US Intelligence: Syria Moving Chemical Weapons For Possible Use Against Rebels…

Where they came from isn't as supremely amusing as watching barack "the mouse that roared" obama making statements as if they really mean something. I would love to see him try, and get backhanded into the next century.

Even at the cost of American lives?
I support air support from America if the Syrians use sarin gas on it's population. We should not get involved up to that point. There are plenty of freedon fighters in Syria to do the ground combat. There is no need to send our troops into that country.

With precision munitions aimed at Seria's military the revolution there would be over in a matter of a couple of weeks.

What we would need is some varifyiable assurance that we could go in and remove the chemical weapons the minute the rebels won the ground war and have taken over the government. Russia still makes any U S involvement tricky but we could work something out with them prior to adding our air muscle to the Serian people's cause.
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so you're going to argue that it's just a coincidence that they have WMDs to use when we were pointing out back in 2003 that Saddam had the time and opportunity to move the weapons to Syria?

Maybe you are right, but I wouldn't pretend that it couldn't have happened if I were you.

I think the more pressing question is what is Obama going to do if Assad does use them? Because we dont need another.

Democrats have a need to pretend this never happened.

Many Of Syria's Chemical Weapons May Have Come From Saddam Hussein's Iraq -

It's time to break out the popcorn and watch obama make a fool of himself again. He's threatening to intervene like someone is going to pay attention to the vomit that comes out of his mouth. If he does, Russia can be expected to protect their military base and their ally. As painful as such a war would be, watching obama step in shit might be worth it.

I understand how you might enjoy watching Obama make a fool of himself. However, this could involve the possibilities of American soldiers being placed in the pathway of Chemical weapons. I don't particularly care for that possibility.

They are in obama's military. That's the choice they made. When a nation's military realizes that the presidebt is a fool, they can do something about it. Individually, they can defect. Many didn't want to serve or went AWOL in the 60s. They fragged the officers whose orders they disagreed with. In Egypt and Honduras the military turned their guns on the presidential palaces. Of all institutions, the military is the least toothless.

Look at it this way, American soldiers wouldn't be placed in the pathway of chemical weapons in Syria unless obama first mixed in to a civil war that's not our problem. obama exacerbated and made a rebellion that would have been quickly put down into a major civil war. He did this KNOWING that the rebels were terrorist groups and intending that those groups replace the government in Syria the way they did in Libya. He just made an error in dismissing Russia's interest in maintaining its military base in Tarsus. obama thought he really was the most powerful person on the planet. His words could make strong men weak. He was wrong. His warnings and lines will be completely ignored, as they should be. Will he run and hide or start the next world war?
Before making stupid wild ass assumptions as to where Syria got the precursors for sarin from, it would probably help to know what the shelf life of methylphosphonyl difluoride is.

Hussein has been out of power for damn near 10 years.

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Keep trying!

so you're going to argue that it's just a coincidence that they have WMDs to use when we were pointing out back in 2003 that Saddam had the time and opportunity to move the weapons to Syria?

Maybe you are right, but I wouldn't pretend that it couldn't have happened if I were you.

I think the more pressing question is what is Obama going to do if Assad does use them? Because we dont need another.

Just as you would not pretend that lightning bolts COULD fly out of your ass, right?

Obama should do NOTHING. This is not our fight.

But will be really do nothing? The empire is tough to maintain.
I support air support from America if the Syrians use sarin gas on it's population. We should not get involved up to that point. There are plenty of freedon fighters in Syria to do the ground combat. There is no need to send our troops into that country.

With precision munitions aimed at Seria's military the revolution there would be over in a matter of a couple of weeks.

What we would need is some varifyiable assurance that we could go in and remove the chemical weapons the minute the rebels won the ground war and have taken over the government. Russia still makes any U S involvement tricky but we could work something out with them prior to adding our air muscle to the Serian people's cause.

Russia will not agree to anything that does not include Assad remaining in power. The Russians will not permit their military base to fall into terrorist hands.

Keep trying!

so you're going to argue that it's just a coincidence that they have WMDs to use when we were pointing out back in 2003 that Saddam had the time and opportunity to move the weapons to Syria?

Maybe you are right, but I wouldn't pretend that it couldn't have happened if I were you.

