US Intelligence: Syria Moving Chemical Weapons For Possible Use Against Rebels…

I support air support from America if the Syrians use sarin gas on it's population. We should not get involved up to that point. There are plenty of freedon fighters in Syria to do the ground combat. There is no need to send our troops into that country.

With precision munitions aimed at Seria's military the revolution there would be over in a matter of a couple of weeks.

What we would need is some varifyiable assurance that we could go in and remove the chemical weapons the minute the rebels won the ground war and have taken over the government. Russia still makes any U S involvement tricky but we could work something out with them prior to adding our air muscle to the Serian people's cause.

There's no margin for errors.
Delivery systems of Syria have to be taken out by one "simultaneous" strike.
And this only the US can do, and I think US has to do it alone because a possible first-strike by a "group of nations" is too much coordination efforts and a first strike is better done through US Army's own command-hierarchy.

What comes after such possible "first strike"-scenario is another thing.
If the Syrians want to use chemical weapons among themselves .... horrible as it is....we all know many of those countries in the Middle East are crazy enough to do it would not come as a big surprise....tragic yes, surprise not!

The problem is that there is a risk that those chemical weapons could not only be used inside Syria but be taken out of the country by terrorists to use somewhere else!

Should the West just stand idle and do nothing if that happens?

I don't think so!

I do not think the west is doing nothing. NATO has already made an appearance some time back interveneing when Turkey's aircraft was shot down.

This time, "NATO told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday that any use of chemical weapons in his fight against encroaching rebel forces would be met by an immediate international response.

The warning from NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen came as U.S. government sources said Washington had information that Syria was making what could be seen as preparations to use its chemical arsenal."

Nato warns Syria not to use chemical weapons

Somehow I don't think a warning will mean much to Assad the problem is if you wait to hit him after he uses the weapons the damage is already been done it's like closing the barn door after the cows have escaped if you hit him before he uses them that becomes a rallying cry for the radical Jihadist to join him in what will then be seen as his fight against the west.
Rachel Maddow reported last night that the Syrian spokesman who swore up and down that Syria would never use chemical weapons in this conflict....defected yesterday.

Not that it would seem to phase TPTB in Syria but I think the UN/eta NATO issued a statement/warning that the use of chemical weapons on the civilian population would be a serious offense. Quite probably they have issued many statements to that effect.

I was concerned about this last year--appalled, in fact, that nothing was being done to curb the massacre. It sounds like the most tragic outcome will occur. How Russia and others ie Iran can support this type of conflict--that is beyond me. The only conclusion I can draw is that human life doesn't matter that much to them. Why on earth we should 'bow' to the wishes of that type of leaders I just don't know.

It is wrong to slaughter innocent people--those involved should be sanctioned by the global community.
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I support air support from America if the Syrians use sarin gas on it's population. We should not get involved up to that point. There are plenty of freedon fighters in Syria to do the ground combat. There is no need to send our troops into that country.

With precision munitions aimed at Seria's military the revolution there would be over in a matter of a couple of weeks.

What we would need is some varifyiable assurance that we could go in and remove the chemical weapons the minute the rebels won the ground war and have taken over the government. Russia still makes any U S involvement tricky but we could work something out with them prior to adding our air muscle to the Serian people's cause.

There's no margin for errors.
Delivery systems of Syria have to be taken out by one "simultaneous" strike.
And this only the US can do, and I think US has to do it alone because a possible first-strike by a "group of nations" is too much coordination efforts and a first strike is better done through US Army's own command-hierarchy.

What comes after such possible "first strike"-scenario is another thing.

What should happen---'everybody' should keep their mouths shut--'Thanks' not needed. If 'somebody' has to do this and the US can/will do it --enough said.

That is not what will happen, of course. 'The end of the world' is a possibility.

'first strike'--US identifies sites and ???uses missiles or other devices to destroy the sites??

Would Air Force members have to fly these planes or can unmanned aircraft be used? Not familiar with the specifics of our defense system, so this is a legitimate question if an unbelievably ignorant question.
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The only reason the Russians would say that is if they are up to their necks in Syrias Bio Weapons systems defense.

