US Intel and Ancient Occult Societies


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England

Ancient occult societies at the heart of America’s intelligent agencies​


Rock on Lucifer .
Once you have digested this , boys and girls , I will send you another piece of horny porny .

First check your meds old timers .Impure ones take note and fix dentures securely .

The FBI was born under the Teddy Roosevelt administration when Congress would not give his Attorney General the secret permanent police force he was demanding.
J. Edgar Hoover – the Scottish Rite Masons’ most honoured member, second only to Albert Pike who proudly proclaimed their god, Lucifer is the god of good and light that fights against the evil God of the Christians who is against humanity – worked diligently to commit atrocities against the American people from the start. Hoover, a cross-dresser and puppet of the Masons, even established a Masonic chapter of the FBI called the Fidelity Chapter which Hoover insisted his agents refer to as the “Seat of Government.”
To this day the FBI has been a force of dictatorship domestically that made way for the Babylonian Deep State CIA to work alongside other nation’s Deep State Intelligence Agencies abroad and at home.

Matt Eheret joined American Media Periscope’s Shavon Ayala to discuss the new Canadian Patriot Review documentary called ‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’ and the deeper intersection of secret societies and intelligence agencies.
The documentary, produced by Jason Dahl, is narrated by Ehret and is based on an essay written by Cynthia Chung. It introduces viewers to the ancient origins of the occult societies that penetrated the heart of America’s intelligence agencies after the murder of William McKinley in 1901. These ancient occult societies have managed wars, and financial and cultural policies for over two millennia. Read more about the documentary HERE, watch the 30-minute documentary HERE and read Chung’s essay HERE.
After discussing the essence of the Luciferian doctrine underlying the FBI, Ehret and Ayala’s discussion delved into the ancient proto-Luciferian cult of Apollo which controlled pre-Christian intelligence networks and which morphed from Babylon’s Cult of Marduk to become the dominant sect controlling the Roman Empire.
They contrasted this darkness with the philosophical concepts of Plato and Augustinian Christianity that demonstrate the ontological necessity of:
  • a reasonable and good Creator to be the architect and prima mobile of the universe, and
  • humankind created in his image and endowed with immortal souls capable of both discovering and acting upon creation.
Watch Ehret and Ayala’s discussion below, or on Bitchute HERE or YouTube HERE.

American Media Periscope: The Luciferian Roots of the FBI | The Revealing Ep. 3 (60 mins)
Featured image: Scottish Rite (left)
Helms, Wisner, Angleton etc... The all used to piss on each other in college. Secret handshakes, Oaths to owls, Corn Cobb Pipe Conspiracies....

Ancient occult societies at the heart of America’s intelligent agencies​


Rock on Lucifer .
Once you have digested this , boys and girls , I will send you another piece of horny porny .

First check your meds old timers .Impure ones take note and fix dentures securely .

The FBI was born under the Teddy Roosevelt administration when Congress would not give his Attorney General the secret permanent police force he was demanding.
J. Edgar Hoover – the Scottish Rite Masons’ most honoured member, second only to Albert Pike who proudly proclaimed their god, Lucifer is the god of good and light that fights against the evil God of the Christians who is against humanity – worked diligently to commit atrocities against the American people from the start. Hoover, a cross-dresser and puppet of the Masons, even established a Masonic chapter of the FBI called the Fidelity Chapter which Hoover insisted his agents refer to as the “Seat of Government.”
To this day the FBI has been a force of dictatorship domestically that made way for the Babylonian Deep State CIA to work alongside other nation’s Deep State Intelligence Agencies abroad and at home.

Matt Eheret joined American Media Periscope’s Shavon Ayala to discuss the new Canadian Patriot Review documentary called ‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’ and the deeper intersection of secret societies and intelligence agencies.
The documentary, produced by Jason Dahl, is narrated by Ehret and is based on an essay written by Cynthia Chung. It introduces viewers to the ancient origins of the occult societies that penetrated the heart of America’s intelligence agencies after the murder of William McKinley in 1901. These ancient occult societies have managed wars, and financial and cultural policies for over two millennia. Read more about the documentary HERE, watch the 30-minute documentary HERE and read Chung’s essay HERE.
After discussing the essence of the Luciferian doctrine underlying the FBI, Ehret and Ayala’s discussion delved into the ancient proto-Luciferian cult of Apollo which controlled pre-Christian intelligence networks and which morphed from Babylon’s Cult of Marduk to become the dominant sect controlling the Roman Empire.
They contrasted this darkness with the philosophical concepts of Plato and Augustinian Christianity that demonstrate the ontological necessity of:
  • a reasonable and good Creator to be the architect and prima mobile of the universe, and
  • humankind created in his image and endowed with immortal souls capable of both discovering and acting upon creation.
Watch Ehret and Ayala’s discussion below, or on Bitchute HERE or YouTube HERE.

American Media Periscope: The Luciferian Roots of the FBI | The Revealing Ep. 3 (60 mins)
Featured image: Scottish Rite (left)
This would explain quite a lot
This would explain quite a lot
Remarkable .
You give the Sheeple and Normies something really interesting , and probably highly relevant to what is presently happening, and you get almost total disinterest .
People like Galt and Susie have disappeared ,or ,are taking very extended vacations , and this does reduce the number of flexible and usefully enquiring minds drastically .
I fear the present situation will get hugely worse because in the next year I am sure that this planet will will come under more emotional and intellectual pressure than it has ever faced before .
Almost beyond imaginable pressures, but imho .; .
The vast majority of us will simply not know how to cope, imho , and I can only see hysteria and violence at astronomically high levels .
Of course I could be accused of Doom and Gloom and just indulging in unfounded conspiracy .
That would in no way annoy me but, more likely , there would just be a deafening silence which I suspect does not bode well for the mental well - being of a huge percentage of people and particularly here in the so called West .
I do not mind being wrong because I have untold reserves of mental flexibility , can accept and admit mistakes , plus I also realise that man's wisdom increases in very small amounts as do contributions outside of hard technological matters , and they all tend to move in a stuttering way with 99% of progress achieved from group or movement advance rather than a single person's contribution .

Now for a hot bath and another rendition of " Fuck the lot of them "
I don't know why Albert Pike is so frequently the target of misquotes and misrepresentation.

This is what he says of Lucifer: "The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"-Morals and Dogma pg. 321

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