US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

That's precisely what needs to be done at this point to anyone who throws up the lame gun argument.
Drudge is reporting that "Shorty" the WWII veteran who was murdered in his car, was beaten to death these thugz using flashlights.. Are Australia and the librul KOOK brigade going to start a worldwide boycott of flashlights?
Belton was found by police with serious head injuries and died in the hospital Thursday.

Belton’s daughter-in-law tells KREM-TV that the suspects beat him with flashlights.

“They used those great big heavy flashlights,” Bobbie Belton said. “The doctors said he was bleeding from all parts of his face.”

Spokane Police say they have surveillance images of the attackers.
Police: Arrest Made In Beating Death Of 88-Year-Old WWII Vet « CBS Seattle
Drudge is reporting that "Shorty" the WWII veteran who was murdered in his car, was beaten to death these thugz using flashlights.. Are Australia and the librul KOOK brigade going to start a worldwide boycott of flashlights?

The subject is "guns"... you idiot!
I'll slam it too, who gives a fuck what an ex-deputy PM of a British colony thinks?
Drudge is reporting that "Shorty" the WWII veteran who was murdered in his car, was beaten to death these thugz using flashlights.. Are Australia and the librul KOOK brigade going to start a worldwide boycott of flashlights?

The subject is "guns"... you idiot!

That's what your propaganda machine wants it to be about you gun grabbing Marxist fuck.
“The U.S. has chosen the pathway of illogical policy with regard to guns," Australia’s former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer said Friday. "They cannot expect not to have any criticism of it worldwide.”

“I am angry because it is corrupting the world, this gun culture of the United States."

Mr. Fischer's anger certainly explains the reasoning behind his idiotic and ill-advised hyperbole, one would think that a former Deputy Prime Minister would have enough common sense to keep his mouth closed until he's in an emotional state that's appropriate for making public pronouncements.

Apparently Australia is saddled with politicians that are just as foolish and inane as ours in the U.S. are.
Someone needs to tell that liberal ass hat to pay some attention to his own country before he opens his ignorant pie hole:

Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7th of February 2009.

Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18th of November 2011.

Melbourne gangland killings - 36 underworld figures murdered so far in gang related violence between 1998 and 2010.

Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.

Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.

Merrylands has become the Sydney suburb most frequently hit by drive-by shootings as the city as a whole reaches the ignominious milestone of 100 instances of gun violence this year. Sept. 2012

A tip of the hat to Lonestar_logic for the data.
White supremacist executed for Jasper, Texas dragging death of black man » Corpus Christi Caller-Times

HUNTSVILLE — White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.

Byrd, 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly hate crime murders in recent Texas history.

Brewer, 44, was asked if he had any final words, to which he replied: "No. I have no final statement."

He glanced at his parents watching through a nearby window, took several deep breaths and closed his eyes. A single tear hung on the edge of his right eye as he was pronounced dead at 6:21 p.m., 10 minutes after the lethal drugs began flowing into his arms, both covered with intricate black tattoos.

People who hate, of whatever color, do atrocities. Many on this board would be prime suspects for such atrocities were one to happen in their neighborhood, given the level of toxic hate they post.
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

And the gun-nuts will keep deflecting.
Aussies are one the ones to talk about gun culture, they had no problem using them to kill the aborigines
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year.
32,000 with nearly 2/3 (as of 2011 19,766) of those suicides which are completely non sequitur to any question centered around gun control, throw in another 800 or so from accidents and what you have is a gun homicide (counting cases of self defense) rate of 3.6 per 100K citizens. No where near the deaths from automobile accidents on a yearly basis.

But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.
So now you're a "Gun Nut" if support the right to keep and bear arms? You realize how childish such hyperbole is, don't you?

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.
All you'll see with increased gun control is a far more lucrative market in illegal weapons and otherwise law abiding individuals transformed into criminals. Apparently it has escaped your notice that the VAST majority of gun owners don't commit gun related crimes with them, don't kill themselves with them and don't experience accidental death or injury from them. So your proposal seems to involve punishing the vast majority in order to make a vain attempt to deter the tiny minority even though it's completely illogical that a would be murderer would be deterred by gun control laws.

One has to conclude that people that cheer lead for such nonsense do not realize that their political ideology has led them beyond the ridiculous and into the flat out ludicrous. If you're actually interested in SOLVING gun violence why not look for and analyze potential mitigation strategies for the ROOT CAUSES instead of just doing the shallow thing and attempting to attack the TOOL.
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

Did he explain how, or is it true simply because he said so?

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