The good news..

The U S wrote the book on "First Strike". There is no country on earth that can prevent our capability to render it 100% helpless in a first strike.

The Russians will talk big cuz that's all they have is big talk. When push comes to shove they will evacuate their personell and leave Assad to his own demise.
Rachel Maddow reported last night that the Syrian spokesman who swore up and down that Syria would never use chemical weapons in this conflict....defected yesterday.

Not that it would seem to phase TPTB in Syria but I think the UN/eta NATO issued a statement/warning that the use of chemical weapons on the civilian population would be a serious offense. Quite probably they have issued many statements to that effect.

I was concerned about this last year--appalled, in fact, that nothing was being done to curb the massacre. It sounds like the most tragic outcome will occur. How Russia and others ie Iran can support this type of conflict--that is beyond me. The only conclusion I can draw is that human life doesn't matter that much to them. Why on earth we should 'bow' to the wishes of that type of leaders I just don't know.

It is wrong to slaughter innocent people--those involved should be sanctioned by the global community.

Of course it's wrong.... but what do you expect from Islamic Religious Fanatics????

That's Arab Spring for ya!

Thanks to poor idiotic misleaded joke of a President, Hussein Obama!
If the Syrians want to use chemical weapons among themselves .... horrible as it is....we all know many of those countries in the Middle East are crazy enough to do it would not come as a big surprise....tragic yes, surprise not!

The problem is that there is a risk that those chemical weapons could not only be used inside Syria but be taken out of the country by terrorists to use somewhere else!

Should the West just stand idle and do nothing if that happens?

I don't think so!

I do not think the west is doing nothing. NATO has already made an appearance some time back interveneing when Turkey's aircraft was shot down.

This time, "NATO told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday that any use of chemical weapons in his fight against encroaching rebel forces would be met by an immediate international response.

The warning from NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen came as U.S. government sources said Washington had information that Syria was making what could be seen as preparations to use its chemical arsenal."

Nato warns Syria not to use chemical weapons

Somehow I don't think a warning will mean much to Assad the problem is if you wait to hit him after he uses the weapons the damage is already been done it's like closing the barn door after the cows have escaped if you hit him before he uses them that becomes a rallying cry for the radical Jihadist to join him in what will then be seen as his fight against the west.

I do not believe NATO is speaking on behalf of the Syrian people in as much as attempting to stabilize the area while addressing the tenuous relationship Turkey has with Syrian.
Rachel Maddow reported last night that the Syrian spokesman who swore up and down that Syria would never use chemical weapons in this conflict....defected yesterday.

Not that it would seem to phase TPTB in Syria but I think the UN/eta NATO issued a statement/warning that the use of chemical weapons on the civilian population would be a serious offense. Quite probably they have issued many statements to that effect.

I was concerned about this last year--appalled, in fact, that nothing was being done to curb the massacre. It sounds like the most tragic outcome will occur. How Russia and others ie Iran can support this type of conflict--that is beyond me. The only conclusion I can draw is that human life doesn't matter that much to them. Why on earth we should 'bow' to the wishes of that type of leaders I just don't know.

It is wrong to slaughter innocent people--those involved should be sanctioned by the global community.

Of course it's wrong.... but what do you expect from Islamic Religious Fanatics????

That's Arab Spring for ya!

Thanks to poor idiotic misleaded joke of a President, Hussein Obama!

Do you always carry that chip on your shoulder, oops Islamics fight Islamics= Obama's fault, why I bet you could got back twenty years ago and still blame Oblama for the Lebanese civil war.
Not that it would seem to phase TPTB in Syria but I think the UN/eta NATO issued a statement/warning that the use of chemical weapons on the civilian population would be a serious offense. Quite probably they have issued many statements to that effect.

I was concerned about this last year--appalled, in fact, that nothing was being done to curb the massacre. It sounds like the most tragic outcome will occur. How Russia and others ie Iran can support this type of conflict--that is beyond me. The only conclusion I can draw is that human life doesn't matter that much to them. Why on earth we should 'bow' to the wishes of that type of leaders I just don't know.

It is wrong to slaughter innocent people--those involved should be sanctioned by the global community.

