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US has placed no Amb. in Ankara

It's time to kick the turkeys out of NATO.

The government is Islamic extremist.
U.S., partners agree to sanctions on Iran

The United States reached agreement Tuesday with Russia, China and other major powers on a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that would modestly expand and stiffen sanctions on Iran for its failure to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

The 10-page resolution in many ways falls short of the Obama administration's stated objective to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran, but it gives new momentum to the sanctions push one day after Turkey and Brazil -- two junior Security Council members -- swooped in with their own deal with Iran to forestall new penalties on the Islamic republic.
Yeah right, it's Bush's fault Turkey's government is evil.
Yeah right, it's Bush's fault Turkey's government is evil.
Is the Turkish Government a Modern Democratic State, or a Terrorist State? 29.7.2010
By Dana Berzinjy for ekurd.net, Sydney-Australia.

July 29, 2010

Some people say that the current Turkish Government is a good sample of democratic in the Middle East; on the other hand different people say the Turkish Government is not a good model of a democratic state in the Middle East, and it is an absolutely different system to what you would see in Europe as a Modern State. It might be true or it might be wrong assumption.

No body can guess about Turkey and say Turkey is a good or a bad country politically, when you guess something you might be right or wrong without proving the case with evidence. What is going on in Turkey can prove its status. Someone can say this is an excellent democratic state or the worst state in the World.


Dana Berzinjy There are two things that prove the Turkish case; first, its history, or its current position in the Middle East, and its relations with its people. For instance freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, cultural freedom, individual freedom, racism, human rights, freedom of education and many more.

I would like to start talking a little bit about Turkish history towards other nationality and its own people. One thing we have to remember is that the Turks are originally not from Anatolia region or Middle East, they are migrants and they came from Central Asia or near China to fight other nationalities and occupy their homeland. Originally the name of Turkey is not an old name, but this is a new name and they changed the name of Anatolia to Turkey when they occupied the Homeland of the Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Jewish and Assyrians.

Then, after the occupation of the land the Turks started wars which led to killings and murders of innocent people. As well as destroying their lands, resources, name changing of villages, towns, cities and places in Anatolia region. For example the name of Qustentine had changed to Istanbul, the name of Dersim changed to Tunceli. The Kurdish names that had been changed to Turkish names are existent in the Holly Book of the Bible. This means that even the authorities had cheated Christianity and lied to themselves, to the people of Turkey and to the World in order to change the history.

During the Kemal Ata Turk, and an order from this Dictator, genocide started against other nationality for instance against the Armenians in 1915 and as a result of the genocide and their awful actions against civilians more than 3,500,000 people were murdered. They were forced and deported; they were forced to accept migration to Russia and other countries. Then when they got rid off the Armenians, they started the genocide against the Kurds; in one instance they killed 700,000, then 300,000 Kurds, they never stop the murders against not only Kurds but others as well. They genocide the Assyrians and more than 70,000 people were killed. The Ottoman Empire had occupied Palestine for 400 years, and during the Turkish occupation in Arab countries so many Arab leaders who rose against the Turkish Empire and their Sultans were murdered and assassinated. The Turks created hostility among the aboriginal nations in Middle East. This is just a small fraction of the Turkish existence in the Middle East and the history that comes behind it. Then I would like to talk about the existence of the Turks in our Homeland (North Kurdistan) and in Middle East.

The existence of the Turkish Government in our Homeland (Kurdistan) and its behaviour, actions, human rights issues and more towards the Kurdish Indigenous people as well as other nationalities such as Armenians, Assyrians, and Arabs. This is like a scale that would judge the legitimacy or illegality of the Turks.

Turkey has a war with the Kurdish Freedom Fighters of PKK fraction, but their war planes come and bombard our villages and kill innocent people, animals and destroy our lands and burn the jungles of (South Kurdistan) the Iraqi Kurdistan. Even our people have lost count of how many times; we have been attacked by Turkey and Iran.

The Turkish aircrafts are bombing our border areas every day with support from Iranian artillery which shells the other side of our border. At the result of this barbarian act from Turkish aircrafts and their wild soldiers “(murders)”many villagers lose their life and end up with destroyed homes and their horrid stories about the bombardment. I want to say that their aggression never stops against the Kurds or against the other nationalities.

When Turkey talks about its reforms and the way that the country should be run, people can suggest that Turkey from now on will be a state of the United State in terms of democracy. But unfortunately, the Turkish Government says something and does something else which is totally different, in which leads the government to contradict itself. It seems to me that Turkey has three governments; one just is doing business, the second one reforming the Turkish Institution, and the third government dreaming of old shattered Turkish Empire, to occupy and threat other countries by murdering people and occupying more countries.

