs, lobbyists, corporate heads, generals, lawyers, academics, and media people that share a common worldview.

The character of the U.S. has changed a lot since the Vietnam War. And quite radically over the last generation or so. Constant low-grade war is today’s leitmotif. The U.S. is actively at war in at least two countries, has something on the order of 700 or 800 bases in over 100 other countries, and is constantly prodding the Russians, the Chinese, and the Iranians, among others.

U.S. soldiers are not welcome in any of the places where they’re stationed – except by local quislings, professional cronies, and lickspittles. So pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria – however belatedly – is one of the few intelligent things that Trump said he was going to do and may actually do. But I’ll believe it when I see it.

Justin: Yeah. The U.S. shouldn’t have gotten itself involved in these countries to begin with. But the fact of the matter is that it did get involved. What’s the best approach for withdrawing from these sorts of military affairs?

Should Trump slowly bring troops back home or just rip the Band-Aid off in one fell swoop?

Doug: It’s very much like the situation in Vietnam. People asked, “Well, now that we’re in, how do we get out?” And the best answer back then was: “Put the troops on boats, put the boats into reverse, and leave.” Of course, like everything else in that disastrous misadventure, it was so poorly executed, and so slowly, that the last troops had to be extracted by helicopter from the roof of the embassy.

In the case of Afghanistan, there was absolutely no excuse for invading in the first place. The Taliban were quite open about being willing to extradite Osama bin Laden if it could just be shown that he had anything to do with the 9/11 event. A perfectly reasonable attitude on their part.

9/11 was a gigantic crime by non-state actors, none of whom were Afghan. It should have been handled like a crime, including a proper forensic examination of the crime scene – which was never done in the hysteria following the event. The only thing we can be totally sure of is that it wasn’t an act of war by Afghanistan.

But Bush invaded a sovereign country because somebody – who may or may not have been responsible for the events of 9/11 – may have been resident there. Osama, you’ll recall, denied responsibility for the attacks, even though he heartily approved of them. We may never know exactly what he knew or didn’t know. In fact, we may never even know how or when he died. There’s plenty of reason to doubt the official story about the raid on Abbottabad, including Osama’s unlikely burial at sea.

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others had this insane idea that they needed to bring “democracy” to the Mideast and Central Asia. They created an ongoing world-class disaster, pointlessly killing, directly and indirectly, hundreds of thousands. And destroying trillions of dollars of American capital. Nobody has brought them to account.

The entire region was destabilized. Not that it was ever stable – every country in the region is a completely artificial construct, put together in European boardrooms a century ago. With zero regard for what might work for the natives.

The fact of the matter is that Afghanistan is a primitive, backward country with a culture that’s completely alien to the West. Americans are viewed as hostile invaders, and are about as welcome as the Soviets were in the ’80s. But at least the Soviets wrangled an invitation from their puppet in Kabul, much as the U.S. had from its puppet in Saigon a couple of decades earlier. Americans are about as welcome as an army of Muslim teenagers would be breaking down doors at 3 a.m. in Topeka. The U.S. has absolutely no interest or possibility of profiting in any way from occupying a desert on the other side of the planet.

Now, after having destroyed an immense amount of the country and gone a long way towards bankrupting ourselves, while creating literally millions of new enemies, it still hasn’t dawned on Washington that this was all a very bad idea.

Justin: What about Syria?

Doug: Syria is different, yet the same.

Once again, the U.S. invaded a sovereign state that was in no position do it any harm. But without even a good pretext. Nothing new, after the completely fabricated excuses offered for the war in Iraq. This type of shameless aggression has become a constant, but it doesn’t even prompt a whimper, forget about outrage, from the U.S. public. In fact, the Swamp raises hell when Trump says he wants to withdraw.

