US household income drops for third straight year

If the point is to increase working people's income, I've addressed it; get a second income. That's what I did. I've almost always had a second source of income, usually a parttime job in addition to my full-time job. Fast food places are desperate for parttime workers that won't quit after a few months. Older folks are more able to speak slowly and clearly over the intercom system as well.
And you still miss the point, what a shock.
Individuals can always do good in a failing economy but that doesn't mean the country as a whole does.

Also, don't confuse increased family income with more spendable money. They are not the same.

For instance, as a retiree my retirement income has increased about 7% since Potatohead stole the election but the buying power of my total income has decreased about 15%.

It is always hard to equate government policies with personal income but it is there. The biggest take home bonus we usually get with a Republican President is a tax cut. I got more spendable income because of tax cuts under Reagan, Bush and Trump. I directly paid out more under Carter and Slick Willy. Indirectly paid out more under Queer Barry and Potatohead.

The economy usually does better under a Republican administration becuse it more business friendly. We had a 15 year economic boom because of Reagan. It did OK under Bush until the Democrat caused housing bust happen. It was great under Trump until the Pandemic caused by Potatohead's Chinese buddies hit.
You can mitigate inflation by looking for deals on large purchases. New car prices are way too high, so I bought used. Saved a bundle and am happy with the car.
And income inequality gets higher than with Republicans.
Who gives a shit?

I am not poorer because you are richer.

I am poorer because the government takes my tax money and gives it away to welfare queens and Illegals.

I am poorer because of government policies that prevent me from maximizing my productivity.

By the way, most really rich people support Liberal globalization policies. They don't worry about increased taxation because they can always hide it. They benefit by making money on big government spending.
There’s no way in hell you people can be this stupid.
What a company pays out has everything to do with overall profitability…profitability has to do with energy/fuel costs, costs to meet and manage regulations, income and sales taxes, healthcare expense….ALL of which have everything to do with government policies.
Bullseye! You've just described a well-managed company, that likely rewards productive employees. My point exactly.
Oh, I might have you all wrong, I’ll thought you implied that government policy has nothing to do with the income of working people?
We all have to navigate government policies to some degree. Low-income folks are generally the beneficiaries. Sadly, immigrants are sucking up a lot of aid that should be helping them. Also sad is that much of the money that funds social programs goes to the employees that run the programs, and the companies that provide infrastructure and supply for those programs.

My brother was once involved in such a government program. By the time a building was rented and remodeled, office staff hired, office equipment and supplies purchased, the entire budget was spent without a single family being helped, which was the original purpose of the program. I don't recall if the program was re-funded or scrapped. Either way it was an expensive boondoggle.
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Since he's not here, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Your Saint did all that, so right wing GOP sniveling about Democrats is just phony and shallow, that's what it has to do with it. The GOP has nothing different to offer, except 'Fair Tax' scams jacking up taxes on the lowest income brackets while handing out trillions in corporate welfare, even bigger tax breaks and subsidies for billionaires who are barely paying anything already, Republicans helped pass Biden's 'Infrastructure' bill and the 2018 tax cuts for companies off-shoring jobs, same as they did under Reagan and both Bushes.
You are so full of shit… No contractor I have ever known has ever paid an illegal wetback $20-$25 an hour and I’m in South Mexifornia.

And they never pass on any savings on labor to consumers, either. They charge whatever the market will bear, especially in these artificially manufactured bubble economies.
Your Saint did all that, so right wing GOP sniveling about Democrats is just phony and shallow, that's what it has to do with it. The GOP has nothing different to offer, except 'Fair Tax' scams jacking up taxes on the lowest income brackets while handing out trillions in corporate welfare, even bigger tax breaks and subsidies for billionaires who are barely paying anything already, Republicans helped pass Biden's 'Infrastructure' bill and the 2018 tax cuts for companies off-shoring jobs, same as they did under Reagan and both Bushes.
Oh, I see. In your desperation to avoid holding any democrat responsible for something they control, you cast about for an historical figure you think can somehow be blamed for the current situation, thus allowing you to fulfill your contractual obligations to protect from all criticism.

"The democrats are running the economy into the ground".
"A Republican from 40 years ago is to blame for everything".


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