I think the more pressing question is what is Obama going to do if Assad does use them? Because we dont need another.

Democrats have a need to pretend this never happened.

Many Of Syria's Chemical Weapons May Have Come From Saddam Hussein's Iraq -

It's time to break out the popcorn and watch obama make a fool of himself again. He's threatening to intervene like someone is going to pay attention to the vomit that comes out of his mouth. If he does, Russia can be expected to protect their military base and their ally. As painful as such a war would be, watching obama step in shit might be worth it.

Obama should immediately call in UN weapons inspectors, and give the Syrians an open time frame to "comply"...............Those crafty inspectors would get to the truth, SOMEDAY
I support air support from America if the Syrians use sarin gas on it's population. We should not get involved up to that point. There are plenty of freedon fighters in Syria to do the ground combat. There is no need to send our troops into that country.

With precision munitions aimed at Seria's military the revolution there would be over in a matter of a couple of weeks.

What we would need is some varifyiable assurance that we could go in and remove the chemical weapons the minute the rebels won the ground war and have taken over the government. Russia still makes any U S involvement tricky but we could work something out with them prior to adding our air muscle to the Serian people's cause.

Russia will not agree to anything that does not include Assad remaining in power. The Russians will not permit their military base to fall into terrorist hands.

True. The best we could hope for is for their personell to stand down and not get involved. I don't think the Russians want serin gas to get into the hands of terrorists any more than we do.
Saddam's WMDs: The Russian-Syrian Connection​

By: Ben Johnson
March 20, 2006

When a military man – especially a patriot like Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney – states Saddam Hussein shipped his WMD stockpiles to Syria before Operation Iraqi Freedom, the media castigate him for overweening fealty to his commander-in-chief. One wonders how they will react when the man making that statement is a former high-ranking official in the Iraqi military, personally called out of retirement by Saddam Hussein.

That man is Gen. Georges Sada, and his reception has consisted of silence.

Sada, the author of Saddam’s Secrets, was the number two man in Saddam Hussein’s air force. Sada’s story confirms the testimony of Lt. Gen. McInerney – from the inside.

Sada recently spoke at the Wednesday Morning Club. This author was privileged to get to interview Sada on the national radio program “Hey, Wake Up America” on February 15 – at the invitation of regular co-hosts Dave Marshall and Scott Crofut.

Sada confounded the conventional wisdom in its every detail: he said Saddam did possess stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, which were transported across the Syrian border by truck and plane in late 2002.

Before the war, Sada says Saddam invested great planning in hiding his weapons stash. “He had a committee specifically to hide [WMDs],” Sada told me. The committee met “until a natural disaster happened in Syria in 2002,” when Saddam saw his chance.

Sada says Saddam used the dam collapse in northwestern Syria as cover, sending out jets filled with WMDs – which the world would believe was humanitarian aid to Iraq’s fellow Ba’athist neighbor and longtime ally. He tells of WMDs being smuggled out of Iraq in “two ways – over the ground and air,” in “747s and 18-wheelers.” Although he was uncertain where in Syria the truck convoy was headed, he said he knew two 747s full of WMDs – “chemical and biological” – were taken to “Damascus directly by air.”

He believes the Iraqis made the transfer between September and November 2002. Though he discounts speculation about the exact date, he stated, “It [was] for sure, after the natural disaster happened in Syria.”

He told this author the foiled al-Qaeda plot to strike Amman Jordan in April 2004 shocked him out of silence. Not only did it prove the weapons still existed, but that they had the potential to kill tens of thousands of people. “These weapons have already fallen into the hands of the terrorists,” Sada said. “20,000 people were supposed to be killed in this attack. But thank the Jordanians that their intelligence managed to stop this.” When he heard of this, “I said, ‘Oh my God, these weapons have fallen into the hands of the terrorists...and then they can use them anywhere in the West, in America, so I decided to make this known, that this is the story: that the weapons have gone to Syria by air and by ground, and something must be done to stop [the rest of] these weapons [from falling] into the hands of the terrorists.”

Read more:
FrontPage Magazine - Saddam's WMDs: The Russian-Syrian Connection

The question must be asked. Was the Liberal Left lying to the people soley to discredit the Bush administration? Obviously the answer is YES!. "Now the chickens are coming home to roost". (paraphrasing Rev. J. Weight)
What is the shelf life of methylphosphonyl difluoride?