In both cases, Afghanistan and Syria – as well as Iraq – the invasions were war crimes. Exactly the type of thing the Germans were tried for at Nuremberg. Neither Syria nor Afghanistan – or Iraq – posed any threat whatsoever to the U.S. Why were they invaded? It’s a question historians will ponder for many years into the future. I suppose the trillion-dollar military budget has to be employed somewhere, or some might ask why the U.S. is spending almost as much as the rest of the world put together.

It’s nothing new, I suppose. In many ways the U.S. started out like Ancient Athens, a beacon representing – incarnating – all the best human values. But Athens evolved into an empire over a short time in the 5th century BC. It overreached, lost the Peloponnesian War – and never recovered. There’s a cottage industry comparing the decline of the U.S. to that of Imperial Rome, however I think Athens provides an even better template.

But, getting back to Syria. They say Assad is a bad guy. And perhaps he's not a pussy cat. But neither is he an active psychopath, as so many U.S. allies have been in Third World countries. Of course he has a nasty secret police force – like almost every other non-Western country. But the fact is these countries were all artificially created hodgepodges, with dozens of age-old, mutually antagonistic ethnic, linguistic, religious, political, and cultural groups. That necessitates a “strong” leader. Otherwise these places would all disassemble. Which, incidentally, would be a good thing. And the only thing – in addition to weak, free-market oriented governments – that can help defuse the tinderbox.

All these countries are naturally unstable. The only way to hold them together is with a dictator, and using the methods of a dictator. Even if they overthrew Assad, the U.S. would, at best, just replace him with another quisling. It would look like Libya, which nobody talks about because it’s quietly evolved into at least two or three different states.

All these adventures were and are counterproductive, pointless, and ridiculous. They’ll all end very badly. In fact, any of them could serve as the match that starts off something resembling World War III. But although I’m pleased Trump is trying to get out of the Mideast and Central Asia, he could just as easily start something in the South China sea, or Ukraine.

Justin: Could Trump’s decision to withdraw from these affairs have any lasting impact on U.S. foreign policy? Or will things return to business as usual when the next president steps into office?

Doug: It will go back to business as usual. There's no question about it. The Deep State will be around long after Trump, or any other president, is just a bad memory.

One thing – there are others – that shocks me about Trump is his exceedingly bad judgment in the people that he appoints. Tillerson, Bolton, Mattis, Haley – you name it – are Deep State types and hardcore warmongers. How did he choose people like these? Their agendas were always the opposite of what his stated agenda was before he was elected – which was to get the U.S. out of combat situations in worthless countries. And withdraw the military from its hundreds of foreign bases.

But look at the bright side. Trump is free entertainment – kind of. And he’s reduced some taxes, fired some government employees, and reduced a lot of regulations. Best of all, the Deep State types – Republicans and Democrats, there’s no difference at the top levels – seem to hate him. So he can’t be all bad.

But, again, these sorts and their cronies are permanent fixtures in and around the U.S. government. They’re going to stick around long after Trump is out of office. And Trump himself is devoid of any personal philosophy – he’s a strictly seat-of-the-pants thinker. The U.S. government at this point is an entity with a life of its own that has little to do with what goes on in the rest of the country. America was a great idea; too bad it’s no longer with us.

Justin: I’d have to agree. Unfortunately, this decision won’t change how U.S. foreign policy operates, especially because the American empire is in decline. And as you’ve said before, a waning empire often resorts to military force to assert its will.

Doug: These people learned absolutely nothing from their past misadventures. After the U.S. leaves Afghanistan and Syria, they’ll ramp things up in Africa. The excuse will be to counter China. And so-called radical Islam. One thing to remember about guerilla wars, like those in Afghanistan and Syria, and all the wars in Africa – which are now just small bush wars – is that when you fight a guerilla war, you're necessarily fighting the people themselves. That should be a clue that you don't belong there.

Of course, this has been a U.S. hobby since the Spanish-American War, when we occupied the Philippines, and killed scores of thousands of Filipinos who were expecting independence. The U.S. government just took over a ready-made empire from the Spaniards.