Of course it's wrong.... but what do you expect from Islamic Religious Fanatics????

That's Arab Spring for ya!

Thanks to poor idiotic misleaded joke of a President, Hussein Obama!

Do you always carry that chip on your shoulder, oops Islamics fight Islamics= Obama's fault, why I bet you could got back twenty years ago and still blame Oblama for the Lebanese civil war.

Put a sock on it ...and go enlist the Army.... they might make a man out of you
Accoding to the latest the sarin has been mixed, aerosolized and put into fracturable cannisters ready to be drpped fom planes. Sarin breaks down rather quickly so it will have to be used soon.

So much for taking obama's warning seriously.

Thank you presidebt obama. You did this.
Accoding to the latest the sarin has been mixed, aerosolized and put into fracturable cannisters ready to be drpped fom planes. Sarin breaks down rather quickly so it will have to be used soon.

So much for taking obama's warning seriously.

Thank you presidebt obama. You did this.

Our Hussein Obama is such a great friend of all Islamists.... :clap2:

F*** him
'first strike'--US identifies sites and ???uses missiles or other devices to destroy the sites??

I think, that "sites" are already identified at this stage of the mess in Syria.
If there are 1.000 targets these have to be taken out all by once without giving Assad the initiative to react and go Kamikaze with the chemical weapons mounted on missiles.

Would Air Force members have to fly these planes or can unmanned aircraft be used? Not familiar with the specifics of our defense system, so this is a legitimate question if an unbelievably ignorant question.
I'm not a military-expert but I don't think, that "unmanned aircraft" would be used. Most likely ship- and air-launched missiles together with glide-bombs from bombers.
And yes, USA has the firepower to do it with least amount of risks amongst the available options if it is decided, that this whole "chemical weapon"-thingy has to get out of the news.

The only reason the Russians would say that is if they are up to their necks in Syrias Bio Weapons systems defense.

The good news..

The U S wrote the book on "First Strike". There is no country on earth that can prevent our capability to render it 100% helpless in a first strike.

The Russians will talk big cuz that's all they have is big talk. When push comes to shove they will evacuate their personell and leave Assad to his own demise.

That sounds about right--the Russian involvement and how they will respond.

It is a relief to know that 'if necessary' we can do what has to be done.

Thanks to wikipedia I am now more informed about 'first strike'. We have an intimidating arsenal of missiles it seems.

Another article said --'SOS Clinton wouldn't specify what action the US would take but there would be appropriate consequences...'

NATO has positioned some missiles at a base in Turkey and perhaps elsewhere.

Not an easy decision to make, perhaps comparable to Truman's decision to bomb Hiroshima. A last resort. Sometimes it comes to that.
Of course it's wrong.... but what do you expect from Islamic Religious Fanatics????

That's Arab Spring for ya!

Thanks to poor idiotic misleaded joke of a President, Hussein Obama!

Do you always carry that chip on your shoulder, oops Islamics fight Islamics= Obama's fault, why I bet you could got back twenty years ago and still blame Oblama for the Lebanese civil war.

Put a sock on it ...and go enlist the Army.... they might make a man out of you

Done did my time in the Army, how about you?
So we need to attack yet another country based on what they might do instead of what they have done?

Ahh the Bush doctrine lives in his followers.
Accoding to the latest the sarin has been mixed, aerosolized and put into fracturable cannisters ready to be drpped fom planes. Sarin breaks down rather quickly so it will have to be used soon.

So much for taking obama's warning seriously.

Thank you presidebt obama. You did this.

Our Hussein Obama is such a great friend of all Islamists.... :clap2:

F*** him

Tell that to all the dead Muslims.
Accoding to the latest the sarin has been mixed, aerosolized and put into fracturable cannisters ready to be drpped fom planes. Sarin breaks down rather quickly so it will have to be used soon.

So much for taking obama's warning seriously.

Thank you presidebt obama. You did this.

Our Hussein Obama is such a great friend of all Islamists.... :clap2:

F*** him

Tell that to all the dead Muslims.

Dead Muslims?????? :D What? Where? :clap2:

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