Sarin itself has a shelf life of just a few weeks.

Keeping the precursors separate provides a shelf life of about 5 years:

Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia

The invasion of Iraq was nearly 10 years ago, people.

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Sarin itself has a shelf life of just a few weeks.

Keeping the precursors separate provides a shelf life of about 5 years:

Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia

The invasion of Iraq was nearly 10 years ago, people.


Will George W. Obama invade Syria because of supposed WMD?
Will George W. Obama invade Syria because of supposed WMD?

Our military materiel and personnel, and our national treasury, are pretty much tapped out. Our troops have done four, five combat tours. That is more than enough.

There are other ways to achieve regime change. Assad's departure is virtually guaranteed at this point.

Sarin itself has a shelf life of just a few weeks.

Keeping the precursors separate provides a shelf life of about 5 years:

Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia

The invasion of Iraq was nearly 10 years ago, people.


Sadam used a few different types of gases. People are still dying from certain gases that Sadam dropped MORE than 10 years ago. Go figure.
Will George W. Obama invade Syria because of supposed WMD?

Our military materiel and personnel, and our national treasury, are pretty much tapped out. Our troops have done four, five combat tours. That is more than enough.

There are other ways to achieve regime change. Assad's departure is virtually guaranteed at this point.


So what you're trying to say is that Obama will not react and send troops to stop Assad from using, mustard gas, Sarin, VX, or yellow rain against the Syrian population, perhaps killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Will George W. Obama invade Syria because of supposed WMD?

Our military materiel and personnel, and our national treasury, are pretty much tapped out. Our troops have done four, five combat tours. That is more than enough.

There are other ways to achieve regime change. Assad's departure is virtually guaranteed at this point.


So what you're trying to say is that Obama will not react and send troops to stop Assad from using, mustard gas, Sarin, VX, or yellow rain against the Syrian population, perhaps killing hundreds of thousands of people.

So for you the only action is to send in the troops?
Our military materiel and personnel, and our national treasury, are pretty much tapped out. Our troops have done four, five combat tours. That is more than enough.

There are other ways to achieve regime change. Assad's departure is virtually guaranteed at this point.


So what you're trying to say is that Obama will not react and send troops to stop Assad from using, mustard gas, Sarin, VX, or yellow rain against the Syrian population, perhaps killing hundreds of thousands of people.

So for you the only action is to send in the troops?

I'm all for Obama and Clinton having childish tantrums while Assad begins gassing his own people. That would be their red line.
I cannot wait to hear the sounds of silence when Obama gets all Bushy on their asses at the expense of our Troops.
Will George W. Obama invade Syria because of supposed WMD?

Our military materiel and personnel, and our national treasury, are pretty much tapped out. Our troops have done four, five combat tours. That is more than enough.

There are other ways to achieve regime change. Assad's departure is virtually guaranteed at this point.


So what you're trying to say is that Obama will not react and send troops to stop Assad from using, mustard gas, Sarin, VX, or yellow rain against the Syrian population, perhaps killing hundreds of thousands of people.

No. Stop putting words in my mouth.

We did not have to send in troops to stop Khaddafi from mass slaughtering civilians, and we did not have to send in troops for his ultimate removal, either.

And don't forget the piss drinkers on the right were all up in arms over Obama intervening in Libya as much as he did, even though we did not put any troops on the ground there.

I can't help but get the feeling that the right is going to once again take its cue from Obama. If he decides not to intervene, they will manufacture some outrage. If he does decide to intervene, they will manufacture some outrage.

Notice how none of the right's leadership has come down on the issue one way or another?

They are waiting for Obama so they can be against WHATEVER HE DECIDES TO DO.

The rabid right has pretty much negated itself from being taken seriously at this point. This wild ass assumption that Syria got its sarin precursors from Saddam is only the beginning. More theater for the piss drinking rubes is sure to follow.

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I cannot wait to hear the sounds of silence when Obama gets all Bushy on their asses at the expense of our Troops.

Why on earth would we "send in our troops".

Just do a "Lybia" on em ...take out all their aircraft fixed and choppers and knock out all the tanks and personell carriers.

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