Is this an act of barbarian or an act of a Turkish democratic model in Turkey and in the entire Middle East.? This kind of behaviour is an act of Kamalism and the dead and sick torn of Ottoman Empire’s skeleton towards Kurdistan. They still don’t live in realty and in the 21st century, they are still dreaming and imagining like their previous Sultans. They need to wake up and live in today’s world and to stop this barbarian behaviour towards the Indigenous Kurds and Medes nation. The history won’t forget or tolerate this prolonged genocide forever.

The Turkish Government needs to think carefully, whilst following just one direction which is a democratic system which grants freedom to all nationalities, having different Federal States or to follow their old and fiction dreams of becoming another Islamic State of Terror like Iran. Turkey can’t be a democratic country and at the same time destroy the lives of others. Don’t you think that Turkey lives in a house that’s made of glass and wants to throw stones at others?

The Kurds ask for friendship with Turkey over and over, but Turkey does not respect the rights of other countries nor to its own citizens, and has no sympathy for international law borders. The Iraqi Kurds respect that, the International Protocols do not allow its people to attack Turkey in any aspect. But Turkey has their own political problems; with 25 million Kurds that live in Turkey, they need to respect that and solve their own problems peacefully with the Kurdish genuine representative which is the PKK. The way in which you respect Hamas, is the way you need to respect the guerrillas and work on solving this problem which is the priority over solving the problem between Palestine and Israel.

I strongly believe that the Turkish incursion and aggression is not to aim PKK or PEJAK in their war operation but their aim is very broader then that.

It includes Kurdistan Regional Government to be the target, though this isn’t an easy target for Turkey and the Kurds are not going to give up on their rights easily. This bad behaviour and hostility will cost them more than they can imagine.

The Iraqi government stays quiet and does not say much about the Turkish or Iranian bombardments except that they are ready to take our resources and our oil. I strongly believe that the Kurdish Regional Government should think twice and take this opportunity more seriously as well as stop its trading with Turkey and their supporters. This is a terrible policy and a big mistake that has been made by our leaders to deal with our enemies,
www.ekurd.netand put our resources and dividends in their hands, then later on they use our capital to destroy and bombard our Holly Homeland (Kurdistan). Every body dislikes having a trade with Turkey except our hungry leaders for power and money. They should think that economy and politics are like one spirit in two bodies.

So many times in the past and at present Turkish jet aircrafts and Iranian tanks disobey all the rules by shelling more than 30 kilometres in Kurdish autonomous region and withdrew their forces after caused heavy civilian casualties. Turkish Special Troops wiped out two Kurdish villages to debris in South Kurdistan (Iraq), put alight in them and burned them, and threatened to murder Kurdish villagers if they do not assist Turkey against PKK [Turkey Kurdistan Workers' Party], or PJAK [Iranian Party for Free Life in Kurdistan] fighters.

The villagers were forced to escape, in order to rescue their lives of the barbarian killings. They left every thing behind and thirty five children and women were killed in two days recently. More than 650 families fled and were left with no villages. They live in very bad conditions; without shelters and necessities of life.

Erdogan should be sentences in the International Court for his association in Terror Organisations like the IHH (the terror flotilla to Gaza) and His liability for the group murder of Kurds in the Kurdistan Region.

Israeli Government, should respect the Kurdish Jewish and Kurds, the historical relationship between the Kurds and the Israeli people, and the International Law and stop its Military aid to Turkey, by stopping this support will minimise the killing of the Kurds inside and outside of the borders by the fascist and racist Turkish Government.

The Fascist Erdogan describes Israeli soldiers as "murders" or the Israelis as "Barbarians"; I believe other ways around the Turkish soldiers are true “murders” not the Israeli soldiers. Israeli defending their ancient Holly Land of Israel, but Turkey had occupied the Kurdish Holy Land of the Medes. They are occupiers and murders.

A few months back I had seen one of the Turkish murders cutting one of the head’s of the Kurdish Freedom Fighters of PKK. The day will come that Turkey has to pay a heavy price for their inhuman actions against the Kurds. Turkey should be held liable for all the damages that were caused to Israel during the Hamas-Supporting events, also for damaged caused to the Kurds. Turkey with all the support that they get from the Israeli Government and Unites states still can not face the Kurdish Freedom Fighters. I wish that the Israeli Government from now on will be able to support the PKK Freedom Fighters against the Turkish Government in order to support the human rights and stop violence against innocent Kurdish people. If Israeli does that the Turkish Government has to bow and sit on its feet whilst be weakened forever and never be able to call the Kurds “Turkish Mountains” or to call Israeli solders as “Murders”. If Israel listens to its ancient people, it then has to teach the Turkish Government a good lesson.