This has been a pattern of the U.S. for years. Perhaps an economic collapse will bring it to a halt. But I don't think it's going to end on its own; trends in motion tend to stay in motion. Let’s just hope it doesn't end with a real war, as opposed to a sport war, like those in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq.

Justin: Thanks for speaking with me today, Doug.

Doug: You’re welcome.
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Hear, Hear, I couldn't agree more.

I don't know how W. Bush, or even earlier war criminals like LBJ could walk around free, much less be considered respected people by a good deal of Americans.
Hear, Hear, I couldn't agree more.

I don't know how W. Bush, or even earlier war criminals like LBJ could walk around free, much less be considered respected people by a good deal of Americans.

and dont forget LBJ's pal and fellow war monger DICK Nixon.Those two bastards were the ones that murdered over 58,000 americans,not the vietcong or the NVA. and you did not mention Obama either,he did the same thing Nixon did who expanded what LBJ started. Obama did the same as Bush.
these are not war crimes--sorry
you're just spewing crap
war crime
plural noun: war crimes
  1. an action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.
please state details of a war crime that the POTUSs committed?
US government should be on trial for war crimes in middle east same as the nazis were.

And for their war crimes in my home country of Ukraine as well as for breeding Nazis there.

US 'Government' is just slave of Israel, do not forget their bosses from Tel Aviv

I summarize shortly

Deep State and Israel shall be punished for killing of millions and destroying of many countries in name of erection of the Greater Israel



The Shia in Iraq would say they were repressed, tortured and killed by Saddam..........They were and still are the majority population of Iraq............

Having said that.........we have shifted the Balance of power there in favor of the Shia.........which will end in Iraq, Iran, and Syria being best buddies............Under Saddam that would not have happened..........because he was one sadistic SOB............

Now with the Kurds............who have been abused by all the countries there forever........have caused us to lose old alliances or will lose them soon........Qatar aligning with them........and soon TURKEY..........who are cutting deals with Russia and Greece to sell their oil...........Turkey may very well leave NATO or be kicked out of it when they go on a killing spree on the Kurds............

Where are the War crimes on Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran for the genocide of the Kurds over history...........They all have killed them for ages because of Religion and they believe they are inferior to the others.................

This UNHOLY ALLIANCE.....may one day lead to them thinking they can attack Israel..........and then we will have to do something about it......possibly sparking WWIII..........We will not stand down if they attack Israel.....unless we get another punk in office like Obama.........

Oh well.........we fucked up in a long occupation in the Middle East..........because Bush thought they would embrace Democracy in a region of Theocracy......and now the power is shifted.

I summarize shortly

Deep State and Israel shall be punished for killing of millions and destroying of many countries in name of erection of the Greater Israel



sure--self defense is not legal :rolleyes-41:

A 'self-defense'?
Stealing of arab's territorials and pushing the US's taxpayers pay for it and provide cannon fodder.
Israel shall give stolen territorials to Arabs back, pay them compensation and finance its wars by itself.
Trillions have been wasted, tens of millions dead due to the crazy ideas of Zionists

..ever since the UN partition plan in 1947, the Arabs have been the ATTACKERS--constantly attacking , threatening--telling Israel the Arabs will DESTROY Israel matter how you twist it, Israel is defending herself
..ever since the UN partition plan in 1947, the Arabs have been the ATTACKERS--constantly attacking , threatening--telling Israel the Arabs will DESTROY Israel matter how you twist it, Israel is defending herself

Because Israelis are the biggest racists in the world!
Arabs don't like racists

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia
..ever since the UN partition plan in 1947, the Arabs have been the ATTACKERS--constantly attacking , threatening--telling Israel the Arabs will DESTROY Israel matter how you twist it, Israel is defending herself

