US intelligence: Ukraine counter offensive a failure


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

Yep. To keep the Russians in Russia.

Let them try.


We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

the blame game and finger pointing has started
We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

Biden has to pay up after he took bribes.
We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

They knew from day one....that the Ukraine counter offensive was a failure...

And still......they let all those poor Ukrainian men .... they let them go to the meat grinder

Those people pushing for a war in Ukraine are criminals
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Russia didn't stay in Russia because NATO didn't stay in Germany.

You can parrot the bullshit about recreating the Russian Empire all you want but the reality check says western countries have only themselves to blame for the clusterfuck in Ukraine.
Russia has of couse deliberately let the Kyiv Nazis go through their summer so called counter offensive routine , but as with their previous two armies , they have been devastated .Losses of everything have been massive There will probably be a multi incident attempted flourish over the next 48 hours because it is World Ukrainian day on Thursday and Zelensky is like a hunted rat , desperate for some brief 15 minutes of glory before demise .Then the Russian offensive will continue --- already they have started to advance in the last few days . It will be carnage .
Russia didn't stay in Russia because NATO didn't stay in Germany.

You can parrot the bullshit about recreating the Russian Empire all you want but the reality check says western countries have only themselves to blame for the clusterfuck in Ukraine.
1. NATO isn't just in Germany
2. NATO has who to blame for the Ukraine war?
3. What happened to Putin's 3-day war to capture Ukraine, it turned into a clusterfuck.
4. Russia's economy is a shambles, the men are refusing to enter the military, the war is Putin's disaster.
Russia has of couse deliberately let the Kyiv Nazis go through their summer so called counter offensive routine , but as with their previous two armies , they have been devastated .Losses of everything have been massive There will probably be a multi incident attempted flourish over the next 48 hours because it is World Ukrainian day on Thursday and Zelensky is like a hunted rat , desperate for some brief 15 minutes of glory before demise .Then the Russian offensive will continue --- already they have started to advance in the last few days . It will be carnage .
Ukraine keeps getting military aid from the civilized world.
Putin is dealing with Xi and China.
Putin's 3-day war is a Russian disaster.
Ukraine keeps getting military aid from the civilized world.
Putin is dealing with Xi and China.
Putin's 3-day war is a Russian disaster.
An interesting evaluation . But Dear Uncle P has around 25% of former Ukraine and now the Kyiv Nazis have had two armies obliterated and the present one , the third , on the point of going the same way . Now Dear Uncle and his brave boys will take the other four regions that are on his list . A very successful operation, with the Nazis suffering around 400 000 dead and hundreds of thousands of others maimed and wounded. With Russia losing around 10% of those figures . The duration was and is largely academic and Uncle Volodya never meant three days literally . Regardless , very good business for Russia and an unmitigated disaster for the US Nazis and all of the proxy forces that have been misled .
An interesting evaluation . But Dear Uncle P has around 25% of former Ukraine and now the Kyiv Nazis have had two armies obliterated and the present one , the third , on the point of going the same way . Now Dear Uncle and his brave boys will take the other four regions that are on his list . A very successful operation, with the Nazis suffering around 400 000 dead and hundreds of thousands of others maimed and wounded. With Russia losing around 10% of those figures . The duration was and is largely academic and Uncle Volodya never meant three days literally . Regardless , very good business for Russia and an unmitigated disaster for the US Nazis and all of the proxy forces that have been misled .
You type a lot of lies komrad. 120,000 dead Russians and counting vs 70,000 dead Ukes.

More lies. Russia has about 10% of Ukraine, not 25%.
1) Putin is an imminent threat to capture everything between Moscow and Lisbon.
2) The Ukes have kicked his ass and are pushing his forces back on all fronts.
Two tropes that have been fed to us from the start of this conflict, alternately and simultaneously, though variants of the first one have been around since the middle of shrub’s first term.
One is tempted to ask which is true as there is no evidence for either.

US intelligence: Ukraine counter offensive a failure​

One thing is glaringly obvious, since December 7, 1941 the overriding failure on all fronts lies at the feet of US intelligence. US intelligence is the biggest misnomer and failure in history.
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We all know why were in Ukraine ... don’t we

They just need like a hundred billion more.

Plus US boots on the ground.


xiden has completely failed the people of ukraine
A commander in chief of a cowardly nature.....he was only willing to give Ukraine enough to keep them fighting....not enough to win.

The european nations also share much of the blame...being of a niggadly nature.

Once again we see anything sloe joe gets involved in......turns to shit.
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Yep. To keep the Russians in Russia.

Exactly. They can't have their ukranian and United States money laundering scheme revealed or stopped.

That's the only thing it can be. Ukraine has been widely known as being one of those most corrupt countries in the world for many decades. They also serve us no purpose or do anything for America. Yet suddenly they become the veritable babe in the woods as soon as Russia invades them and they send them billions and billions of dollars and billions more in equipment? No, this isn't about keeping Russians in Russia.

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