The Turkish Government associates itself with fundamental fanatic Muslims for instance, Hamas, Iranian fanatic regime, and Hezbollah. There is no difference between Erdogan, Hamas, Hezbollah and Syrian dictator Beshir Al-Asad. He is against peace and promotes violence among the Kurds, and between the Kurds and the Turks in Turkey and the rest of Middle East.

In addition to all the crimes that are committed by the Turkish Fascist Government, hundreds of children are captured. Some of theses children are as young as 11, 12, according to the lawyers, they have been taken legal action by Turkish unlawful system of court. International human rights groups strongly believe that the Turkey's anti-terrorist laws breach UN principle on children and young people.

These young people live in very bad conditions, their places are hot in summers and they can not take showers. They freeze in the cold winters and are put on enormous stress and strain by the police in order to admit that they are supporters of the Kurdish Freedom Fighters of (PKK). Some of those young people received long prison term in anti terrorist courts, and they are sent to the adult prisons.

There files are undisclosed and the solicitors have slight access to these children. These crimes were committed by the Turkish Military. These crimes prove that the Turkish Government is a “’Terrorist State” and the Turkish soldiers are “Murders” by every meaning.

I would like to express our harmony and thank for the Israeli people for their support and demonstration against the Turkish Fascist Government. And I hope that the Israeli Government never makes another mistake to support the Turkish Government, militarily, against the wishes of the Kurds and PKK Freedom Fighters, in order the Kurds be able to achieve democracy and to liberate the Kurds and the Holy Land of the Medes. I personally condemn this act of barbarian by Turkey and Iran and the Iraqi Federal Government should take serious steps such as stopping trades with them and instead take their business to somewhere else like Gulf Countries, Europe, Israel, USA...etc.

Dana Berzinjy, a freelance writer, Sydney/Australia, July 29, 2010, for eKURD.NET © All Rights Reserved. Berzinjy is a longtime contributing writer for ekurd.netYou may reach the author via email at: danaberzinjy (at) ekurd.net or [email protected]
Kurdish genuine representative which is the PKK (...)
Kurdish Freedom Fighters of PKK. (...)
I wish that the Israeli Government from now on will be able to support the PKK Freedom Fighters against the Turkish Government (...)
The day will come that Turkey has to pay a heavy price for their inhuman actions against the Kurds. (...)
Turkish Government is a “’Terrorist State” and the Turkish soldiers are “Murders” by every meaning (...)
Is the Turkish Government a Modern Democratic State, or a Terrorist State? By Dana Berzinjy

Please read yourself the above quote, which I shortened.
It gives you a picture about the article, the source-site and the user HiPeter.
Well done, Hipeter.
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Kurdish genuine representative which is the PKK (...)
Kurdish Freedom Fighters of PKK. (...)
I wish that the Israeli Government from now on will be able to support the PKK Freedom Fighters against the Turkish Government (...)
The day will come that Turkey has to pay a heavy price for their inhuman actions against the Kurds. (...)
Turkish Government is a “’Terrorist State” and the Turkish soldiers are “Murders” by every meaning (...)
Is the Turkish Government a Modern Democratic State, or a Terrorist State? By Dana Berzinjy

Please read yourself the above quote, which I shortened.
It gives you a picture about the article, the source-site and the user HiPeter.
Well done, Hipeter.
Really? I would have shortened it to this very damning part about of your racist, genocidal nation, and the founder of the Turkish Republic Ataturk:
During the Kemal Ata Turk, and an order from this Dictator, genocide started against other nationality for instance against the Armenians in 1915 and as a result of the genocide and their awful actions against civilians more than 3,500,000 people were murdered. They were forced and deported; they were forced to accept migration to Russia and other countries. Then when they got rid off the Armenians, they started the genocide against the Kurds; in one instance they killed 700,000, then 300,000 Kurds, they never stop the murders against not only Kurds but others as well. They genocide the Assyrians and more than 70,000 people were killed. The Ottoman Empire had occupied Palestine for 400 years, and during the Turkish occupation in Arab countries so many Arab leaders who rose against the Turkish Empire and their Sultans were murdered and assassinated. The Turks created hostility among the aboriginal nations in Middle East. This is just a small fraction of the Turkish existence in the Middle East and the history that comes behind it. Then I would like to talk about the existence of the Turks in our Homeland (North Kurdistan) and in Middle East.
Now that is what makes a nation evil, especially when it is still committing genocide and murdering people.
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Kurdish genuine representative which is the PKK (...)
Kurdish Freedom Fighters of PKK. (...)
I wish that the Israeli Government from now on will be able to support the PKK Freedom Fighters against the Turkish Government (...)
The day will come that Turkey has to pay a heavy price for their inhuman actions against the Kurds. (...)
Turkish Government is a “’Terrorist State” and the Turkish soldiers are “Murders” by every meaning (...)
Is the Turkish Government a Modern Democratic State, or a Terrorist State? By Dana Berzinjy