Because Israelis are the biggest racists in the world!
Arabs don't like racists

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia
sure--Israel is the bad guy
they ATTACK/start crap against MANY countries that:
surround Israel with Israel having a very thin front
greatly outnumber Israel in:--troops/tanks/etc
they attack not just one country at the same time --but MANY
sure :rolleyes-41:
..ever since the UN partition plan in 1947, the Arabs have been the ATTACKERS--constantly attacking , threatening--telling Israel the Arabs will DESTROY Israel matter how you twist it, Israel is defending herself

Because Israelis are the biggest racists in the world!
Arabs don't like racists

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia
sure--Israel is the bad guy
they ATTACK/start crap against MANY countries that:
surround Israel with Israel having a very thin front
greatly outnumber Israel in:--troops/tanks/etc
they attack not just one country at the same time --but MANY
sure :rolleyes-41:

Israel shall make peace with Arabs and pay own money for its experiments.
Additionally take all Muslim refugees from Europa who had fled from Israel wars

It's more clear evidence of how the Deep State has totally captured the U.S. government. Recall that the Deep State is not a formal conspiracy of any type. It's composed of perhaps a couple thousand powerful congressmen, bureau chiefs, lobbyists, corporate heads, generals, lawyers, academics, and media people that share a common worldview.

Yeah. The U.S. shouldn’t have gotten itself involved in these countries to begin with. But the fact of the matter is that it did get involved. What’s the best approach for withdrawing from these sorts of military affairs?

damn straight the US should not have gotten involved in war with those countries in the first place.:beer:

as should Israel as well since they are in Israels pockets. He left that part out. excellent piece.He is so correct,we had no business being over there in Afghanistan or Syria or Iraq for that matter but warmongers Bush and Obama get off scott free for their crimes.the sad thing is he is correct,even if Trump is different than them and pulls them out the deep state wil STILL be here starting wars as always long after Trump is gone.It's like a mouse fighting a gorilla.

Justin’s note: President Trump is pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria.

And frankly, it’s about damn time. After all, the U.S. government has already wasted more than $1 trillion fighting these wars, not to mention all the lives that have been lost.

Still, many people are critical of this decision. To find out why, I got Doug Casey on the phone. Below, you’ll find his take on this important development…

Doug Casey on Syria and Afghanistan
Justin: Doug, Trump is pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria. And I think most Americans would agree that this is the right thing to do.

But both Democrat and Republican politicians have been highly critical of this decision. Why is that?

Doug: It's more clear evidence of how the Deep State has totally captured the U.S. government. Recall that the Deep State is not a formal conspiracy of any type. It's composed of perhaps a couple thousand powerful congressmen, bureau chiefs, lobbyists, corporate heads, generals, lawyers, academics, and media people that share a common worldview.

The character of the U.S. has changed a lot since the Vietnam War. And quite radically over the last generation or so. Constant low-grade war is today’s leitmotif. The U.S. is actively at war in at least two countries, has something on the order of 700 or 800 bases in over 100 other countries, and is constantly prodding the Russians, the Chinese, and the Iranians, among others.

U.S. soldiers are not welcome in any of the places where they’re stationed – except by local quislings, professional cronies, and lickspittles. So pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria – however belatedly – is one of the few intelligent things that Trump said he was going to do and may actually do. But I’ll believe it when I see it.

Justin: Yeah. The U.S. shouldn’t have gotten itself involved in these countries to begin with. But the fact of the matter is that it did get involved. What’s the best approach for withdrawing from these sorts of military affairs?

Should Trump slowly bring troops back home or just rip the Band-Aid off in one fell swoop?

Doug: It’s very much like the situation in Vietnam. People asked, “Well, now that we’re in, how do we get out?” And the best answer back then was: “Put the troops on boats, put the boats into reverse, and leave.” Of course, like everything else in that disastrous misadventure, it was so poorly executed, and so slowly, that the last troops had to be extracted by helicopter from the roof of the embassy.

In the case of Afghanistan, there was absolutely no excuse for invading in the first place. The Taliban were quite open about being willing to extradite Osama bin Laden if it could just be shown that he had anything to do with the 9/11 event. A perfectly reasonable attitude on their part.

9/11 was a gigantic crime by non-state actors, none of whom were Afghan. It should have been handled like a crime, including a proper forensic examination of the crime scene – which was never done in the hysteria following the event. The only thing we can be totally sure of is that it wasn’t an act of war by Afghanistan.

But Bush invaded a sovereign country because somebody – who may or may not have been responsible for the events of 9/11 – may have been resident there. Osama, you’ll recall, denied responsibility for the attacks, even though he heartily approved of them. We may never know exactly what he knew or didn’t know. In fact, we may never even know how or when he died. There’s plenty of reason to doubt the official story about the raid on Abbottabad, including Osama’s unlikely burial at sea.

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others had this insane idea that they needed to bring “democracy” to the Mideast and Central Asia. They created an ongoing world-class disaster, pointlessly killing, directly and indirectly, hundreds of thousands. And destroying trillions of dollars of American capital. Nobody has brought them to account.

The entire region was destabilized. Not that it was ever stable – every country in the region is a completely artificial construct, put together in European boardrooms a century ago. With zero regard for what might work for the natives.

The fact of the matter is that Afghanistan is a primitive, backward country with a culture that’s completely alien to the West. Americans are viewed as hostile invaders, and are about as welcome as the Soviets were in the ’80s. But at least the Soviets wrangled an invitation from their puppet in Kabul, much as the U.S. had from its puppet in Saigon a couple of decades earlier. Americans are about as welcome as an army of Muslim teenagers would be breaking down doors at 3 a.m. in Topeka. The U.S. has absolutely no interest or possibility of profiting in any way from occupying a desert on the other side of the planet.

Now, after having destroyed an immense amount of the country and gone a long way towards bankrupting ourselves, while creating literally millions of new enemies, it still hasn’t dawned on Washington that this was all a very bad idea.

Justin: What about Syria?

Doug: Syria is different, yet the same.

Once again, the U.S. invaded a sovereign state that was in no position do it any harm. But without even a good pretext. Nothing new, after the completely fabricated excuses offered for the war in Iraq. This type of shameless aggression has become a constant, but it doesn’t even prompt a whimper, forget about outrage, from the U.S. public. In fact, the Swamp raises hell when Trump says he wants to withdraw.

In both cases, Afghanistan and Syria – as well as Iraq – the invasions were war crimes. Exactly the type of thing the Germans were tried for at Nuremberg. Neither Syria nor Afghanistan – or Iraq – posed any threat whatsoever to the U.S. Why were they invaded? It’s a question historians will ponder for many years into the future. I suppose the trillion-dollar military budget has to be employed somewhere, or some might ask why the U.S. is spending almost as much as the rest of the world put together.

It’s nothing new, I suppose. In many ways the U.S. started out like Ancient Athens, a beacon representing – incarnating – all the best human values. But Athens evolved into an empire over a short time in the 5th century BC. It overreached, lost the Peloponnesian War – and never recovered. There’s a cottage industry comparing the decline of the U.S. to that of Imperial Rome, however I think Athens provides an even better template.

But, getting back to Syria. They say Assad is a bad guy. And perhaps he's not a pussy cat. But neither is he an active psychopath, as so many U.S. allies have been in Third World countries. Of course he has a nasty secret police force – like almost every other non-Western country. But the fact is these countries were all artificially created hodgepodges, with dozens of age-old, mutually antagonistic ethnic, linguistic, religious, political, and cultural groups. That necessitates a “strong” leader. Otherwise these places would all disassemble. Which, incidentally, would be a good thing. And the only thing – in addition to weak, free-market oriented governments – that can help defuse the tinderbox.

All these countries are naturally unstable. The only way to hold them together is with a dictator, and using the methods of a dictator. Even if they overthrew Assad, the U.S. would, at best, just replace him with another quisling. It would look like Libya, which nobody talks about because it’s quietly evolved into at least two or three different states.