Please read yourself the above quote, which I shortened.
It gives you a picture about the article, the source-site and the user HiPeter.
Well done, Hipeter.
Really? I would have shortened it to this very damning part about of your racist, genocidal nation, and the founder of the Turkish Republic Ataturk:
During the Kemal Ata Turk, and an order from this Dictator, genocide started against other nationality for instance against the Armenians in 1915 and as a result of the genocide and their awful actions against civilians more than 3,500,000 people were murdered. They were forced and deported; they were forced to accept migration to Russia and other countries. Then when they got rid off the Armenians, they started the genocide against the Kurds; in one instance they killed 700,000, then 300,000 Kurds, they never stop the murders against not only Kurds but others as well. They genocide the Assyrians and more than 70,000 people were killed. The Ottoman Empire had occupied Palestine for 400 years, and during the Turkish occupation in Arab countries so many Arab leaders who rose against the Turkish Empire and their Sultans were murdered and assassinated. The Turks created hostility among the aboriginal nations in Middle East. This is just a small fraction of the Turkish existence in the Middle East and the history that comes behind it. Then I would like to talk about the existence of the Turks in our Homeland (North Kurdistan) and in Middle East.
Now that is what makes a nation evil, especially when it is still committing genocide and murdering people.
The author of that nonsense is a fuckstick. President Ataturk wasn't a dictator, and he was a beloved national hero. Turks are not racists, but they have always recognized who their enemies were and taken steps to protect themselves. Like any sovereign country.
Please read yourself the above quote, which I shortened.
It gives you a picture about the article, the source-site and the user HiPeter.
Well done, Hipeter.
Really? I would have shortened it to this very damning part about of your racist, genocidal nation, and the founder of the Turkish Republic Ataturk:
During the Kemal Ata Turk, and an order from this Dictator, genocide started against other nationality for instance against the Armenians in 1915 and as a result of the genocide and their awful actions against civilians more than 3,500,000 people were murdered. They were forced and deported; they were forced to accept migration to Russia and other countries. Then when they got rid off the Armenians, they started the genocide against the Kurds; in one instance they killed 700,000, then 300,000 Kurds, they never stop the murders against not only Kurds but others as well. They genocide the Assyrians and more than 70,000 people were killed. The Ottoman Empire had occupied Palestine for 400 years, and during the Turkish occupation in Arab countries so many Arab leaders who rose against the Turkish Empire and their Sultans were murdered and assassinated. The Turks created hostility among the aboriginal nations in Middle East. This is just a small fraction of the Turkish existence in the Middle East and the history that comes behind it. Then I would like to talk about the existence of the Turks in our Homeland (North Kurdistan) and in Middle East.
Now that is what makes a nation evil, especially when it is still committing genocide and murdering people.
The author of that nonsense is a fuckstick. President Ataturk wasn't a dictator, and he was a beloved national hero. Turks are not racists, but they have always recognized who their enemies were and taken steps to protect themselves. Like any sovereign country.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7L5aSNMejs"]YouTube - Allah would never grant a Turkish Islamic Union based on Turkish racism[/ame]
Allah would never grant a Turkish Islamic Union based on Turkish racism :eusa_shhh:

Or in other words a fellow Muslim has disowned the current nation of Turkey as racist and fascist.


But don't take his word for it, even your newspaper says so:

Turkish racism: an unpleasant story

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMYVk0RQUTA]YouTube - Turkey Hunting[/ame]
Really? I would have shortened it to this very damning part about of your racist, genocidal nation, and the founder of the Turkish Republic Ataturk:
Now that is what makes a nation evil, especially when it is still committing genocide and murdering people.
The author of that nonsense is a fuckstick. President Ataturk wasn't a dictator, and he was a beloved national hero. Turks are not racists, but they have always recognized who their enemies were and taken steps to protect themselves. Like any sovereign country.

Allah would never grant a Turkish Islamic Union based on Turkish racism :eusa_shhh:

Or in other words a fellow Muslim has disowned the current nation of Turkey as racist and fascist.

Big fucking deal. Half this board calls the majority of Americans 'Socialists' and 'Communists'.
I wouldn't say the nation is evil, rather that the islamic fundamentalist government is evil.
I wouldn't say the nation is evil, rather that the islamic fundamentalist government is evil.
Actually the issue is always indifference. Most Turk's simply ignore or accept the policies of their government, even though it has caused the Kurds to rebel against the Turkish state (their policies are tearing apart the Turkish nation). Particularly it persecutes/violates the human rights of religious minorities (in particular Alevi Muslims and Christians) and works against the concept of a multi-cultural society, rather than integration they seek assimilation or annihilation of minority cultures within their borders. As for Islamic fundamentalist, its getting there but the state remains consistently as bad as it was in Kermatist times.
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