All these adventures were and are counterproductive, pointless, and ridiculous. They’ll all end very badly. In fact, any of them could serve as the match that starts off something resembling World War III. But although I’m pleased Trump is trying to get out of the Mideast and Central Asia, he could just as easily start something in the South China sea, or Ukraine.

Justin: Could Trump’s decision to withdraw from these affairs have any lasting impact on U.S. foreign policy? Or will things return to business as usual when the next president steps into office?

Doug: It will go back to business as usual. There's no question about it. The Deep State will be around long after Trump, or any other president, is just a bad memory.

One thing – there are others – that shocks me about Trump is his exceedingly bad judgment in the people that he appoints. Tillerson, Bolton, Mattis, Haley – you name it – are Deep State types and hardcore warmongers. How did he choose people like these? Their agendas were always the opposite of what his stated agenda was before he was elected – which was to get the U.S. out of combat situations in worthless countries. And withdraw the military from its hundreds of foreign bases.

But look at the bright side. Trump is free entertainment – kind of. And he’s reduced some taxes, fired some government employees, and reduced a lot of regulations. Best of all, the Deep State types – Republicans and Democrats, there’s no difference at the top levels – seem to hate him. So he can’t be all bad.

But, again, these sorts and their cronies are permanent fixtures in and around the U.S. government. They’re going to stick around long after Trump is out of office. And Trump himself is devoid of any personal philosophy – he’s a strictly seat-of-the-pants thinker. The U.S. government at this point is an entity with a life of its own that has little to do with what goes on in the rest of the country. America was a great idea; too bad it’s no longer with us.

Justin: I’d have to agree. Unfortunately, this decision won’t change how U.S. foreign policy operates, especially because the American empire is in decline. And as you’ve said before, a waning empire often resorts to military force to assert its will.

Doug: These people learned absolutely nothing from their past misadventures. After the U.S. leaves Afghanistan and Syria, they’ll ramp things up in Africa. The excuse will be to counter China. And so-called radical Islam. One thing to remember about guerilla wars, like those in Afghanistan and Syria, and all the wars in Africa – which are now just small bush wars – is that when you fight a guerilla war, you're necessarily fighting the people themselves. That should be a clue that you don't belong there.

Of course, this has been a U.S. hobby since the Spanish-American War, when we occupied the Philippines, and killed scores of thousands of Filipinos who were expecting independence. The U.S. government just took over a ready-made empire from the Spaniards.

This has been a pattern of the U.S. for years. Perhaps an economic collapse will bring it to a halt. But I don't think it's going to end on its own; trends in motion tend to stay in motion. Let’s just hope it doesn't end with a real war, as opposed to a sport war, like those in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq.

Justin: Thanks for speaking with me today, Doug.

Doug: You’re welcome.

Its now known a fact this is all true and that has been exposed.since two paid shills of Israel harmonica and toodsterparrot, always do when they are backed up against the wall and cant counter facts and are known proven shills for them.LOL
" Where The Relevance Lies "

* Deductions From Doctrines *
Its now known a fact this is all true and that has been exposed.since two paid shills of Israel harmonica and toodsterparrot, always do when they are backed up against the wall and cant counter facts and are known proven shills for them.LOL
Torahnism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous isaac , where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( 613 mitzvot ) , as proposed in the torah , would only apply within israel .

Qurayshism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous ishmael, where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( sharia ) , as proposed in the qurayn , would only apply within hejaz .

Any pretense that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism .

* History Of Land Grabs *

How much land has fictional ishmaelism acquiesced through militancy under its supremacist , sectarian , totalitarian , guise , relative with the trivial size of israel itself ?

From an objective perspective for doctrine directives , any militant pogrom to establish torahnism would be limited in scope to isreal to secure the geographic region specified for those peoples , while any militant pogrom to establish fictional ishmaelism would not be limited in scope to hejaz to secure the geographic region for those peoples .
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